Conformance Statement Checklist

for TOGAF 7 TRAINING Product Standard

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Organization and Course Information

Enter the name, organization, and email address of the author of this Conformance Statement Checklist.

Name Organization Email Address

Enter the name of the Organization (Enterprise, Division, etc.) for which TOGAF 7 TRAINING certification is being sought.

Enterprise Name Division / Organization

Enter the name of the course for which TOGAF 7 TRAINING certification is being sought (or the names of the courses, where a group of related courses are to be certified).

Course Title and Version Number

Conformance Checklist - TOGAF 7 TRAINING

Question 7 in the TOGAF TRAINING Conformance Statement Questionnaire asks about the topic coverage of the Course to be certified.  The following table contains a checklist of all the items that should be covered in the syllabus of a conformant Course. For each entry in the Topic column, enter under the Syllabus Reference(s) column the reference to the part of the course syllabus in which the topic is addressed in the course.

1.   TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Process

Phase A: Initiation and Framework

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
1.A.1. Establish IT Governance   
1.A.2. Formulate, document, publish and mandate the Architecture Principles  
1.A.3. Obtain and verify the Request for Architecture Work
1.A.4. Identify, document and rank the problem that is driving the project
1.A.5. Identify environment and document, as business architecture models, the business and technical environment where the problem situation is occurring
1.A.6. Identify and document desired objectives, the results of handling the problems successfully
1.A.7. Identify human actors and their place in business model, the human participants and their roles
1.A.8. Identify computer actors and their place in technology model, the computing elements and their roles
1.A.9. Identify and document roles, responsibilities and measures of success per actor, the required scripts per actor, and the desired results of handling the situation properly
1.A.10. Document the Statement of Architecture Work
1.A.11. Check the original motivation for the project against the Statement of Architecture Work and Business Architecture, and refine only if necessary
1.A.12. Document, verify and deliver Business Architecture Version 1.

Phase B: Baseline Description 

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
1.B.1. Verify access to organization's Solutions Continuum to identify re-usable Solutions Building Blocks (if available)
1.B.2. Identify existing technology in a brainstorming session specifically set-up to identify re-usable assets
1.B.3. Brainstorm candidate architecture building blocks in a discovery session and document
1.B.4. Document, verify and deliver Business Architecture Version 2
1.B.5. Add any newly identified re-usable Solutions Building Blocks to organization's Solutions Continuum

Phase C: Target Architecture

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
1.C.1. Create a baseline description in the TOGAF format

1.C.1.1 Verify access to organization's Architecture Continuum to identify re-usable Architecture Building Blocks (if available)

1.C.1.2 Collect data on current system description

1.C.1.3 Document all constraints

1.C.1.4 Brainstorm technical architecture principles

1.C.1.6 List distinct functionality

1.C.1.7 Produce affinity groupings of functionality using TOGAF TRM service groupings

1.C.1.8 Analyze relationships between groupings

1.C.1.9 Sanity check functionality to assure all of current system considered

1.C.1.10 Identify interfaces

1.C.1.11 Produce technical architecture model

1.C.1.12 Verify technical architecture model

1.C.1.13 Document key questions to test merits of technical architecture

1.C.1.14 Document criteria for selection of service portfolio architecture

1.C.1.15 Document, verify and deliver Technical Architecture Version 0.1:

1.C.2. Consider different architectural viewpoints

1.C.2.1 Brainstorm session to choose relevant viewpoints

1.C.2.2 Select the modeling tool for each viewpoint

1.C.2.3 Brainstorm and document technical constraints deriving from analysis of the concerns, and ensure they are covered by the viewpoints.

1.C.2.4 Develop and document relevant viewpoints

1.C.2.5 Undertake trade-off analysis of viewpoints

1.C.2.6 Document, verify and deliver Technical Architecture Version 0.2

1.C.3. Create an architectural model of building blocks

1.C.3.1 For each viewpoint, create the model for the specific view required, using the selected tool

1.C.3.2 Assure that all stakeholder concerns are covered. If they are not, create new models to address concerns not covered, or augment existing models

1.C.3.3 Perform trade-off analysis to resolve conflicts (if any) among the different views.

1.C.3.4 Validate that the models accommodate the constraints

1.C.3.5 Note changes to the services viewpoint (the TRM model) and document

1.C.3.6 Identify solution building blocks that would be used to implement the system, and create a model of building blocks

1.C.3.7 Check building blocks against existing library of building blocks and re-use as appropriate

1.C.3.8 Test architecture models for completeness against requirements

1.C.3.9 Document rationale for building block decisions in architecture document

1.C.3.10 Document, verify and deliver Technical Architecture Version 0.3:

1.C.3.11 Verify and deliver Technical Architecture Model

1.C.3.12 Make extensions or amendments as appropriate to the organization-specific architecture continuum

1.C.4. Select the services portfolio required per building block

1.C.4.1 Verify access to TOGAF Standards Information Base

1.C.4.2 Produce affinity grouping of services

1.C.4.3 Cross-check affinity groups against needs

1.C.4.4 Document service description portfolio for each Architectural Building Block cross-checking for non-conflicting services

1.C.4.5 Document change requests to architectures in architecture continuum

1.C.4.6 Document, verify and deliver Technical Architecture Version 0.4

1.C.5. Confirm that the business goals and objectives are met

1.C.5.1 Utilizing the key questions list ensure that the architecture addresses each question

1.C.5.2 Document Requirements Traceability and findings.

1.C.5.3 Document, verify and deliver Technical Architecture Version 0.5

1.C.6. Determine criteria for specification selection

1.C.6.1 Brainstorm criteria for choosing specifications and portfolios of specifications relying on previously used criteria for existing system and extrapolating for new architectural elements

1.C.6.2 Meet with sponsors and present current state to negotiate a continue request from sponsors

1.C.6.3 Document, verify and deliver Technical Architecture Version 0.6

1.C.7. Complete the architecture definition

1.C.7.1 Ensure clear documentation of all interfaces for each building block (APIs, data formats, protocols, hardware interfaces)

1.C.7.2 Select standards for each interface of the architecture building blocks, reusing as much as possible from TOGAF TRM

1.C.7.3 Fully document each architecture building block

1.C.7.4 Final cross check against business goals

1.C.7.5 Document final requirements traceability reports

1.C.7.6 Create final mapping of the architectures within the architecture continuum

1.C.7.7 Document, verify and deliver Technical Architecture Version 0.7

1.C.8 Conduct a gap analysis

1.C.8.1 Brainstorm gaps in functions

1.C.8.2 Brainstorm eliminated functions

1.C.8.3 Classify gaps as those that should be developed and those that should be procured

1.C.8.4 Create gap matrix described above

1.C.8.5 Document, verify and deliver Technical Architecture Version 1.0

Phase D: Opportunities and Solutions

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
1.D.1 Verify access to functional descriptions of products that are candidates for the implementation
1.D.2 Verify access to architectural descriptions of elements that are candidates for the implementation
1.D.3 Brainstorming session on technical requirements from a functional perspective
1.D.4 Brainstorming session on co-existence and interoperability requirements
1.D.5 Architecture assessment and gap analysis.
1.D.6 Project identification and classification (such as new development, purchase opportunity, or redeployment of existing system)
1.D.7 Document, verify and deliver Impact Analysis – Project List

Phase E: Migration Planning

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
1.E.1 Project prioritization
1.E.2 Migration brainstorm session
1.E.3 Dependencies, costs and benefits assessment of the various migration projects
1.E.4 Risk assessment
1.E.5 Roadmap (time-lined) generation
1.E.6 Document, verify and deliver Impact Analysis – Migration Plan

Phase F: Implementation

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
1.F.1 Project recommendation formulation, for each separate implementation project

1.F.1.1 Document scope of individual project in Impact Analysis

1.F.1.2 Document strategic requirements (from the architectural perspective) in Impact Analysis

1.F.1.3 Document change requests in Impact Analysis

1.F.1.4 Document rules for conformance in Impact Analysis

1.F.1.5 Document time-line requirements from road-map in Impact Analysis

1.F.1.6 Document, verify and deliver Impact Analysis – Implementation Recommendations

1.F.2 Document the Architecture Contract

1.F.2.1 Obtain signature from all developing organizations and sponsoring organization

Phase G: Architecture Maintenance

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
1.G.1 Verify access to new technology reports
1.G.2 Verify access to new business changes
1.G.3 Ongoing monitoring of technology changes
1.G.4 Ongoing monitoring of business changes
1.G.5 Assessment of changes and development of position to act
1.G.6 Meeting of governing council to decide on handling changes (technology and business)
1.G.7 Document, verify and deliver Technical Architecture updates.
1.G.8 Document, verify and deliver New Requests for Architecture Work


2.   TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Information Sets

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
2.1 The Architecture Principles
2.2 The Request for Architecture Work
2.3 The Statement of Architecture Work
2.4 Architecture Views
2.5 Re-usable Solution Building Blocks
2.6 Re-usable Architecture Building Blocks
2.7 Product Information
2.8 New Technology Reports
2.9 The Business Architecture
2.10 The Technical Architecture
2.11 The Impact Analysis

2.11.1 Project list

2.11.2 Time oriented migration plan

2.11.3 Implementation recommendations

2.12 The Architecture Contract


3. TOGAF Foundation Architecture

3.1  The Technical Reference Model (TRM)

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
3.1.1 The purpose, structure and use of the TRM
3.1.2 Taxonomy of Platform Services Network Services Operating Systems Services Software Engineering Services Security Services System and Network Management Services Transaction Processing Services Location & Directory Services User Interface Services International Operation Services Data Interchange Services Data Management Services Graphics and Imaging Services Object-Oriented Provision of Services
3.1.3 Taxonomy of Application Platform Service Qualities Availability Manageability Serviceability Performance Reliability Adaptability Scalability Programmability Extensibility Object and component handling Interoperability Locatability Usability International operation Assurance Security. Recoverability Integrity Credibility

3.2 The Standards Information Base (SIB)

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
3.2.1 Access to the SIB
3.2.2 Searching the SIB
3.2.3 Using the information in the SIB


4. The Enterprise Continuum

4.1 The Architecture Continuum

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
4.1.1 The concept of the Architecture Continuum
4.1.2 Moving around the Architecture Continuum
4.1.3 The Continuum as a repository of reusable Architecture Building Blocks
4.1.4 The relationship to the Solutions Continuum

4.2 The Solutions Continuum

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
4.2.1 The concept of the Solutions Continuum
4.2.2 Moving around the Solutions Continuum
4.2.3 The Solutions Continuum as a repository of reusable Solution Building Blocks


5. TOGAF and Other Architectures / Frameworks

5.1 The Positioning of TOGAF

Topic Syllabus Reference(s)
5.1.1 Positioning information
5.1.2 Explaining it to users

5.2 Examples

Examples of other Architecture Frameworks referenced in TOGAF (for example, C4ISR, Enterprise Architecture Planning, Zachman Framework, etc.).

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