Minutes of the 13th July 2023 Teleconference Austin-1325 Page 1 of 1
Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. 14th July 2023
Don Cragun, IEEE PASC OR
Andrew Josey, The Open Group
Geoff Clare, The Open Group
Eric Ackermann, HPI, University of Potsdam
Eric Blake, Red Hat, The Open Group OR
Nick Stoughton, Logitech/USENIX, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 OR (partial)
Tom Thompson, IEEE
Mark Ziegast, SHware Systems Dev.
* General news
The meetings on July 20 and 24 will be webex meetings.
* Current Business
Note for issue resolution all items are tagged for Issue 8 unless
noted otherwise or disposition is reject or duplicate.
Bug 1727: strptime() spec needs updates to deal with other changes. Accepted as Marked
On page 2145 line 70181 section strptime() (%a), append:
The tm_wday member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to the corresponding day of the week number (Sunday=0).
On page 2146 line 70184 section strptime() (%b), append:
The tm_mon member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to the corresponding month number.
On page 2146 line 70186 section strptime() (%c), append:
The members of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall be set
as specified for the conversions present in the locale's d_t_fmt
On page 2146 line 70189 section strptime() (%C), append:
The tm_year member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to the number formed by appending the last two digits
of the year to these digits, minus 1900. If a y
conversion is also performed, the last two digits of the year
shall be those processed by the y conversion; otherwise,
they shall be 00.
On page 2146 line 70190 section strptime() (%d), append:
The tm_mday member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to this number.
On page 2146 line 70191 section strptime() (%D), change:
The date as %m/%d/%y.
Equivalent to %m/%d/%y.
On page 2146 line 70198 section strptime() (%F), append:
The members of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall be set
as specified for the Y, m, and d
On page 2146 line 70209 section strptime() (%H), append:
The tm_hour member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to this number.
On page 2146 line 70211 section strptime() (%I), append:
If a p conversion is also performed, the tm_hour member
of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall be set to the hour,
by the 24-hour clock, corresponding to the combined results of
the I and p conversions. If a p
conversion is not also performed, the behavior is unspecified.
On page 2146 line 70213 section strptime() (%j), append:
The tm_yday member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to this number minus 1.
On page 2146 line 70214 section strptime() (%m), append:
The tm_mon member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to this number minus 1.
On page 2146 line 70215 section strptime() (%M), append:
The tm_min member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to this number.
On page 2146 line 70217 section strptime() (%p), append:
If an I conversion is also performed, the tm_hour
member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall be set as
specified for the I conversion; otherwise, the behavior
is unspecified.
On page 2146 line 70219 section strptime() (%r), append:
The members of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall be set
as specified for the conversions present in the locale's
t_fmt_ampm value.
On page 2146 line 70220 section strptime() (%R), change:
The time as %H:%M.
Equivalent to %H:%M.
On page 2146 line 70222 section strptime() (%s), add a sentence:
The effect of this number, if any, on the tm structure pointed
to by tm is unspecified.
and remove the CX shading from the description of the s conversion.
On page 2147 line 70223 section strptime() (%S), append:
The tm_sec member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to this number.
On page 2147 line 70225 section strptime() (%T), change:
The time as %H:%M:%S.
Equivalent to %H:%M:%S.
On page 2147 line 70226 section strptime() (%u), append:
The tm_wday member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to this number modulo 7.
On page 2147 line 70233 section strptime() (%w), append:
The tm_wday member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to this number.
On page 2147 line 70237 section strptime() (%x), append:
The members of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall be set
as specified for the conversions present in the locale's d_fmt
On page 2147 line 70238 section strptime() (%X), append:
The members of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall be set
as specified for the conversions present in the locale's t_fmt
On page 2147 line 70238 section strptime() (%y), change:
When format contains neither a C conversion specifier
nor a Y conversion specifier, values in the range ...
If a C conversion is not also performed, values in the
range ...
On page 2147 line 70243 section strptime() (%y), append:
If a C conversion is also performed, the tm_year member
of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall be set as specified
for the C conversion; otherwise, the tm_year member
shall be set to the calculated year minus 1900.
On page 2147 line 70249 section strptime() (%Y), append:
The tm_year member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall
be set to this number minus 1900.
On page 2147 line 70251 section strptime() (%Z), change:
If this name matches tzname[1], and tzname[0] and tzname[1]
differ, then the tm_isdst field of the tm structure pointed to
by tm shall be set to 1. Otherwise, if this name matches tzname[0]
then the tm_isdst field of the tm structure pointed to by tm
shall be set to 0. Any other effects on the tm structure pointed
to by tm are unspecified.
If this name matches the name pointed to by tzname[1], and the
names pointed to by tzname[0] and tzname[1] differ, then the
tm_isdst member of the tm structure pointed to by tm shall be
set to 1. Otherwise, if this name matches the name pointed to
by tzname[0] then the tm_isdst member of the tm structure pointed
to by tm shall be set to 0. The tm_zone and tm_gmtoff members
of the structure may also be set in an unspecified manner.
Members other than tm_isdst, tm_zone, and tm_gmtoff may be
affected if an s conversion is also performed but shall
otherwise not be affected.
On page 2149 line 70311 section strptime(), change:
If a match is found, values for the appropriate tm structure
members are set to values corresponding to the locale information.
If a match is found, values for the affected tm structure members
are set as specified in the description of the conversion
After page 2150 line 70349 section strptime() (APPLICATION USAGE), add:
The effect of the s conversion is unspecified because
existing implementations differ in behavior. Some do a conversion
equivalent to gmtime(), ignoring all available timezone
information; some do a conversion equivalent to localtime(),
using the same timezone it would use and ignoring any timezone
information provided by a z or Z conversion.
Although none has been observed, there may be existing (or
future) implementations that use timezone information provided
by a z or Z conversion, although using the
latter would not be reliable as timezone names are often
ambiguous. Applications that need to convert a seconds since
the Epoch value to a tm structure should call gmtime() or
localtime() (or their thread-safe equivalents) directly.
The effect of the z conversion is unspecified because
existing implementations differ in behavior. Some just use it
to set the tm_gmtoff member of the tm structure; some use the
value to adjust the other field members to represent UTC, convert
the resulting time to a seconds since the Epoch value, and then
convert back to a tm structure by the equivalent of localtime().
An application that needs either of these behaviors should
perform the necessary processing explicitly itself.
Although the Z conversion might be expected to set the
tm_zone member of the tm structure, no existing implementation
has been found that sets it. Applications that need it set
should set it explicitly after calling strptime().
Bug 1734: XSH mkdtemp function errors (IEEE/I-2) Accepted as Marked
(bugnote 6303).
Add a period to the end of the EILSEQ error condition for mkdir()
on P1405, L47222.
Delete P1410, L47355-47378 (ERRORS for mkdtemp()).
Add a new sentence to the start of the paragraph on P1410, L47381
(ERRORS for mkdtemp()):
Additional error conditions for the mkdtemp( ) function are
defined in mkdir( ).
Bug 1735: XRAT Removed Functions in Issue 8 table. (IEEE/I-3) Accepted as Marked
Make the changes suggested by bugnote 6298 remedy 3 (with the added functions in alphabetic order in the resulting updated table).
The STREAMS function to add are:
The Tracing functions to add are those listed on the page in POSIX.1-2017.
Bug 1736: XRAT B.1.1 (IEEE/I-4) Accepted
Bug 1737: Table of contents missing items (IEEE/I-5 thru I-30) Accepted as Marked
(bugnote 6310)
This was traced to a bug/feature in the macro used to generate the
table of contents. It has been fixed and the latest gitlab build
now has all of the entries that were requested here (although it
puts Figures before Tables).
Bug 1738: Synchronization comment (IEEE/I-31)
Leave open until all issue8 draft 3 comments are resolved.
Bug 1739: Document organization (ISO/US-001) Rejected
Closed, rejected.
Issue 8 drafts are in the same format as the Issue 7 standard. This
has been a single ISO Standard since the ISO 9945:2009 standard was
approved. There are no Parts 1 to 4 of this standard any longer.
ISO page for the 2009 standard: https://www.iso.org/standard/50516.html
ISO pages for the four parts of the 2003 standard:
Therefore, this bug is rejected.
We will continue with Issue 8 Draft 3 ballot resolution on the next call.
The next item is
Bug 1740: LC_COLLATE NUL (ISO/US-002)
We started and will continue.
Next Steps
The next call is on:
Mon 2023-07-17 (General bugs/ballot resolution)
Thu 2023-07-20 (Webex meeting- general bugs/ballot resolution)
Thu 2023-07-24 (Webex meeting- general bugs/ballot resolution)
The calls are for 90 minutes
Calls are anchored on US time. (8am Pacific)
Please check the calendar invites for dial in details.
Apologies in advance:
Nick Stoughton 2023-07-20, 2023-07-24
Bugs are at:
An etherpad is usually up for the meeting, with a URL using the date format as below:
(For write access this uses The Open Group single sign on,
for those individuals with gitlab.opengroup.org accounts.
Please contact Andrew if you need to be setup)