Document Number: AUSTIN/16r1 Title: POSIX.13 Slice and Dice Units of Functionality Revision Date: 1999-03-04 Original Date: 1999-03-02 Source: Andrew Josey, Chair Action: for review The "slice and dice options" should be handled in the same manner as feature groups within the existing XSH volume. Thus there will be a notation added to the NAME section of the interface, for example NAME sysconf - get configurable system variables (POSIX_SINGLE_PROCESS) Since this affects whole interfaces only , there is no need for additional margin notations for the "slice and dice" options. These are the list of notation "NAMES" to be added . _POSIX_SINGLE_PROCESS _POSIX_MULTI_PROCESS _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL _POSIX_SIGNALS _POSIX_USER_GROUPS _POSIX_FILE_SYSTEM _POSIX_FILE_ATTRIBUTES _POSIX_FD_MGMT _POSIX_DEVICE_IO _POSIX_DEVICE_SPECIFIC _POSIX_SYSTEM_DATABASE _POSIX_PIPE _POSIX_FIFO _POSIX_USER_GROUPS_R _POSIX_DEVICE_SPECIFIC _POSIX_FILE_LOCKING _POSIX_C_LANG_SUPPORT_R _POSIX_SYSTEM_DATABASE_R _POSIX_C_LANG_SUPPORT _POSIX_PII The following tables are derived from P1003.13 D9 and note the "slice and dice" name and map the name to be added to the NAME section together with the affected functions. Its assumed that tables similar to this would appear in the front matter , together with a brief description. (Derived from P1003.13 D9 Table 1-1 -- POSIX.1 Units of Functionality ) Unit of Functionality vs Included Functions --------------------------------------------- POSIX_SINGLE_PROCESS sysconf(), time(), uname() __________________________________________ POSIX_MULTI_PROCESS execl(), execle(), execlp(), execv(), execve(), execvp(), fork(), getenv(), getpid(), getppid(), sleep(), times(), wait(), waitpid (), _exit(), C language support: assert (), exit (), setlocale () __________________________________________ POSIX_JOB_CONTROL setpgid(), tcgetpgrp (), tcsetpgrp () __________________________________________ POSIX_SIGNALS alarm(), kill(), pause(), sigaction (), sigaddset (), sigdelset(), sigemptyset (), sigfillset(), sigismember(), sigpending(), sigprocmask (), sigsupend(), C language support: abort (), sigsetjmp (), siglongjmp () __________________________________________ POSIX_USER_GROUPS geteuid(), getegid(), getgid(), getgroups(), getlogin(), getpgrp() getuid(), setgid(), setsid(), setuid() __________________________________________ POSIX_FILE_SYSTEM access(), chdir(), closedir (), creat(), fpathconf (), fstat (), getcwd(), link() mkdir(), opendir(), pathconf (), read- dir(), rename(), rewinddir(), rmdir(), stat(), unlink(), utime() C language support: remove(), rename(), tmpfile(), tmpnam() __________________________________________ POSIX_FILE_ATTRIBUTES chmod(), chown(), umask() __________________________________________ POSIX_FD_MGMT dup(), dup2(), fcntl(), lseek() C language support: fseek (), ftell (), rewind() __________________________________________ POSIX_DEVICE_IO open(), close(), read(), write() C Language Support: clearerr (), getc (), getchar (), gets (), fclose (), fdopen() feof (), ferror (), fflush(), fgetc (), fgets (), fileno(), fopen (), fprintf (), fputc (), fputs (), fread (), freopen (), fscanf (), fwrite (), perror (), printf (), putc (), putchar (), puts (), sprintf (), scanf (), sscanf (), setbuf (), ungetc() __________________________________________ POSIX_DEVICE_SPECIFIC cfgetispeed (), cfgetospeed (), cfsetispeed (), cfsetospeed (), ctermid(), isatty (), tcgetattr (), tcsetattr (), tcsendbreak (), tcdrain (), tcflush(), tcflow(), ttyname() __________________________________________ POSIX_SYSTEM_DATABASE getgrgid(), getgrnam(), getpwnam(), getpwuid() __________________________________________ POSIX_PIPE pipe() __________________________________________ POSIX_FIFO mkfifo() __________________________________________ (This next bit derived from P1003.13 D9 Table 1-3 -- POSIX.1c Units of Functionality) POSIX_USER_GROUPS_R getlogin_r () __________________________________________ POSIX_DEVICE_SPECIFIC ttyname_r () __________________________________________ POSIX_FILE_LOCKING flockfile(), ftrylockfile(), funlockfile(), getc_unlocked(), getchar_unlocked(), putc_unlocked(), putchar_unlocked() __________________________________________ POSIX_C_LANG_SUPPORT_R strtok_r (), asctime_r (), ctime_r (), gmtime_r(), localtime_r (), readdir_r (), rand_r() __________________________________________ POSIX_SYSTEM_DATABASE_R getgrgid_r (), getgrnam_r (), getpwuid_r (), getpwnam_r() __________________________________________ (This next section derived from P1003.13 D9 Table 1-4 -- POSIX_C_LANG_SUPPORT Unit of Functionality,note that the symbolic names have been added (i.e. POSIX_CHAR_HANDLING) since .13 does not include these) __________________________________________ POSIX_C_LANG_SUPPORT Character Handling isalnum(), isalpha (), iscntrl (), isdigit (), isgraph (), islower (), isprint (), ispunct (), isspace (), isupper (), isxdigit (), tolower (), toupper () Mathematics acos(), asin(), atan(), atan2(), ceil (), cos(), cosh(), exp(), fabs (), floor(), fmod(), frexp (), idexp (), log(), log10(), modf(), pow(), sin(), sinh(), sqrt (), tan(), tanh() Non-Local Jumps longjmp(), setjmp () General Utilities abs(), atof (), atoi (), atol (), bsearch (), calloc (), free (), malloc(), qsort (), rand(), realloc (), srand() String Handling strcat (), strchr (), strcmp (), strcpy (), strcspn (), strlen (), strncpy (), strncat (), strncmp (), strpbkr (), strrchr (), strspn (), strstr (), strtok () Date and Time asctime (), ctime (), gmtime(), localtime (), mktime(), __________________________________________ Note that _POSIX_PII is still to be enumerated but will be for everything brought in from POSIX 1003.1g and XNS.