Austin Group Minutes of the 11 March Teleconference Austin-208 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. March 12, 2004 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Don Cragun , Sun, PASC OR Joanna Farley, Sun Dave Butenhof, HP Nick Stoughton, USENIX, WG15 OR Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR Draft Status --------------- Andrew updated the group on the current draft status. He is awaiting an ISBN number from IEEE before the TC2 document itself can be published. Cathy is scheduled to implement the changes to the main document during the next few weeks. Andrew reported that IEEE and The Open Group have extended a permissions grant for the POSIX man pages to another open source project and he is awaiting signatures before announcing that. No comments had been received on the draft Change History or Summary of changes document: Defect Report Processing ------------------------- The group picked up on the latest batch of defect reports, which are available at the following URL: Note: All page and line number references below are for the 2003 edition unless noted otherwise. XBD ERN 5 ( a large request on the header files section) Accept as marked below This response is annotated as per the original request. (1a) This is a duplicate report XBD ERN 1 which has already been added as an errata item. No further action is necessary. (1b) Page 341 (2003 Ed). Accept, an additional list item "o [MR] |X> Range Memory Locking #include (2a) Page 308, line 10983 (2003 Ed) Change to "The following shall be declared as functions and may also be defined as macros. Function prototypes shall be provided." (2b) Page 373, line 13196 (2003 Ed) Change to: "The following shall be declared as a function and may also be defined as a macro. A function prototype shall be provided." (3a) Accept. Page 325, line 11640 (2003 Ed) Errata item: The function prototype of the function `vsnprintf' misses a closing bracket. (3b) This item only affects the html translation where two end option markers ( (4a) Page 238, line 8348 (2003 Ed) Errata, extra white space not needed in the function prototype for globfree, a space is printed in between the function name `globfree' and the following opening bracket. The space should be removed. (4b) Page 264, line 9349 (2003 Ed) Errata, In the list of function prototypes, a space is printed in between the function name `localeconv' and the following opening bracket. The space should be removed. Html help file (note that this is not part of the normative standard but an addition for useability of the html translation) (5a) In the section "Codes" of the help file (at least in the on-line version), an inconsistancy exists between the paragraphs describing the short-hand notations [MC1] and [MC2], and the short-hand notation [MC3]. The paragraphs [MC1] and [MC2] end with "Refer to _Margin_Code_Notation_", followed by "See help on _Margin_Code_Notation_.", while [MC3] has only the line "Refer to _Margin_Code_Notation_". Add the line "See help on _Margin_Code_Notation_." to the paragraph of [MC3]. (5b) Add the new MC4 notation to XBD 1.5.1 Codes, and also to the html help file. I Add after the paragraph describing [MC3]: ---start--- [MC4] |X> Memory Mapped Files, Shared Memory Objects, Process Memory Locking, Memory Protection, Typed Memory Objects, Synchronized Input and Output, Advisory Information, or Range Memory Locking The MC4 margin code is shorthand for MF|SHM|ML|MPR|TYM|SIO|ADV|MR. Features which are shaded with this margin code require support of either the Memory Mapped Files, Shared Memory Objects, Process Memory Locking, Memory Protection, Typed Memory Objects, Synchronized Input and Output, Advisory Information, or Range Memory Locking options. Page 347 2003 (ed) Problem [A] The layout of the header should be reformatted as follows: --changes start at p347 line 12338 new layout shown below-- The header shall define the fd_set type as a structure. The header shall define the following macro: FD_SETSIZE Maximum number of file descriptors in an fd_set structure. The following shall be declared as functions, defined as macros, or both. If functions are declared, function prototypes shall be provided." (ed note:code segment) void FD_CLR(int fd, fd_set *fdset); int FD_ISSET(int fd, fd_set *fdset); void FD_SET(int fd, fd_set *fdset); void FD_ZERO(fd_set *fdset); (ed note: end code segment) If implemented as macros, these may evaluate their arguments more than once, so applications should ensure that the arguments they supply are never expressions with side effects. The following shall be declared as functions and may also be defined as macros. Function prototypes shall be provided. --end-- (1a) No change required (1b) Page 398 line 14039 Change comma to full stop in: The following shall be declared as functions and may also be defined as macros, Function prototypes shall be provided. (1c) A duplicate request of XBD ERN 5 2(a) and 2(b) (2a) No Change required (2b) The group felt that the wording is fine and that no change is required. (2c) page 426 l 15170 Remove "name" from the end of the sentence: The header shall define the following macro name: p214 line 7615 (2003 Ed) Change The following are defined as macros: to The header shall define the following as macros: (3a) Page 208 l 7355 (2003 Ed) Change: "The following shall either be declared as functions, defined as macros, or both." To: "The following shall be declared as functions, or defined as macros, or both." (3b) Page 302 l 10748 (2003 Ed) Change from: "The following may be declared as a function, or defined as a macro, or both. Function prototypes shall be provided." To: "The following shall be declared as functions, or defined as macros, or both. If functions are declared, function prototypes shall be provided.". 302 line 10748 (3c) Already fixed in Item A. XBD ERN 7 BRE nested subpatterns OPEN The group felt we should leave this open until next time since discussions are still ongoing on the reflector. XSH ERN 35 pthread_attr_getstackaddr Accept as Marked as below Add at the end of DESCRIPTION If the pthread_attr_getstackaddr() function is called before the stackaddr attribute has been set the behavior is unspecified. Add also to pthread_attr_getstack() If the pthread_attr_getstack() function is called before the stackaddr attribute has been set the behavior is unspecified. Any Other Business ------------------ Andrew raised an AOB item, on whether XCU ERN 10 (c99 output files) should be raised as an interpretation request.It was agreed that it should be. Next Steps ----------- Andrew will update the aardvark reports with the latest inbound defect reports. We still need to discuss what the strategy is post TC2. There are a number of open action items outstanding: 1. Don Cragun Pathname Resolution proposal 2. Larry Dwyer system() and threads 3. Joerg Schilling wording for XCU ERN 1 pax The next teleconference call is scheduled for April 8 2004