Austin Group Minutes of the 19 August Teleconference Austin-219 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. August 20, 2004 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Don Cragun , Sun, PASC OR Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR Joanna Farley, Sun Nick Stoughton, USENIX, WG15 OR Apologies Dave Butenhof, HP Defect Report Processing ------------------------- The group picked up on the latest batch of defect reports, which are available at the following URL: We revisited the following item from last week which had had some followup discussion on the list: XSH ERN 49 applications must specify one of the flags WEXITED , WSTOPPED, or WCONTINUED with waitid(). Accept as marked below Went with option 2 from the email discussion. Replace line 50190f with The options argument is used to specify which state changes waitid() shall wait for. It is formed by OR ing together the following flags: Add after line 50199: "Applications shall specify at least one of the flags WEXITED, WSTOPPED or WCONTINUED to be OR'd in with the /options/ argument ." XCU ERN 34 rm . must output a diagnostic and exit zero Accept It is agreed this is a defect in the EXIT STATUS 0 wording and that this should be forwarded down the interpretations track. XCU ERN 33 the nice rationale is incorrect Accept XCU ERN 32 the "nice" command is confused about the sign of nice values in a few places. Accept It is agreed this is a defect and that this should be forwarded down the interpretations track. XCU ERN 31 cp wording unclear OPEN Need to leave open for one more meeting XCU ERN 30 tr -c OPEN leave open , since we need to come up with a better example (Mark Brown) XCU ERN 29 tr Reject Reject , the description of \octal sequences on p928 line 35976-35981 specifies that octal escapes can be used to generate multibyte characters, so this proposed change is not correct. XCU ERN 28 dup of 34 XCU ERN 27 ln -f a b is required to remove b even if the underlying link() fails OPEN This generated much discussion and is being left open for another week. Next Steps ----------- Andrew will update the aardvark reports with the latest inbound defect reports. There are a number of open action items outstanding: 1. Don Cragun Pathname Resolution proposal 2. Larry Dwyer system() and threads 3. Joerg Schilling wording for XCU ERN 1 pax The next teleconference call is scheduled for August 26 2004