Austin Group Status Report Austin-241r1 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. January 20, 2005 The Austin Common Standards Revision Group (CSRG) is a joint technical working group established to consider the matter of a common revision of ISO/IEC 9945-1, ISO/IEC 9945-2, IEEE Std 1003.1, IEEE Std 1003.2 and the appropriate parts of the Single UNIX Specification. Having completed the initial deliverable in late 2001, the group is presently working on maintenance activities including producing two technical corrigenda so far, and interpretations of the standard. Looking forward, the group has laid out an initial roadmap for the next revision (see later). The most recent documentation deliverable is the 2004 edition of the standard published on April 30 2004. The IEEE and The Open Group 2004 edition of the standard was published April 30 2004, and replaces the previous two editions. The 2004 Edition is formally known as: IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition The Open Group Technical Standard Base Specifications, Issue 6 Includes IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 1-2002 and IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 2-2004 and it's worth noting that within the text the standard is still referred to as IEEE Std 1003.1-2001. The standard is also an ISO/IEC international standard, denoted as ISO/IEC 9945:2003 and comprises four parts: Part 1: Base Definitions Part 2: System Interfaces Part 3: Shell and Utilities Part 4: Rationale ISO/IEC decided to publish technical corrigenda rather than produce a new 2004 edition. The technical corrigenda were published in September 2004 and have the designations ISO/IEC 9945-1:2003/Cor.1:2004(E) ISO/IEC 9945-2:2003/Cor.1:2004(E) ISO/IEC 9945-3:2003/Cor.1:2004(E) ISO/IEC 9945-4:2003/Cor.1:2004(E) respectively. Final text in pdf of the ISO Technical Corrigenda (corrections to the 2003 Edition) is freely available from the ISO web site. During 2004, IEEE and The Open Group have granted the Linux Man pages project and the FreeBSD project permission to derive and excerpt manual pages from the standard. A number of other smaller open source projects have also been granted permissions for certain excerpts of the standard. Also during 2004, IEEE and The Open Group launched a certification program for the POSIX 1003.1 standard, and the first system has been certified under that program. Similarly a new product standard was introduced into The Open Group UNIX certification program, known as UNIX 03, with the first certified system also occurring in 2004. The most recent plenary meeting was in January 2005. The purpose of the meeting was to resolve defect reports, to review new proposals for future work, including LSB harmonization, and to put the outline work plan for 2005-2007 together. It was agreed that a full revision of the standard needs to be in motion by December 2006, and that any external documents to be considered for inclusion in the revision need to be put forward to the group by January 2006, and submitted in full by July 2006. For further details see the minutes (Austin/239) and also see some roadmap slides at . Regular periodic teleconferences continue to be held to review new defect reports (aardvark). There are approximately 550 participants on the main mailing list, with 120 participants to the defect reporting list. There have been 7900 messages posted to the main mailing list since it was established in 1998. Further information on the Austin Group can be obtained at The online version of the standard can be obtained at