Austin Group Minutes of the 1 December Teleconference Austin-273 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. December 2, 2005 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Don Cragun , Sun, PASC OR Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR Mats Wichmann, Intel (IRC only) Next Meeting preparation: Andrew announced that he has instantiated a Plato collaborative web area for meeting materials to be hosted for the next plenary meeting. This is at You need to login to see draft materials in progress. Andrew has prepared a draft agenda for the next plenary meeting to be held in Ottawa, Canada in February. He will annnounce this formally tomorrow December 2nd. Registration for the meeting will open when logistics are available. We are hoping that this will be early next week (December 6 target). AJ will check with Steve Michell about whether we need a registration fee to defray the costs of refreshments. Nick had coordinated the meeting announcement at the ISO level and that has been progressed. Action item review --------------------- Just the updates on Austin/240r1 are noted here. ACTION AI-2005-01-09 Andrew Josey & Mats Wichmann to propose a time and place for a joint Austin group/LSB Workgroup meeting to consider LSB/POSIX conflicts, to be held as soon as conveniently possible. Status: Closing, the Feb 2006 Ottawa is the time and place LSB 3.1 has now been submitted to the ITTF for publication as IS 23360-200x. The target publication date is December 15 2005. ACTION:Nick has an action to prepare an agenda for a teleconference. Status: Closing:This will be at the Ottawa meeting. ACTION Andrew: Final TR typeset and will be sent to Sally Seitz. Status: Closing, Andrew just has to complete the abstract Defect Report Processing ------------------------- The group picked up on the latest batch of defect reports, which are available at the following URL: XSH ERN 115 mmap and shared mutex Accept as Marked below We agreed that the behavior is undefined. Add a new paragraph after line 25808: The state of synchronization objects such as mutexes, semaphores, barriers, conditional variables placed in shared memory mapped with MAP_SHARED becomes undefined when the region containing the synchronization object is unmapped Regarding the email discussion related to this the working group does not consider the introduction of a new function such as pthread_mutex_reinit(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) appropriate. XSH ERN 116 posix_trace_attr_getstreamfullpolicy prototype Accept Next Steps ----------- Andrew will update the aardvark reports with the latest inbound defect reports. The next call is Monday January 5 2005 at the regular timeslot. irc://