ISO/IEC 9945 Project Editor Status Report Austin-305 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. July 18, 2006 ISO/IEC 9945 is developed and maintained by the Austin Common Standards Revision Group (CSRG), a joint technical working group that brings together the technical experts from ISO JTC1, IEEE and The Open Group. The group met at the Standards Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON, on February 21-24 2006 to consider the goals and plan the precise milestones for the next revision of the standard. It was decided to commence a full revision of ISO/IEC 9945 Parts 1-4 with the goal of producing a new standard in 2008. A project plan detailing the timeline and draft contents, together with the proposed ballot cycle is available at The draft timeline for the document (from the Austin Group) shows drafts available as follows: June 30 2006 Oct 31 2006 May 15 2007 Aug 1 2007 Dec 15th 2007 Mar 1 2008 With technical completion estimated as April 2008 The first and second drafts of the revision are anticipated to be produced during 2006. The first draft will fold in changes only to existing material, and no new submissions. The second draft will include the new submissions and be the first feature complete draft. Its anticipated that this will go for a three month review, including IEEE and ISO ballots. A plenary meeting would be held to resolve the bug reports in February 2007. Draft three would be the first draft on which the narrowing down rules will be applied and subsequent drafts will then aim to take the document through to completion of the relevant approval ballots in the sponsoring bodies. It is anticipated that the next revision will complete by September 2008. The project editor has initiated formation of an ISO Editing Group for this revision project. The request and terms of reference were forwarded to the SC22 secretariat in April 2006. A call for volunteers is currently open in SC 22. The group will share membership with the Austin Group and SC 22 POSIX Advisory Group. Administrative support of the group will be shared with the Austin Group. At present, the editing group includes: Andrew Josey (Project editor): UK Members from the US, CA, & NO national bodies. A scope for the revision has been developed and is available at The scope has been set as follows: - The revision will include new work items for additions to the specification, to reflect current practice and knowledge, as proposed by the IEEE, The Open Group or ISO SC22 by July 31st 2006. - The revision will review the use of fixed path filenames within the standard, for example the at, batch and crontab utilities that presently have a requirement for use of the directory /usr/lib/. - The revision will address issues arising from ISO TR 24715:2006, "Conflicts between POSIX and the LSB". - The revision will review features, marked Legacy or obsolescent in the Base documents, and consider them for withdrawal. - The revision will consider the options within the standard, and whether its possible to reduce the number of them. -Issues raised by Defect Reports as recorded in the Austin Group Aardvark reports and SD/5 (technical issues log) by June 2007 will be addressed in the revision - Changes to the standard will be made to make it self-consistent with any new material merged. As part of the project paperwork for commencing this revision within IEEE, a JTC1 Business Case Pro Forma has been generated, the relevant extract is included below: (see for the full IEEE criteria document) --- PASC PMC Procedures Appendix B - JTC1 Business Case Pro Forma (Extracted from ISO JTC1 N4477) A. Business Relevance. That which identifies market place relevance in terms of what problem is being solved and or need being addressed. A.1. Market Requirement. When submitting a NP, the proposer shall identify the nature of the Market Requirement, assessing the extent to which it is essential, desirable or merely supportive of some other project. Indicate if this is Essential, Desirable, or Supportive. ISO/IEC 9945 Parts 1 through 4 is an important standard in use throughout the world, and this is a revision to keep it in use beyond Year 2008. This is an essential market requirement. Millions of dollars of applications are built upon this standard. A.2 Technical Regulation. If a Regulatory requirement is deemed to exist - e.g. for an area of public concern e.g. Information Security, Data protection, potentially leading to regulatory/public interest action based on the use of this voluntary international standard - the proposer shall identify this here. Indicate if this is Essential, Desirable, Supportive, or Not Relevant. Not Relevant B. Related Work. Aspects of the relationship of this NP to other areas of standardization work shall be identified in this section. Each of the three subcriteria should indicate whether the work is being performed for the identified purpose, Yes or No. B.1 Competition/Maintenance. If this NP is concerned with completing or maintaining existing standards, those concerned shall be identified here. Yes this is maintenance of ISO/IEC 9945 Parts 1 through 4. B.2 External Commitment. Groups, bodies, or fora external to JTC1 to which a commitment has been made by JTC for cooperation and or collaboration on this NP shall be identified here. IEEE PASC The Open Group B.3 External Std/Specification. If other activities creating standards or specifications in this topic area are known to exist or be planned, and which might be available to JTC1 as PAS, they shall be identified here. None. C. Technical Status. The proposer shall indicate here an assessment of the extent to which the proposed standard is supported by current technology. For each of the three possible statuses, the technology of the proposed NP should be rated Yes or No. C.1 Mature Technology. Indicate here the extent to which the technology is reasonably stable and ripe for standardization. Yes C.2 Prospective Technology. If the NP is anticipatory in nature based on expected or forecasted need, this shall be indicated here. No, it is a revision based on real need. C.3 Models/Tools. If the NP relates to the creation of supportive reference models or tools, this shall be indicated here. No. D. Any other aspects of background information justifying this NP shall be indicated here. This is a joint project between The Open Group, IEEE PASC and ISO SC22.