Austin Group Minutes of the 20th July Teleconference Austin-307 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. July 21, 2006 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Don Cragun , Sun, PASC OR Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR James Youngman Apologies Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Action item review --------------------- ACTION AI-2006-02-04: Nick Stoughton to submit an aardvark against link() when the appropriate time is reached w.r.t. approval of strawman 2. STATUS: OPEN ACTION AI-2006-02-28: AJ to filter the XSH, XCU and XRAT aardvarks for SD5 and interps material. (ongoing action) STATUS: OPEN, ongoing in progress The cutoff for draft 1 was June 12. We are not planning to take any changes past that date at the moment. Austin/280r1 is the latest notes arising from SD5 and is frozen The new document with new issues arising from SD5 is Austin/302 ACTION AI-2006-04-01: Nick Stoughton/Andrew Josey to send reports to SC22 prior to the Sep 2006 SC22 Plenary (due date: July 2006) Andrew has completed his and Nick is about to close his. Action AI-2006-06-01: Andrew to work out the full set of changes for recirculation for XSH ERN 132 OPEN Action AI-2006-06-02: Ulrich will produce a proposal for revising the options Completed and circulated to the reflector Revision Draft Status ---------------------- Draft 1 was produced to plan on June 30 2006. It totals 3734 pages and is available from Its available as multiple files or in one pdf file with additional bookmarking. It includes Diff marks against the 2004 standard. 5 defect reports have been received to date relating to problems applying aardvark . Andrew noted that his advice for those submitting bug reports is that if the problem exists also in the 2004 edition, then use the defect report mechanism against that document -- there are thus two tracks to get changes in the revision, the advantage of the 2004 edition is that we can then also issue interpretations as needed against that standard. PASC Status ------------- The Project Authorization Request (PAR) for the revision project has been approved by the PASC Sponsor Executive Committee (SEC). The PAR has been submitted to IEEE and will be considered at the September meeting of the IEEE Standards Board. Andrew is concerned whether there are any steps we can complete to ensure we can commence a ballot in early November, for example whether we have to reform the PASC ballot pool. So far he has had no response from the IEEE staff editor assigned to 1003.1 Next Face to Face meeting ---------------------------- The next face to face meeting is confirmed as Sept 12-15. Andrew will send out the meeting announcements (completed July 20), and ensure that for the announcement to ISO JTC1 its explicit that this is a meeting of the editing group for the 9945 Revision. ISO Status ---------- A 9945 Project Editor report has been submitted and also is in the document register. Also a notice of the face to face meeting has been sent to the SC22 secretariat. Aardvark Defect report processing: ----------------------------------- XBD ERN 68 XBD limits.h tracing limits OPEN Fwded to SSWG-RT (Andrew has completed the action) Andrew had also sent email to Joe Gwinn requesting help from the SSWG-RT but is yet to get a response. XSH ERN 132 %M for fscanf OPEN This is invention, but arises from the LSB conflicts. Leave open, need to work on the wording, including fwscanf specifics before we can move forward Action 2006-06-01: Andrew to work out the full set of changes for recirculation for XSH ERN 132 OPEN XSH ERN 133 open and implementation added flags OPEN Left open since we need specific wording XSH ERN 156 pipe OPEN We decided to leave this one open. Probably address on July 27 call XSH ERN 161 fstat n_link Accept XSH ERN 162 OPEN We need some expert input from realtime experts on this item. At the moment silence should be read as unspecified. XCU ERN 86 awk Accept XCU ERN 87 uudecode Reject The implementation quoted appears to be a non conforming implementation XCU ERN 88 pwd Accept as marked below The description of the PWD environment variable in XCU6 subclause 2.5.3 (Shell Variables) which appears on P36, L1489-1493 in the 2004 edition says: "PWD Set by the shell to be an absolute pathname of the current working directory, containing no components of type symbolic link, no components that are dot, and no components that are dot-dot when the shell is initialized. If an application sets or unsets the value of PWD, the behaviors of the cd and pwd utilities are unspecified." This subclause describes how shell variables are initialized from the environment. When a shell execution environment is created by the shell (i.e., when a shell starts; not when a subshell starts), the PWD environment variable must be initialized to an absolute pathname containing no symbolic links. XCU ERN 89 find Accept AOB --- Andrew reported that the document build tools are being revised and that we plan to switch to a new toolset based on groff for Draft 2. This will facilitate enhanced pdf production and also allow a Linux package that can be circulated to volunteer editors. We will be testing the revised toolset between now and September. Next Steps ----------- Andrew will update the aardvark reports with the latest inbound defect reports. The next call will be 27 July irc:// ICAL: XML: