Austin Group Minutes of the 9 November Teleconference Austin-327 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. November 10, 2006 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Don Cragun , Sun, PASC OR Geoff Clare, The Open group Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR Mats Wichmann (on IRC only) Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR (on IRC only) 1. Action item review --------------------- ACTION 2005-01-01: Don Cragun to present paper on pathname resolution. OPEN ACTION 2006-02-04: Nick Stoughton to submit an aardvark against link() when the appropriate time is reached w.r.t. approval of strawman 2. OPEN ACTION 2006-09-01: Ulrich Drepper to prepare a paper making a recomendation on imaginary type in C99. OPEN ACTION 2006-09-02: Ulrich and Nick to develop a draft PAR and criteria for C++ POSIX binding for discussion. OPEN (in progress) ACTION 2006-09-06: Ulrich to file aardvark against pthread_mutexattr_getprotcol for propogation of inheritance for waiters on non-PI mutexes. CLOSED ACTION 2006-09-08: Don Cragun to examine every XCU synopsis in the next draft to check for correctness, and file aardvarks as appropriate. OPEN ACTION 2006-09-13: Andrew to make a pass through current closed aardvarks against approved std, to move items to SD-5 or interpretations when ready. Closed for D2R, but ongoing . See Austin/325 for the list of specific changes for D2R from SD/5. Action AI-2006-06-01: Andrew to work out the full set of changes for recirculation for XSH ERN 132 OPEN Draft Status ------------ IEEE editorial approval has been obtained, and Andrew reports he hopes to commence the IEEE ballot within the next week. Andrew has also sent the files to the ANSI secretariat to commence the ISO CD registration and ballot (a 3 month timeframe). Action: Nick to ping Sally Seitz that we are moving ahead (last status was that Sally was waiting on Keld) Aardvark Bug Reports -------------------- We picked up on the current aardvark XCU ERN 127 sort -c Accept as Marked below Put into SD5. This should submitted as an interpretation and merged into the revision text before the revision is approved. The standard is unclear on this issue, and no conformance distinction can be made between alternative implementations based on this. This is being referred to the sponsor. It is not clear whether the original intent of the standard was that "no output" meant no output on stdout or no output on stdout and stderr. This was also a change to historic practice at that time. Since the P1003.2 committee was usually conscientious about noting changes to historic practice in the rationale, it is believed that the change was unintentional. Change for a future revision of the standard (page and line numbers refer to XCU6, 2004 edition): Change the second SYNOPSIS line: "sort -c [-bdfinru][-t char][-k keydef][file]" on page 871, line 33809 to: "sort [-c|-C] [-bdfinru] [-t char] [-k keydef] [file]" Change "No output shall be produced; only the exit code shall be affected." on page 871, lines 33825-33826 (description of -c option) to: "Output shall not be sent to standard output. The exit code shall indicate whether or not disorder was detected or an error occurred. If disorder (or, with -u, a duplicate key) is detected, a warning message shall be sent to standard error indicating where the disorder or duplicate key was found." (Note: There is no need to mention -o here because the SYNOPSIS does not permit the use of -o with -c.) Add after the description of the -c option on page 871, lines 33824-33826 as modified above: "-C Same as -c, except a warning message shall not be sent to standard error if disorder or, with -u, a duplicate key is detected." On page 873, line 33918 insert: "When -c is specified, if disorder is detected (or if -u is also specified and a duplicate key is detected) a message shall be written to the standard error which identifies the input line at which disorder (or a duplicate key) was detected." before the second sentence starting on that line. Add the following new paragraphs to the end of RATIONALE (after page 876, line 34025): "Historical implementations produced a message on standard error when -c was specified and disorder was detected, and when -c and -u were specified and a duplicate key was detected. An earlier version of this standard contained wording that did not make it clear that this message was allowed and some implementations removed this message to be sure that they conformed to the standard's requirements. Confronted with this difference in behavior, interactive users that wanted to be sure that they got visual feedback instead of just exit code 1 could have used a command like: sort -c file || echo disorder whether or not the sort utility provided a message in this case. But, it was not easy for a user to find where the disorder or duplicate key occurred on implementations that do not produce a message, especially when some parts of the input line were not part of the key and when one or more of the b, d, f, i, n, or r options or keydef type modifiers were in use. This standard requires a message to be produced in this case. This standard also contains the -C option giving users the ability to choose either behavior. "When a disorder or duplicate is found when the -c option is specified, some implementations print a message containing the first line that is out of order or contains a duplicate key; others print a message specifying the line number of the offending line. This standard allows either type of message." Don noted that -C may clash with an existing implementation, and that alternative suggestions will be considered if requested on the reflector. XSH ERN 166 _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX OPEN till next meeting _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX is a fixed limit where it is not necessary Action: On Ulrich to provide example code to put into four man pages affected. Action: In the DESCRIPTION Change from: The maximum size needed for this buffer can be determined with the {_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX} sysconf() parameter. To: A call to sysconf (_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX ) returns either -1 without changing errno or an initial value suggested for the size of this buffer. also needs to happen for: getpwnam_r: Change from: The maximum size needed for this buffer can be determined with the {_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX} sysconf() parameter. To: A call to sysconf (_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX ) returns either -1 without changing errno or an initial value suggested for the size of this buffer. getpwuid_r Change from: The maximum size needed for this buffer can be determined with the {_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX} sysconf() parameter To: A call to sysconf (_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX ) returns either -1 without changing errno or an initial value suggested for the size of this buffer. getgrnam_r Change from: The maximum size needed for this buffer can be determined with the {_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX} sysconf() parameter. To: A call to sysconf (_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX ) returns either -1 without changing errno or an initial value suggested for the size of this buffer. In APP USAGE Portable applications should take into account that is usual for an implementation to return -1 from sysconf() indicating that there is no maximum for ZZZZ Where ZZZ is _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX for getgrgid_r / getgrnam_r _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX for getpwuid_r / getpwnam_r On the sysconf() page change to "Maximum size" to "Initial size" for the following text: "Maximum size of getgrgid_r() and.." "Maximum size of getpwuid_r() and..." Next Steps ----------- Andrew will update the aardvark reports with the latest inbound defect reports. Next teleconference meeting November 16th 2006 See An IRC channel will be available for the meeting irc:// #austin irc:// ICAL: XML: