Austin Group Minutes of the 31 May 2007 Teleconference Austin-367 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. Jun 1, 2007 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR Don Cragun , Sun, PASC OR Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Geoff Clare, The Open Group Apologies Larry Dwyer, HP Action item review --------------------- ACTION AI-2005-01-01: Don Cragun to present paper on pathname resolution. OPEN ACTION 2007-02-06: Ulrich to research issue 15 and propose text for XSH intro to explain directory searching, with special respect to the *at() functions. OPEN (Geoff has posted some mail on this, come back to this when Ulrich has the cycles) Ulrich has also now posted some thoughts on this item. ACTION 2007-02-09: ALL review sample c99 pages when available with an audience that includes non standards developers. CLOSED Status ------ Andrew reported that they plan to close the draft for further changes on Monday morning. Next week is final editorial cleanup for the draft to come out on June 15. Looking at the current timeline and the current number of issues being raised Andrew noted that we may add to the plan an additional interim draft after the September meeting. This is to be decided at the September meeting (w/c Sept 4, Reading UK). Aardvark Bug Reports -------------------- XSHbug2.txt XSH ERN 201 strptime OPEN We continued discussing the proposal from Don and the discussions on the reflector. We decided to leave the format of %Y unspecified to allow behavior as it exists today and adding a flag to allow ISO confirming year formats with years having more than 4 digits Action: Don to distribute updated draft with items discussed merged in. We did agree that the future directions for strptime() should be changed to state NONE. XSH ERN 207 Accept Current wording does not take timeout varients into account. Two new erns were raised during the meeting and predisposed. XSH ERN 208 Thread IDs Accept XSH ERN 209 strnlen() Accept Next Steps ----------- Andrew will update the aardvark reports with the latest inbound defect reports. Next teleconference meeting will be THURSDAY 7 June 2007. Note that the time will be at 16:00 UK (15:00 UT) local time Dial-in:+1 877-421-0003 Or Int'l +1-770-615-1374 Passcode: 953276 See An IRC channel will be available for the meeting irc:// #austin irc:// ICAL: XML: