Austin Group Minutes of the 9 August 2007 Teleconference Austin-376 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. August 10, 2007 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Geoff Clare, The Open Group Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR Don Cragun , Sun, PASC OR Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR Mats Wichmann, Intel Apologies Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Action item review --------------------- ACTION AI-2005-01-01: Don Cragun to present paper on pathname resolution. OPEN ACTION 2007-02-06: Ulrich to research issue 15 and propose text for XSH intro to explain directory searching, with special respect to the *at() functions. OPEN (Geoff has posted some mail on this, come back to this when Ulrich has the cycles) Ulrich has also now posted some thoughts on this item. It was agreed that we need to close this actions at the September meeting so we can incorporate the changes into D4 Status ------ Meeting registration for the September face to face meeting is now open. So far registered attendees are: Andrew Josey, The Open Group Cathy Fox, The Open Group Geoff Clare, The Open Group Nick Stoughton, USENIX Mark Brown, IBM (tc) POSIX C++ binding group status: The PAR and PMC criteria have been submitted to the PASC SEC. The PASC SEC is yet to call the vote. Nick reported that Canada had highlighted that insufficient notice was given to international attendees to attend the February ISO editing meeting. The notice was 33 days, although the meeting had been in the workplan for sometime (12 months), the late notice was due to a delay in finalizing the meeting host. Aardvark Bug Reports -------------------- XSH ERN 204 regcomp OPEN We need to investigate behaviors Unless a test program is submitted this item will remain open. XSH ERN 217 tcsetattr OPEN XSH ERN 218 poll OPEN XCU ERN 154 Accept XCU ERN 155 Accept XCU ERN 156 Accept XCU ERN 157 Accept XCU ERN 158 Accept XCU ERN 159 Accept XCU ERN 160 Accept XCU ERN 161 Accept This item should be sent down the interpretations track. The standard is silent on the issue, therefore it is unspecified and not conformance distinction can be made between alternative implementations. Concerns should be forwarded to the sponsor. Its recommended that ina future revision the specification should state explicity that this is unspecified. XCU ERN 162 Accept XCU ERN 153 OPEN Andrew has drafted wording below, which needs checking: In c99 Extended DESCRIPTION Add to the end of the -l pthread text Applications using this library shall also specify an additional getconf call to obtain the flags associated, if any, with reentrant programming Add a new variable for getconf, Add to the sysconf() man page _POSIX_V7_REENTRANT_CFLAGS _SC_POSIX_V7_REENTRANT_CFLAGS Add to unistd.h _CS_POSIX_V7_REENTRANT_CFLAGS If sysconf(_SC_V7_REENTRANT_CFLAGS) returns −1, the meaning of this value is unspecified. Otherwise, this value is the additional set of initial options to be given to the c99 utility to build an application using the pthread standard library. _POSIX_V7_REENTRANT_CFLAGS that should only be used if and only if you use -lpthread XCU ERN 152 Accept as marked below Change "Set by the shell to the decimal process ID of the process that invoked this shell." to "Set by the shell to the decimal value of its parent process ID during initialization of the shell." Next Steps ----------- Andrew will update the aardvark reports with the latest inbound defect reports. Next teleconference meeting will be THURSDAY 16 August 2007. Note that the time will be at 16:00 UK (15:00 UT) local time Dial-in:+1 877-421-0003 Or Int'l +1-770-615-1374 Passcode: 953276 See An IRC channel will be available for the meeting irc:// #austin irc:// ICAL: XML: