DCE: The Open Group Distributed Computing Environment
DCE 1.2.2 Price List
Updated: January 24, 2000
Original: December 31, 1996


Software Fees

Source Code Fees

    Commercial License Education License

1. OSF Master Software Terms and Conditions

  No Fee No Fee

2. OSF DCE Standard Supplement


2a. OSF DCE 1.2.2 Source License with Full Distribution Rights

  New 1.2.2 DCE Licensees
Initial 1.2.2 CPU Source License
(3 Copies)
$100,000 NA
  Upgrade from R1.0.x to R 1.2.2 with Full Distribution Rights

Initial 1.2.2 CPU Source License

  Upgrade from R1.1 to R 1.2.2 with Full Distribution Rights

Initial 1.2.2 CPU Source License

  Upgrade from R1.2.1 to R 1.2.2 with Full Distribution Rights

Initial 1.2.2 CPU Source License

  For all DCE 1.2.2 Full Distribution Licensees

Additional 1.2.2 CPU Source License (royalty copy)

Additional 1.2.2 CPU Source License (royalty copy/OSF Ships)






2b. OSF DCE 1.2.2 Source License with Limited Distribution Rights.

No Fee. You may download DCE 1.2.2 source from The Open Group. NA
  Upgrade to Full Distribution Rights $100,000

2c. 1.2.x Non-Commercial Research and Development License

NA No Fee

2d. Upgrade to Commercial Site License

$5,000 NA

3. DCE Validation Test Suite (VTS) Supplement

DCE VTS Source License (All Architectures)*

DCE VTS upgrade patch for existing VTS source licensees.

*Include the DCE VTS source license # to OSF on purchase order and include the shipping information and media; 8mm or Q1C 150


4. DCE RSA/BSafe Component Standard Supplement

4a. Source Code Sublicense Fee

Each Sublicense

Adminstration Fee

4b. Sublicense Fees for Object Code

1) Royalty-based Option

Pre-paid License Fee for each Source Code Sublicensee

Fixed License Fees
$20 per copy of each product distributed by the Source Code Sublicensee which incorporates the bundled Product.

2) Annual Buy-out Option
$10,000 per platform per Source Code Sublicensee per year, not to exceed $20,000 per year


Object Code Fees

  Commercial License Education License

1. OSF/DCE 1.2.2 Executive for non-commercial and commercial use

No fee

2. OSF/DCE 1.2.2 Services for commercial use

Price Per Copy

Cell Directory Service

Security Service

Distributed File Service

X.500 Directory Service

Volume Level
Total number of Services copies used or distributed during an Ordering Period
Volume Discount







3. Documentation and Redistribution Fees

Machine-readable Documentation
One machine-readable copy of documentation distributed with each object code copy at no charge.

Unlimited machine-readable copies per software revision
(One-time fee for Version 1.2.x)

4. DCE 1.2.2 Combined Object Code Annual Buyout Option

This option includes:
DCE 1.2.2 Services, All Volumes.
Machine-readable Documentation.
Redistribution Fees

Unlimited Copies Per Operating System $4 million


Terms and Conditions

  1. A DCE Full Distribution License is a prerequisite for an Object Code Annual Buyout arrangement.
  2. A Licensee may elect to pay the Object Code Fee Buyout for use or distribution of an unlimited number of copies of the Licensed Program in object code form on a Single Operating System, subject to Licensor's approval. The Annual Object Code Fee Buyout Per Operating System covers DCE object code copies used or distributed in a single 12-month Ordering Period on a Single Operating System. The Single Operating System to which the Buyout applies must be current -- that is, available for sale or licensing to the general public during the then current Ordering Period.
    1. A "Single Operating System" is a collection of object code copies compiled by a single party (the "supplier") or by a contractor acting on behalf of the Supplier, from an identical set of lines of operating system source code, differentiated only by the minimum set of source code changes necessary for porting to one or more hardware configurations. Except for such porting-related differences, a Single Operating System must not combine multiple configurations of the source code which can be conditionally compiled to generate different object code copies.
    2. For Buyout purposes, a revised version of a Single Operating System (i.e., an object code copy compiled from a revised version of the operating system source code) shall be included within the definition of that same Single Operating System, provided that (i) the revisions are made by the Supplier of the unrevised version or by a contractor acting on behalf of the Supplier, (ii) the revisions are made solely for the purpose of upgrading the unrevised version, (iii) the revised version is compiled from the source code by the Supplier of the unrevised version or by a contracting on behalf of the Supplier , (iv) the revised version is marketed under the identical name as the unrevised version, (except for the corresponding change in version number), (v) application programs and system software operable on the unrevised version remain operable, in a binary compatible software product offerings and software services agreements, and (vii) both the revised version and the unrevised version are each available for sale or licensing to the general public at some time during the then current Ordering Period.
    3. Licensees who have multiple Operating Systems which are closely related may contact The Open Group for further information and guidelines for possible aggregation.
  3. Fees paid under the per copy schedules for Executive and Services Object Code will not be credited toward Annual Paid Up Option fees.
  4. Licensee may choose Object Code Fee option per operating system. for example, a licensee may select the Annual Paid Up Option for a high volume operating system and select per unit fees for a low volume operating system.
  5. After a licensee pays the Object Code Annual Buyout Option, the licensee is entitled to a 60% discount on per unit fees for additional low volume operating systems.


Extended DCE Licensing Agreements

Commercial License
Education License
DCE Version 1.2.2 Lifetime Buyout

$12 Million

This figure is for source and object fees paid to OSF for DCE 1.2.2, and it excludes source redistribution rights

DCE Cumulative Lifetime Cap

$15 Million

This figure is for source and object fees paid to OSF for all technologies leading up to and including DCE 1.2.2, and it excludes source redistribution rights

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Permission is granted to reproduce any portion of the text or graphic images of this document provided that you prominently display both the copyright notice listed above and the following acknowledgment: Portions of this document have been reproduced with the permission of the copyright owner, The Open Group, Inc., Cambridge, MA.