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Ordering Desktop Technologies

Open Motif
The X Window System
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Downloading the X Window System

The X Window System technology is available at no charge. Click here to download the technology.

If you wish to support the development of the X Window System, you can join X.Org.

Releases of the X Window System technology from X11R6.3 back to X10R4 are also available.

Basic information on getting older releases is here.


Ordering CDE

To order the Open Group's CDE technology, please download and review the following documents:

After you have reviewed the above documents:

  • Complete and sign the Software Licensing Kit indicating which licensing rights you are exercising
  • Return the original, signed Software Licensing kit with the appropriate payment (or purchase order) to our Reading (UK) or Menlo Park (USA) office.

Please contact our license administrator, for assistance in completing the licensing procedure, or telephone the above offices.


Ordering CTL

To order the Open Group's CTL technology, please download and review the following documents:

After you have reviewed the above documents:

  • Complete and sign the Software Licensing Kit indicating which licensing rights you are exercising
  • Return the original, signed Software Licensing kit with the appropriate payment (or purchase order) to our Reading (UK) or Menlo Park (USA) office.

Please contact our license administrator, for assistance in completing the licensing procedure, or telephone the above offices.


Ordering Motif

To order the Open Group's Motif technology, please download and review the following documents:

After you have reviewed the above documents:

  • Complete and sign the Software Licensing Kit indicating which licensing rights you are exercising
  • Return the original, signed Software Licensing kit with the appropriate payment (or purchase order) to our Reading (UK) or Menlo Park (USA) office.

Please contact our license administrator, for assistance in completing the licensing procedure, or telephone the above offices.


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