Failures on Red Hat Linux 9 This with cut 1.0a, pthread_exit.3 is now fixed in 1.0b 0|3.6-lite 14:59:19 20040226|User: vsx0 (532) TCC Start, Command line: tcc -e -r FAIL,UNRESOLVED -s scen.exec -p results/0005e/journal 5|Linux 2.4.20-9 #1 Wed Apr 23 14:45:57 PDT 2003 i686|System Information 20|/home/tet/test_sets/TESTROOT/tetexec.cfg 1|Config Start 30||TEST_MODE=UNIX98 30||TEST_PACKAGES= VSTHlite1.0 30||VSXDIR=/home/tet/test_sets/SRC 30||VSX_DBUG_FLAGS= 30||VSX_DBUG_FILE=/home/tet/test_sets/TESTROOT/dbug.out 30||VSX_NAME= 30||VSX_OPER=Unknown 30||VSX_ORG=Unknown 30||VSX_PATH= 30||VSX_SYS=Unknown 30||VSX_UID0=532 30||VSX_UID1=533 30||VSX_UID2=534 30||VSX_GID0=532 30||VSX_GID1=533 30||VSX_GID2=534 30||TET_SIG_IGN= 30||TET_SIG_LEAVE= 30||VSX_CC=/usr/bin/cc 30||VSX_CFLAGS=-ansi -I/usr/include/gdbm 30||VSX_LIBS=-lm 30||VSX_BLKDEV_FILE=/dev/sda 30||VSX_CHRDEV_FILE=/dev/tty 30||VSX_FCNTL_EDEADLK=Y 30||VSX_FCNTL_MAXLOCK=-1 30||VSX_INVALID_FCNTL_CMD= 30||VSX_INVALID_GID=unsup 30||VSX_INVALID_GNAME=fooxyz 30||VSX_INVALID_PNAME=foopqr 30||VSX_INVALID_UID=unsup 30||VSX_INVALID_WHENCE=-1 30||VSX_INVAL_SIG=-5 30||VSX_MOUNT_DEV=/dev/loop0 30||VSX_NOSPC_DEV=/dev/loop0 30||VSX_PURE_FILE=/home/tet/test_sets/TESTROOT/BIN/purefile 30||VSX_READDIR_EBADF=Y 30||VSX_ROFS=/dev/loop0 30||VSX_SIGSET_EINVAL=Y 30||VSX_SYS_OPEN_MAX=-1 30||VSX_TTYNAME=/dev/pts/3 30||VSX_TTYUSER=vsx0 30||VSX_ULIMIT_BLKS=2 30||VSX_UNLOCKABLE_FILE=unsup 30||VSX_UNUSED_GID=25000 30||VSX_UNUSED_UID=25000 30||VSX_TERMIOS_TTY=/dev/pts/XXX 30||VSX_TERMIOS_LOOP=/dev/pts/XXX 30||VSX_MASTER_TTY=/dev/ptmx 30||VSX_MASTER_LOOP=/dev/ptmx 30||VSX_TERMIOS_ASYNC=N 30||VSX_TERMIOS_BUFFERED=Y 30||VSX_TERMIOS_SPEED=B9600 30||VSX_MODEM_CONTROL=N 30||VSX_START_STOP_CHNG=Y 30||VSX_TCGETPGRP_SUPPORTED=Y 30||VSX_TCSETPGRP_SUPPORTED=Y 30||VSX_UNSUPPORTED_CFLAG=none 30||VSX_SUPPORTED_CFLAG=B50 30||PCTS_ECHOE=\b \b 30||PCTS_ECHOK=\025\n 30||VSTH_CFLAGS= 30||VSTH_LIBS=-lpthread 30||VSTH_VALID_GUARDSIZE= 30||VSTH_INVALID_GUARDSIZE= 30||VSTH_VALID_STACKSIZE=16384 30||VSTH_INVALID_STACKSIZE=512 30||VSTH_UPAO_EINVAL=N 30||VSTH_SIG_IGN= 30||VSTH_SELF_EDEADLK_DETECTED=Y 30||VSTH_REFERENTIAL_EDEADLK_DETECTED=Y 30||VSTH_DETACH_EINVAL=Y 30||VSTH_TID_ESRCH=Y 30||VSTH_SIG_EINVAL=Y 30||VSTH_INVALID_SIG=100 30||VSTH_UNSUPPORTED_SIG=100 30||VSTH_PS_EINVAL= 30||VSTH_PSHARED_EINVAL= 30||VSTH_TID_EINVAL=Y 30||VSTH_GETLOGIN_R_ERANGE=Y 30||VSTH_TTYNAME_R_ENOTTY=Y 30||VSTH_TTYNAME_R_ERANGE=Y 30||VSTH_READDIR_R_EBADF=Y 30||VSTH_ICONV_CODESET1= 30||VSTH_ICONV_CODESET2= 30||VSTH_SUPP_GID=535 30||TET_EXEC_IN_PLACE=True 30||TET_OUTPUT_CAPTURE=False 30||TET_API_COMPLIANT=True 30||TET_PASS_TC_NAME=False 30||TET_VERSION=3.6-lite 40||Config End 70||"total tests in PTHR.os 168" 10|0 /tset/PTHR.os/procenv/sysconf/T.sysconf 14:59:19|TC Start, scenario ref 36-0, ICs: {8} 15|0 3.6-lite 1|TCM Start 400|0 8 1 14:59:19|IC Start 200|0 8 14:59:19|TP Start 520|0 8 00004614 1 1|A call to sysconf(_SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING) returns the value 520|0 8 00004614 1 2|of the system variable _POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING. 520|0 8 00004614 1 3|Posix Ref: Component SYSCONF 520|0 8 00004614 1 4|Assertion 9945-1:1996 520|0 8 00004614 1 5|_POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING defined as 200112 520|0 8 00004614 1 6|Unexpected value for sysconf(_SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING) returned -1 220|0 8 1 14:59:19|FAIL 410|0 8 1 14:59:19|IC End 80|0 0 14:59:20|TC End, scenario ref 36-0 10|1 /tset/PTHR.os/procprim/pthread_sigmask/T.pthread_sigmask 14:59:20|TC Start, scenario ref 44-0, ICs: {8,9} 15|1 3.6-lite 2|TCM Start 400|1 8 1 14:59:20|IC Start 200|1 8 14:59:20|TP Start 520|1 8 00004615 1 1|When the argument oset is not NULL, 520|1 8 00004615 1 2|then a call to pthread_sigmask(how, set, oset) shall store the 520|1 8 00004615 1 3|previous signal mask of the calling thread in the location 520|1 8 00004615 1 4|specified by oset and return 0 if successful. 520|1 8 00004615 1 5|Posix Ref: Component PTHREAD_SIGMASK 520|1 8 00004615 1 6|Assertion 9945-1:1996 520|1 8 00004615 2 1|NSIG=64, sigset element 33 differs got 0, expected 1 520|1 8 00004615 2 2|Signal sets do not match 520|1 8 00004615 2 3|00000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 520|1 8 00004615 2 4|00000000000010000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000 520|1 8 00004615 3 1|Thread exitval, expected 0, got 2 220|1 8 1 14:59:20|FAIL 410|1 8 1 14:59:20|IC End 400|1 9 1 14:59:20|IC Start 200|1 9 14:59:20|TP Start 520|1 9 00004615 1 1|When the argument set is NULL, 520|1 9 00004615 1 2|then a call to pthread_sigmask(how, NULL, oset) shall not change 520|1 9 00004615 1 3|the signal mask of the calling thread and shall return 0 520|1 9 00004615 1 4|if successful. 520|1 9 00004615 1 5|Posix Ref: Component PTHREAD_SIGMASK 520|1 9 00004615 1 6|Assertion 9945-1:1996 520|1 9 00004615 2 1|NSIG=64, sigset element 33 differs got 0, expected 1 520|1 9 00004615 2 2|Signal sets do not match 520|1 9 00004615 2 3|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 520|1 9 00004615 2 4|00000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000 520|1 9 00004615 3 1|Thread exitval, expected 0, got 2 220|1 9 1 14:59:20|FAIL 410|1 9 1 14:59:20|IC End 80|1 0 14:59:21|TC End, scenario ref 44-0 10|2 /tset/PTHR.os/thread/pthread_create/T.pthread_create 14:59:21|TC Start, scenario ref 61-0, ICs: {4,14} 15|2 3.6-lite 2|TCM Start 400|2 4 1 14:59:21|IC Start 200|2 4 14:59:21|TP Start 520|2 4 00004618 1 1|A call to pthread_create(thread, attr, start_routine, arg) 520|2 4 00004618 1 2|creates a new thread with the attributes specified by attr 520|2 4 00004618 1 3|within the process containing the calling thread, stores 520|2 4 00004618 1 4|the thread identifier of the newly created thread in the 520|2 4 00004618 1 5|location referenced by thread, causes the newly created 520|2 4 00004618 1 6|thread to execute the routine referenced by start_routine 520|2 4 00004618 1 7|with arg as its sole argument, and returns 0 if successful. 520|2 4 00004618 1 8|Posix Ref: Component PTHREAD_CREATE 520|2 4 00004618 1 9|Assertion 9945-1:1996 520|2 4 00004622 2 1|pthread_attr_setschedparam, expected 0, got 22 520|2 4 00004618 7 1|tet_fork, expected 0, got 1 220|2 4 2 14:59:21|UNRESOLVED 410|2 4 1 14:59:21|IC End 400|2 14 1 14:59:21|IC Start 200|2 14 14:59:21|TP Start 520|2 14 00004618 1 1|If the feature test macro _POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING 520|2 14 00004618 1 2|is defined: 520|2 14 00004618 1 3|when the inheritsched attribute of the thread attribute object 520|2 14 00004618 1 4|referenced by attr has the value PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED, 520|2 14 00004618 1 5|then any thread created by a call to 520|2 14 00004618 1 6|pthread_create(thread, attr, start_routine, arg) has its 520|2 14 00004618 1 7|scheduling policy and associated attributes set to the 520|2 14 00004618 1 8|corresponding values from the attributes object. 520|2 14 00004618 1 9|Posix Ref: Component PTHREAD_CREATE 520|2 14 00004618 1 10|Assertion 9945-1:1996 520|2 14 00004627 0 0|Scheduling policy, expected 2, got 0 520|2 14 00004627 0 1|Scheduling priority, expected 1, got 0 520|2 14 00004627 2 1|Thread exitval, expected 0, got 2 520|2 14 00004618 4 1|tet_fork, expected 0, got 2 220|2 14 1 14:59:21|FAIL 410|2 14 1 14:59:21|IC End 80|2 0 14:59:22|TC End, scenario ref 61-0 10|3 /tset/PTHR.os/thread/pthread_detach/T.pthread_detach 14:59:22|TC Start, scenario ref 62-0, ICs: {4} 15|3 3.6-lite 1|TCM Start 400|3 4 1 14:59:22|IC Start 200|3 4 14:59:22|TP Start 520|3 4 00004630 1 1|If the implementation detects that the thread specified by the thread 520|3 4 00004630 1 2|parameter in a call to pthread_detach(thread) can not be found: 520|3 4 00004630 1 3|a call to pthread_detach(thread) shall fail and return ESRCH. 520|3 4 00004630 1 4|Posix Ref: Component PTHREAD_DETACH 520|3 4 00004630 1 5|Assertion 9945-1:1996 520|3 4 00004631 2 1|pthread_detach, expected 3, got 0 520|3 4 00004630 4 1|tet_fork, expected 0, got 2 220|3 4 1 14:59:22|FAIL 410|3 4 1 14:59:22|IC End 80|3 0 14:59:23|TC End, scenario ref 62-0 10|4 /tset/PTHR.os/thread/pthread_exit/T.pthread_exit 14:59:23|TC Start, scenario ref 64-0, ICs: {3} 15|4 3.6-lite 1|TCM Start 400|4 3 1 14:59:23|IC Start 200|4 3 14:59:23|TP Start 520|4 3 00004634 1 1|An implicit call to pthread_exit() is made when a thread other 520|4 3 00004634 1 2|than the thread in which main() was first invoked returns from 520|4 3 00004634 1 3|the start routine that was used to create it. 520|4 3 00004634 1 4|Posix Ref: Component PTHREAD_EXIT 520|4 3 00004634 1 5|Assertion 9945-1:1996 520|4 3 00004634 3 1|T3_cflag, expected 2, got 0 220|4 3 1 14:59:23|FAIL 410|4 3 1 14:59:23|IC End 80|4 0 14:59:24|TC End, scenario ref 64-0 10|5 /tset/PTHR.os/thread/pthread_join/T.pthread_join 14:59:24|TC Start, scenario ref 65-0, ICs: {5} 15|5 3.6-lite 1|TCM Start 400|5 5 1 14:59:24|IC Start 200|5 5 14:59:24|TP Start 520|5 5 00004636 1 1|When the thread referenced by the thread argument does not exist, 520|5 5 00004636 1 2|then a call to pthread_join(thread, value_ptr) shall fail 520|5 5 00004636 1 3|and return ESRCH. 520|5 5 00004636 1 4|Posix Ref: Component PTHREAD_JOIN 520|5 5 00004636 1 5|Assertion 9945-1:1996 520|5 5 00004637 2 1|pthread_join, expected 22, got 0 520|5 5 00004636 4 1|tet_fork, expected 0, got 2 220|5 5 1 14:59:24|FAIL 410|5 5 1 14:59:24|IC End 80|5 0 14:59:25|TC End, scenario ref 65-0 10|6 /tset/PTHR.os/threadattr/pthread_attr_init/T.pthread_attr_init 14:59:25|TC Start, scenario ref 80-0, ICs: {1} 15|6 3.6-lite 1|TCM Start 400|6 1 1 14:59:25|IC Start 200|6 1 14:59:25|TP Start 520|6 1 00004640 1 1|A call to pthread_attr_init(attr) initialises the attributes 520|6 1 00004640 1 2|object specified by attr with the default value for all the individual 520|6 1 00004640 1 3|attributes used by a given implementation and returns 0 if successful. 520|6 1 00004640 1 4|Posix Ref: Component PTHREAD_ATTR_INIT 520|6 1 00004640 1 5|Assertion 9945-1:1996 520|6 1 00004640 1 6|Default inheritsched attribute is PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED 520|6 1 00004640 1 7|Default scheduling policy is SCHED_OTHER 520|6 1 00004640 1 8|Default scheduling scope is PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM 520|6 1 00004640 1 9|pthread_attr_getstackaddr, expected 0, got 22 520|6 1 00004640 1 10|Default stack size is 8388608 520|6 1 00004640 1 11|Default priority is 0 220|6 1 2 14:59:25|UNRESOLVED 410|6 1 1 14:59:25|IC End 80|6 0 14:59:26|TC End, scenario ref 80-0 900|14:59:26|TCC End