/* * @OPENGROUP_COPYRIGHT@ * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Open Group * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (MOTIF). See the file named COPYRIGHT.MOTIF for * the full copyright text. * * This software is subject to an open license. It may only be * used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open * source systems. You must contact The Open Group for a license * allowing distribution and sublicensing of this software on, with, * or for operating systems which are not Open Source programs. * * See http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/license for full * details of the license agreement. Any use, reproduction, or * distribution of the program constitutes recipient's acceptance of * this agreement. * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS * PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY * OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT * NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE * EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ /* * HISTORY */ /* $TOG: DropSMgr.h /main/12 1997/03/04 14:20:59 dbl $ */ /* * (c) Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY */ #ifndef _XmDropSMgr_h #define _XmDropSMgr_h #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define XmCR_DROP_SITE_LEAVE_MESSAGE 1 #define XmCR_DROP_SITE_ENTER_MESSAGE 2 #define XmCR_DROP_SITE_MOTION_MESSAGE 3 #define XmCR_DROP_MESSAGE 4 #define XmNO_DROP_SITE 1 #define XmINVALID_DROP_SITE 2 #define XmVALID_DROP_SITE 3 /* begin fix for CR 5754 */ /* documented values are XmDROP_SITE_VALID and XmDROP_SITE_INVALID. However, we can't just throw out the incorrect Xm[IN]VALID_DROP_SITE now since people have probably started using them. Instead, we just define the correct values using the incorrect ones. */ #define XmDROP_SITE_INVALID XmINVALID_DROP_SITE #define XmDROP_SITE_VALID XmVALID_DROP_SITE /* end fix for CR 5754 */ enum { XmDRAG_UNDER_NONE, XmDRAG_UNDER_PIXMAP, XmDRAG_UNDER_SHADOW_IN, XmDRAG_UNDER_SHADOW_OUT, XmDRAG_UNDER_HIGHLIGHT }; enum { XmDROP_SITE_SIMPLE, XmDROP_SITE_COMPOSITE, XmDROP_SITE_SIMPLE_CLIP_ONLY = 128, XmDROP_SITE_COMPOSITE_CLIP_ONLY }; enum { XmABOVE, XmBELOW }; enum { XmDROP_SITE_ACTIVE, XmDROP_SITE_INACTIVE, XmDROP_SITE_IGNORE }; typedef struct _XmDragProcCallbackStruct { int reason; XEvent * event; Time timeStamp; Widget dragContext; Position x, y; unsigned char dropSiteStatus; unsigned char operation; unsigned char operations; Boolean animate; } XmDragProcCallbackStruct, * XmDragProcCallback; typedef struct _XmDropProcCallbackStruct { int reason; XEvent * event; Time timeStamp; Widget dragContext; Position x, y; unsigned char dropSiteStatus; unsigned char operation; unsigned char operations; unsigned char dropAction; } XmDropProcCallbackStruct, * XmDropProcCallback; typedef struct _XmDropSiteVisualsRec { Pixel background; Pixel foreground; Pixel topShadowColor; Pixmap topShadowPixmap; Pixel bottomShadowColor; Pixmap bottomShadowPixmap; Dimension shadowThickness; Pixel highlightColor; Pixmap highlightPixmap; Dimension highlightThickness; Dimension borderWidth; } XmDropSiteVisualsRec, * XmDropSiteVisuals; /* DropSite Widget */ externalref WidgetClass xmDropSiteManagerObjectClass; typedef struct _XmDropSiteManagerClassRec *XmDropSiteManagerObjectClass; typedef struct _XmDropSiteManagerRec *XmDropSiteManagerObject; #ifndef XmIsDropSiteManager #define XmIsDropSiteManager(w) XtIsSubclass((w), xmDropSiteManagerObjectClass) #endif /* XmIsDropSite */ /******** Public Function Declarations ********/ extern void XmDropSiteRegister( Widget widget, ArgList args, Cardinal argCount) ; extern void XmDropSiteUnregister( Widget widget) ; extern Boolean XmDropSiteRegistered( Widget widget) ; extern void XmDropSiteStartUpdate( Widget refWidget) ; extern void XmDropSiteUpdate( Widget enclosingWidget, ArgList args, Cardinal argCount) ; extern void XmDropSiteEndUpdate( Widget refWidget) ; extern void XmDropSiteRetrieve( Widget enclosingWidget, ArgList args, Cardinal argCount) ; extern int XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder( Widget widget, Widget *parent_rtn, Widget **children_rtn, Cardinal *num_children_rtn) ; extern void XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrder( Widget widget, Widget sibling, Cardinal stack_mode) ; extern XmDropSiteVisuals XmDropSiteGetActiveVisuals( Widget widget) ; /******** End Public Function Declarations ********/ #ifdef __cplusplus } /* Close scope of 'extern "C"' declaration which encloses file. */ #endif #endif /* _XmDropSMgr_h */ /* DON'T ADD ANYTHING AFTER THIS #endif */