/* $TOG: TxtPropCv.c /main/15 1997/06/18 17:46:05 samborn $ */ /* * @OPENGROUP_COPYRIGHT@ * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Open Group * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (MOTIF). See the file named COPYRIGHT.MOTIF for * the full copyright text. * * This software is subject to an open license. It may only be * used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open * source systems. You must contact The Open Group for a license * allowing distribution and sublicensing of this software on, with, * or for operating systems which are not Open Source programs. * * See http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/license for full * details of the license agreement. Any use, reproduction, or * distribution of the program constitutes recipient's acceptance of * this agreement. * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS * PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY * OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT * NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE * EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * */ /* * HISTORY */ #include #ifndef X_NOT_STDC_ENV #include #endif #include #include #include #include "XmI.h" #include "XmStringI.h" static Atom GetLocaleEncodingAtom(Display *dpy) { int ret_status = 0; XTextProperty tmp_prop; char * tmp_string = "ABC"; /* these are characters in XPCS, so... safe */ Atom encoding; tmp_prop.value = NULL; /* just in case X doesn't do it */ ret_status = XmbTextListToTextProperty(dpy, &tmp_string, 1, (XICCEncodingStyle)XTextStyle, &tmp_prop); if (ret_status == Success) encoding = tmp_prop.encoding; else encoding = None; /* XmbTextList... should always be able * to convert XPCS characters; but in * case its broken, this prevents a core * dump. */ if (tmp_prop.value != NULL) XFree((char *)tmp_prop.value); return(encoding); } /************************************************************************ * * TextPropertyToSingleTextItem * ************************************************************************/ static int TextPropertyToSingleTextItem(Display *display, XTextProperty *text_prop, char **text_item) { int result, count; char **textlist; result = XmbTextPropertyToTextList(display, text_prop, &textlist, &count); if (result != Success) return(result); if (count == 1) { /* Otherwise just return the first element of the text list */ *text_item = XtNewString(textlist[0]); XFreeStringList(textlist); } else if (count > 1) { /* If we got back more than one string, then let's concatenate them all together. */ int i, length = 0; char *newstring; /* First figure out how big the final string will be */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) length += strlen(textlist[i]); /* Allocate a buffer and jam all the strings into it */ newstring = (char *)XtMalloc(sizeof(char)*(length+1)); newstring[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) strcat(newstring, textlist[i]); *text_item = newstring; XFreeStringList(textlist); } return(Success); } /************************************************************************ * * GetTextSegment * * This function gets the next full segment from the given xmstring using * the given xmcontext and tries to extract either locale text or * string text (i.e. ISO8859-1 text) based on the texttype argument. * * This function can return one of three return values: * * _VALID_SEGMENT: we found a segment that we could decompose. The * appropriate text has been stored in the given buffer * * _INVALID_SEGMENT: we could not decompose the segment. The given * buffer does not contain valid data * * _NO_MORE_SEGMENTS: there are no more segments available in the * xmstring using the xmcontext. * ************************************************************************/ /* Segment type return value */ enum { _VALID_SEGMENT, _INVALID_SEGMENT, _NO_MORE_SEGMENTS }; /* Valid text types */ enum { _LOCALE_TEXT, _STRING_TEXT }; /*ARGSUSED*/ static unsigned char GetTextSegment(Display *display, /* unused */ XmStringContext xmcontext, XmString xmstring, /* unused */ char **buffer, unsigned char texttype) { XtPointer text; XmStringTag tag, *rendition_tags; XmTextType type; XmStringDirection direction; XmDirection push_before; Boolean separator, pop_after; unsigned int tag_count; unsigned char return_status, tabs; short char_count; char *encoding; int i; /* Initialize the locale_buffer just in case we need to return Failure at any point along the way. */ *buffer = NULL; return_status = _VALID_SEGMENT; /* Decompose the xmstring and handle each segment separately. */ if (_XmStringGetSegment(xmcontext, TRUE, FALSE, &text, &tag, &type, &rendition_tags, &tag_count, &direction, &separator, &tabs, &char_count, &push_before, &pop_after)) { switch (type) { case XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT: case XmWIDECHAR_TEXT: if (texttype == _LOCALE_TEXT) { /* The text should be already be valid locale text */ char *tmp = XtMalloc(char_count + sizeof(wchar_t)); memcpy(tmp, text, char_count); bzero(tmp + char_count, sizeof(wchar_t)); *buffer = tmp; } else if (texttype == _STRING_TEXT) { *buffer = NULL; return(_INVALID_SEGMENT); } break; case XmCHARSET_TEXT: /* "tag" is the charset when type is CHARSET_TEXT */ encoding = XmMapSegmentEncoding(tag); if (encoding != NULL) { if (texttype == _LOCALE_TEXT && (strcmp(encoding, _MOTIF_DEFAULT_LOCALE) == 0 || strcmp(encoding, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG) == 0)) /* @@ Is ISO8859-1 valid here? */ { /* Given the above charset encodings, the text should already be valid locale text. */ char *tmp = XtMalloc(char_count + sizeof(wchar_t)); memcpy(tmp, text, char_count); bzero(tmp + char_count, sizeof(wchar_t)); *buffer = tmp; } else if (texttype == _STRING_TEXT && (strcmp(encoding, "ISO8859-1") == 0)) { /* The text is valid STRING text */ char *tmp = XtMalloc(char_count + sizeof(wchar_t)); memcpy(tmp, text, char_count); bzero(tmp + char_count, sizeof(wchar_t)); *buffer = tmp; } else return(_INVALID_SEGMENT); } else return(_INVALID_SEGMENT); /* the encoding was unregistered */ break; case XmNO_TEXT: break; } /* Before returning Success, check to see whether we need to prepend any tabs or append any newlines. */ if ((return_status == _VALID_SEGMENT) && (separator == True || tabs != 0)) { int newlength; char *newstring; newlength = strlen(*buffer) + (separator ? 1 : 0) + tabs; newstring = (char *)XtMalloc(sizeof(char) * (newlength + 1)); for (i = 0; i < tabs; i++) newstring[i] = '\t'; strcpy(&newstring[i], *buffer); strcat(newstring, "\n"); XtFree(*buffer); *buffer = newstring; } return(return_status); } else { /* Return NULL text but a value of Success to designate that there are no more segments to process. */ *buffer = NULL; return(_NO_MORE_SEGMENTS); } } /************************************************************************ * * GetUseableText * * Given an XmString, decompose it into text specified by the texttype * argument. Valid text types are _LOCALE_TEXT for text encoded in the * current locale and _STRING_TEXT for text encoded in ISO8859-1 with * newlines and tabs. * * If the "strict" argument is False, then any compound strings which * have a segment that can not be decomposed as specified will be converted * to compound text and then converted to the appropriate text by using * a series of XmbTextListToTextProperty and XmbTextPropertyToTextList * calls to acchive the conversion. * * If the "strict" argument is True, then all compound strings must be * fully convertible to the specified text type. If one is not in any * way, then XLocaleNotSupported is returned. * ************************************************************************/ static int GetUseableText(Display *display, XmString xmstring, char **buffer, Boolean strict, unsigned char texttype) { _XmStringContextRec stack_context; XTextProperty text_prop_return; char *text = NULL, *final_string = NULL, *text_item, *compound_text; unsigned char return_status; int result, size_so_far = 1; /* initialized for the ending NULL */ XICCEncodingStyle encoding_style; /* Initialize the buffer in case we have to abort and return failure. */ *buffer = NULL; switch(texttype) { case _LOCALE_TEXT: encoding_style = XTextStyle; break; case _STRING_TEXT: encoding_style = XStringStyle; break; default: return(XLocaleNotSupported); } /* Decompose the xmstring and handle each segment separately. */ _XmStringContextReInit(&stack_context, xmstring); /* Get text for each segment of the compound string. Concatenate all the text from the segments together into one string that will be returned in the buffer. */ while((return_status = GetTextSegment(display, &stack_context, xmstring, &text, texttype)) == _VALID_SEGMENT) { size_so_far += strlen(text); final_string = (char *)XtRealloc(final_string, size_so_far); final_string[0] = '\0'; strcat(final_string, text); XtFree(text); text = NULL; } /* If we encountered an invalid segment, then we will throw up our hands and try all over again by converting the compound string to compound text and then converting the compound text to a text property and from a text property back to a text list. This should result in text but with possible loss of information. */ if (return_status == _INVALID_SEGMENT) { int txt_len; char *txt_value; /* First, free what we've malloc'ed already */ if (final_string) XtFree(final_string); /* If we are in strict mode, then return XLocaleNotSupported to let the caller know that we could not decompose one of the XmStrings in the context of the current locale */ if (strict) { _XmStringContextFree(&stack_context); return(XLocaleNotSupported); } /* Now convert the compound string to compound text ... */ if ((compound_text = XmCvtXmStringToCT(xmstring)) == (char *)NULL) { _XmStringContextFree(&stack_context); return (XLocaleNotSupported); } /* then to a text property in TextStyle encoding ... */ txt_len = strlen(compound_text) + 1; txt_value = XtMalloc((txt_len + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(txt_value, compound_text); text_prop_return.value = (unsigned char *) txt_value; text_prop_return.value[txt_len] = '\0'; text_prop_return.nitems = txt_len; text_prop_return.encoding = XInternAtom(display, XmSCOMPOUND_TEXT, False); text_prop_return.format = 8; XtFree(compound_text); /* then to a text list, which should result in text. */ result = TextPropertyToSingleTextItem(display, &text_prop_return, &text_item); if (text_prop_return.value != NULL) XtFree((char *)text_prop_return.value); if (result != Success) { _XmStringContextFree(&stack_context); return(result); } final_string = text_item; } /* Otherwise, we should have valid text */ *buffer = final_string; _XmStringContextFree(&stack_context); return(Success); } /************************************************************************ * * XmCvtXmStringTableToTextProperty * ************************************************************************/ int XmCvtXmStringTableToTextProperty(Display *display, XmStringTable string_table, int count, XmICCEncodingStyle style, XTextProperty *text_prop_return) { char **compound_text, **useable_text, *xm_compound_text, *ptr; unsigned char *ubufptr, *bufptr, texttype =_LOCALE_TEXT , *final_string; int i, result, total_size; Boolean strict = True; Atom encoding = 0; _XmDisplayToAppContext(display); _XmAppLock(app); switch (style) { case XmSTYLE_COMPOUND_TEXT: compound_text = (char **)XtMalloc(sizeof(char *) * count); /* Convert each XmString to Compound Text */ for (i = 0, total_size = 0; i < count; ++i) { compound_text[i] = XmCvtXmStringToCT(string_table[i]); total_size += (compound_text[i] ? strlen(compound_text[i]) : 0) +1; } /* Generate the resulting XTextProperty value as a set of null-separated compound text elements. A final terminating null is stored at the end of the value field of text_prop_return but is not included in the nitems member. */ ptr = xm_compound_text = (char *) XtMalloc(sizeof(char) * (total_size + 1)); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (compound_text[i]) { strcpy(ptr, compound_text[i]); XtFree(compound_text[i]); } else { *ptr = '\0'; } ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1; } *ptr = '\0'; XtFree((char *) compound_text); text_prop_return->value = (unsigned char *) xm_compound_text; text_prop_return->encoding = XInternAtom(display, XmSCOMPOUND_TEXT, False); text_prop_return->format = 8; text_prop_return->nitems = total_size; _XmAppUnlock(app); return(Success); case XmSTYLE_COMPOUND_STRING: /* First calculate how much space the compound strings will occupy when they are all converted to ASN1 strings. */ for (i = 0, total_size = 0; i < count; ++i) total_size += XmCvtXmStringToByteStream(string_table[i],NULL); /* Allocate that amount of space and convert the compound strings to ASN1 strings, putting them directly into the buffer. */ text_prop_return->value = ubufptr = (unsigned char *) XtMalloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * total_size); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int size; size = XmCvtXmStringToByteStream(string_table[i],&bufptr); memcpy(ubufptr, bufptr, size); XtFree((char *) bufptr); ubufptr += size; } *(++ubufptr) = '\0'; text_prop_return->nitems = total_size; text_prop_return->format = 8; text_prop_return->encoding = XInternAtom(display, XmS_MOTIF_COMPOUND_STRING, False); _XmAppUnlock(app); return(Success); case XmSTYLE_LOCALE: case XmSTYLE_TEXT: case XmSTYLE_STRING: case XmSTYLE_STANDARD_ICC_TEXT: /* We do mostly the same thing for these four styles. Do another switch to set up some parameters which will change the behavior slightly depending on which style is being requested. */ switch (style) { case XmSTYLE_LOCALE: strict = False; texttype = _LOCALE_TEXT; encoding = GetLocaleEncodingAtom(display); break; case XmSTYLE_TEXT: strict = True; texttype = _LOCALE_TEXT; encoding = GetLocaleEncodingAtom(display); break; case XmSTYLE_STRING: strict = False; texttype = _STRING_TEXT; encoding = XA_STRING; break; case XmSTYLE_STANDARD_ICC_TEXT: strict = True; texttype = _STRING_TEXT; encoding = XA_STRING; break; case XmSTYLE_COMPOUND_TEXT: case XmSTYLE_COMPOUND_STRING: break; } /* Get useable text for each compound string */ useable_text = (char **)XtMalloc(sizeof(char *) * count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { result = GetUseableText(display, string_table[i], &useable_text[i], strict, texttype); if (result != Success) { /* Free up what we have so far ... */ --i; /* skip the one that failed */ while (i >= 0) XtFree(useable_text[i--]); if (strict) { /* If we got back XLocaleNotSupported, then pretend the caller asked for COMPOUND_TEXT style. */ if (result == XLocaleNotSupported) { /* Try to do a straight COMPOUND_TEXT conversion and return whatever we got back. */ _XmAppUnlock(app); return (XmCvtXmStringTableToTextProperty (display, string_table, count, XmSTYLE_COMPOUND_TEXT, text_prop_return)); } else { /* Otherwise, we got back an error we didn't know how to handle. Just return it. */ _XmAppUnlock(app); return(result); } } else { /* If we are not being strict, then an error was really an error that we could not handle. */ _XmAppUnlock(app); return(result); } } } /* Now take the useable_text array and convert it to one long string with null separated elements. */ for (i = 0, total_size = 0; i < count; ++i) total_size += strlen(useable_text[i]) + 1; final_string = (unsigned char *)XtMalloc(sizeof(char) * (total_size + 1)); final_string[0] = '\0'; bufptr = final_string; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { strcpy((char *)bufptr, useable_text[i]); bufptr += strlen(useable_text[i]) + 1; } *bufptr = '\0'; /* Fill in the text property with the data */ text_prop_return->encoding = encoding; text_prop_return->value = final_string; text_prop_return->nitems = total_size; text_prop_return->format = 8; /* Clean up and leave town */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) XtFree(useable_text[i]); XtFree((char *) useable_text); _XmAppUnlock(app); return(Success); default: _XmAppUnlock(app); return(XLocaleNotSupported); } } /************************************************************************ * * XmCvtTextPropertyToXmStringTable * ************************************************************************/ int XmCvtTextPropertyToXmStringTable(Display *display, XTextProperty *text_prop, XmStringTable *string_table_return, int *count_return) { enum { XmACOMPOUND_TEXT, XmA_MOTIF_COMPOUND_STRING, NUM_ATOMS }; static char* atom_names[] = { XmSCOMPOUND_TEXT, XmS_MOTIF_COMPOUND_STRING }; char **text_list; int i, result, elements = 0; XmStringTable string_table; XmStringTag tag; XmTextType type; Atom LOCALE_ATOM = GetLocaleEncodingAtom(display); Atom atoms[XtNumber(atom_names)]; _XmDisplayToAppContext(display); assert(XtNumber(atom_names) == NUM_ATOMS); XInternAtoms(display, atom_names, XtNumber(atom_names), False, atoms); _XmAppLock(app); if (text_prop->encoding == atoms[XmACOMPOUND_TEXT]) { char *ptr; /* First found how many XmString we need to allocate. */ for (*count_return = 1, i = 0; i < text_prop->nitems; i++) { if (text_prop->value[i] == '\0') (*count_return)++; } string_table = (XmStringTable)XtMalloc(sizeof(XmString) * (*count_return)); /* Now convert each compound text to an XmString. */ for (i = 0, ptr = (char *)text_prop->value; i < *count_return; i++, ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1) { XmString tempstr; tempstr = XmCvtCTToXmString(ptr); string_table[i] = tempstr; } *string_table_return = string_table; _XmAppUnlock(app); return(Success); } else if (text_prop->encoding == atoms[XmA_MOTIF_COMPOUND_STRING]) { unsigned char *asn1_head; /* First calculate how many elements there are */ asn1_head = text_prop->value; for (elements = 0; *asn1_head != '\0'; ++elements) asn1_head += XmStringByteStreamLength(asn1_head); /* Now allocate a string table to put them in */ string_table = (XmStringTable)XtMalloc(sizeof(XmString) * elements); /* Run through again, converting the strings. */ asn1_head = text_prop->value; for (elements = 0; *asn1_head != '\0'; ++elements) { string_table[elements] = XmCvtByteStreamToXmString(asn1_head); /* If the string is NULL, then we don't know what to do */ if (string_table[elements] == (XmString) NULL) { while (elements > 0) XtFree((char *)string_table[--elements]); XtFree((char *)string_table); _XmAppUnlock(app); return(XConverterNotFound); } /* Find the next asn1 string header */ asn1_head += XmStringByteStreamLength(asn1_head); } *string_table_return = string_table; *count_return = elements; _XmAppUnlock(app); return(Success); } else if (text_prop->encoding == LOCALE_ATOM) { tag = _MOTIF_DEFAULT_LOCALE; type = XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT; } else if (text_prop->encoding == XA_STRING) { tag = "ISO8859-1"; type = XmCHARSET_TEXT; } else { _XmAppUnlock(app); return(XLocaleNotSupported); } /* We fell through the else-if's so pull apart the data in the text property and set up a return string table. */ /* First count up how many string elements there are in the value. */ for (i = 0, elements = 1; i < text_prop->nitems - 1; ++i) { /* The text prop value will have two NULL's at the end, one for the end of the last string and one to terminate the entire value. The terminating NULL will be excluded by looping until i == nitems since the terminating NULL is not included in the nitems calculation. */ if (text_prop->value[i] == '\0') ++elements; } /* Create an appropriately sized array of xmstrings */ string_table = (XmStringTable)XtMalloc(sizeof(XmString) * (elements)); /* Create XmStrings from each string in the value field */ string_table[0] = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)text_prop->value, tag, type, NULL); for (i = 0, elements = 1; i < text_prop->nitems - 1; ++i) { if (text_prop->value[i] == '\0') string_table[elements++] = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer) &(text_prop->value[i + 1]), tag, type, NULL); } *string_table_return = string_table; *count_return = elements; _XmAppUnlock(app); return(Success); }