Open Motif Bug Submittal Form

To submit a bug report against the Open Motif technology please complete this form.

Section A - Originator Details

1. Please insert your name:

2. Please insert your organization (typically company/organization name):

3. Please insert your email address:

4. Please insert phone number :

5. Please insert your reference number :

Section B - Hardware/Software Configuration

6. Please insert the Software version (e.g. Open Motif 2.1.30):

7. Please insert the source component (e.g. lib/Xm/FileSB.c) :

8. Please describe the client machine type, memory, etc:

9. Please describe the client OS and X windows version, if relevant:

10. Please describe the server machine type, memory, etc. or SAME:

11. Please describe the server OS and X version, if relevant, or SAME:

12. Please give the name of the compiler and version:

Section C - Problem Description

13. Please select the severity level:

Severity levels are defined as follows:

14. Please give the date that you first noticed the problem:

15. Please insert a one line description of the problem:

Full Description:

16. Please include a full description of the problem below:

Repeat By:

17. Please include a description of how to reproduce the problem below:

18. Please include a proposed solution below:

19. Once you are sure the information is correct you can submit the request. If all of the required fields have been completed your request will be automatically mailed to the mailbox, and a reply sent back to you.