Business Scenario: Open Public Sector Data – Next Steps


The SHARE-PSI project will hold further workshops on the following topics:

  • Encouraging data usage by commercial developers: Lisbon, hosted by the Portuguese Government, December 2014.
  • Identifying data sets for publication: Timisoara, Romania, hosted by the West University, March 2015.
  • A self-sustaining business model for open data: Krems, Austria, hosted by the Danube University, May 2015.
  • Maximizing interoperability – core vocabularies, location-aware data, and more: Berlin, hosted by Fraunhofer Fokus, November 2015.

This Business Scenario provides input to those workshops, and may be updated in the light of their conclusions.

The W3C Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group will develop standards and best practices in the light of the discussions at and conclusions reached by the SHARE-PSI workshops.

Those standards and best practices will be available for use by public sector and other bodies worldwide, and by SHARE-PSI participants in particular. Promotion of those standards and best practices will be important, to facilitate their adoption.