ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 N_____________ 2005-10-02 PAG N_____________ N.Stoughton Following the January, 2005 meeting of JTC 1/SC 22 POSIX Advisory Group (PAG), a number of recommendations were made. This document is intended to provide a cross reference between those recommendations and the resolutions of the subcomittee made at its plenary meeting in Mont Tremblant, Canada, in October 2005. 1. Recommends that Nick Stoughton be appointed as Organizational Representative from SC 22 to the Austin Group, with Keld Simonsen as alternate. See resolution 05-09. 2. Advises SC22 of possible overlap in scope between the work of the Austin Group and that of WG14 (C Libraries), WG21 (C++ multi-thread memory models) and the I18NRG (I18N issues [POSIX Locales, WG 20 Locales, C Locales, C++ Locales etc, and character set issues]). See recommendation 11 for further details. See resolution 05-10. 3. Requests that the SC 22 Chair ask ITTF about the packaging status of the four parts of 9945, which should constitute a single standard, possibly published in four volumes. See resolution 05-15 4. Recommends that the Project Editor for any document should continue to be the primary mechanism by which new versions of any specification should be forwarded to SC 22 for approval. Since this is the primary mechanism by which documents are processed within SC 22, no resolution was believed necessary. 5. Advises SC 22 that the existing procedures (see SC 22 N3486) used to jointly develop and maintain specifications within the Austin Group are sufficient. See resolution 05-18 6. Nominates Andrew Josey (UK) to be the project editor for (POSIX, 9945 parts I-IV), and notes that the UK delegation present at the PAG meeting were willing to provide National Body support for this nomination. See resolution 05-29 7. Advises SC 22 of the following POSIX related projects that were formerly under the scope of WG 15, and makes recommendations as follows: ... See resolutions 05-04 and 05-31. 8. Recommends that all project editors of all surviving projects listed above provide a copy of their document source to Keld Simonsen for archive. PAG further recommends that all project editors of projects canceled as listed above should provide Keld Simonsen a copy of all relevant documents around the canceled project (including any drafts) for archive. ACTION: NS to request that the Project Editor for 9945 (AJ) provide Keld Simonsen with a copy of the sources for the current standard (including all of the Technical Corrigenda). See resolution 05-17 9. Recommends that SC 22 assigns the WG 15 action item regarding the repository for POSIX character maps and locales to the I18NRG. See resolution 05-19 10.Recommends that SC 22 thank Mr Keld Simonsen for the maintenance of the WG 15 website and email lists. Further, PAG recommends that SC 22 ask Mr. Simonsen to continue to maintain this archive, noting that it is now a disbanded group. PAG thanks Mr Simonsen directly for his untiring efforts in this respect. See resolution 05-20 11.Recommends that the Austin Group OR should make the following points during the Austin Group meeting, and recommends that SC 22 note any areas of inter WG liaison that may exist: ... See resolution 05-09, 05-10