SC 22/WG 14 N____ N. Stoughton SC 22/PAG N0008 2006-02-27 Austin/284 Liaison Report -- POSIX / C At last September's SC 22 meeting in Mt Tremblant, Canada, I was appointed as internal Liaison between the Austin Joint Working Group and WG 14 (see resolution 05-11). This document highlights the areas of common interest to the two groups at present. During the February 21-24 meeting of the Austin Group in Ottawa, a full revision of the POSIX standard was commenced. This project had previously been announced to SC 22, and in particular to WG 14, during its last meeting. The Project Editor is forming an editing group to undertake the revision, and national bodies are invited to nominate experts to assist. There are three principle organizations that form the Austin Joint Working Group: + ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 + IEEE PASC + The Open Group Each of these three organizations can present new material for inclusion in the revision. From WG 14's point of view, since POSIX overlaps with WG 14 at the library level, the most relevant thing that WG 14 could offer is the list of anticipated changes arising from defect reports against the library section. I intend to submit a list of "Closed but not published" defects before 2006-03-31. In addition, if there are any other as yet unresolved defects against the library chapter, I propose that these be listed, with a solicitation for feedback from the Austin Group, but without prejudice for the resolution. The Austin Group has submitted three defects (DRs 321, 322, and 323) that await finalization. I encourage WG 14 to publicize their anticipated directions to the Austin Group, and to the the general public, on these areas which currently represent conflicts between IS 9899 and IS 9945. in particular, the editing group should be provided anticipated closure dates if easy consensus appears likely. PDTR 24731 (The "Secure" TR) remains an area where there is a high degree of concern from Austin Group members, and I will be submitting a separate paper on this subject.