The Open Group Service-Oriented Cloud-Computing Infrastructure
"Applying principles of service-orientation to infrastructure"
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This was a joint project of the SOA Work Group and the Cloud Computing Work Group, which is now part of the Open Platform 3.0™ Forum.

Infrastructure Architecture is regarded by many as one of the three pillars of information technology, together with Business Architecture and Application Architecture. Service-Oriented Infrastructure results from applying the principles of service-orientation to this architectural pillar.

It is related to Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) which is most commonly used to refer to the use of this principle in Application Architecture. A Service-Oriented Infrastructure forms an appropriate foundation for a service-oriented Application Architecture (and for other styles of Application Architecture also), and can be regarded as a natural part of a service-oriented Enterprise Architecture.

The project has fulfilled its objective, which was to produce an Open Group standard framework for service-oriented cloud computing infrastructure.


Latest Accomplishments

The Open Group Technical Standard Service Oriended Cloud Computing Infrastructure Framework was published in December 2011.

Next Steps

The project is completed.


Standards and Drafts

Project Co-Chairs

Tina Abdollah

E.G. Nadhan

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