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OSF DCE SIG J. Comuzzi (DEC)
Request For Comments: 55.0 February 1994



The DCE 1.0 security facility permits UNIX hosts to override account information from the security registry on a per host basis. This RFC provides a proposal to extend this facility in DCE 1.1 to support overriding group information and adding a mechanism to lookup account and group information using the overridden UID or GID as a key.

Statement of the Problem

DCE 1.0 security includes a password override facility, which uses the password override file. This file, which exists in /opt/dcelocal/etc/passwd_override, has a syntax similar to the syntax of the /etc/passwd file which exists on most UNIX systems. /opt/dcelocal/etc/passwd_override permits using the DCE registry (secd) as the repository for local account information, but allows specific information to be overridden on the local system (a customizibility feature). This is particularly useful because without it all UNIX hosts would have to share the same conventions on pre-existing system accounts (i.e., pre-DCE, low UID), which would be inconvenient since there are many different, incompatible, conventions for the names and UID's of such pre-existing accounts.

No analogous mechanism currently exists to reconcile differences between the pre-existing groups in the registry and pre-existing groups that might be present on a given UNIX system. Further, no mechanism exists to access registry information starting with the overridden UID or GID as a key.

Outline of the Proposal

This proposal adds a file, /opt/dcelocal/etc/group_override, and adds a new API routine, sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_effective_unix_num(). This routine is the analogue of sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num(). It returns account or group information that use UID's and GID's that are subject to override information in /opt/dcelocal/etc/passwd_override and /opt/dcelocal/etc/group_override files. The latter file would permit the specification of the name to GID association specific to this system.


The sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num() API routine is implemented as an RPC to the security registry, secd. However the routine sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_effective_unix_num() would be implemented as a local routine, which calls a new override interface, followed by an RPC to the registry server. The new override routine would be part of the local machine's sec_clientd, where a database of account override information is already maintained in memory. An additional database maintained as a linked list of struct override_group_buffer's would be added.

Addition of Group Override Information to sec_clientd

All processing of the passwd_override information is localized in the file src/security/sec_clientd/roverride.c. The data structure maintained and accessed therein (the list of struct override_buffer's) would be augmented by an additional list of struct override_group_buffer's and struct override_group_member's. See Appendix A for details.

The private routine check_update_group_overrides() would be added to reinitialize the override_group_buffer lists if the group_override file changed. This is exactly analogous to check_update_overrides() maintenance of the override_buffer's list. Similarly, a new routine parse_group_override_buffer() would be added to parse the syntax of the group_override file -- see Appendix B for details on this syntax.

Four new routines (roverride_get_by_unix_num(), roverride_get_group_info(), roverride_check_group_passwd() and roverride_is_group_passwd_overridden()) would be added. These routines would be added as additional routines to the IDL file roverride.idl. Since they are being added at the end, only the interface minor version number need be incremented. Indeed, since this IDL interface is only used to communicate among the DCE library, dce_login and passwd_export and sec_clientd on one machine, all of which would be replaced in any upgrade to DCE 1.1, it would not matter if the interface major version number was changed. [Note that there is no conceivable reason for calling this interface remotely, since the outputs from the existing three routines are only interpretable on the local host. However, if changing the interface version is perceived as a problem, the three routines could be exported via a new IDL interface (say rgroupoverride.idl) at the cost of one additional entry in the end-point mapper. Again, see Appendix A for details on the API of these routines.]

The routine roverride_get_by_unix_num(), would implement a case on the name_domain. For the domain sec_rgy_domain_person, the override_buffer list would be searched for an entry with matching UID. If one is found, the function returns true, with the name of the corresponding account; otherwise it returns false. For the domain sec_rgy_domain_group, the override_group_buffer list would be searched for an entry with matching GID. If one is found, the function returns true, with the name of the corresponding group; otherwise it returns false. For the domain sec_rgy_domain_org, the fuction returns false. In both the searches, only entries with keyfield's of name (i.e, either principal name or group name) are examined. If the name field is not present in an override entry, then the correct information can be obtained from the registry.

The routines roverride_get_group_info(), roverride_check_group_passwd() and roverride_is_group_passwd_overridden() would be almost identical to the existing corresponding routines, except that the override_group_buffer list would be searched.

Finally, in addition to the changes required in src/security/server/sec_cliend/roverride.c, the above entry points would have to be added in src/security/client/rca/override.c and override.acf. These entry points are a simple pass-thru's of the arguments.

Addition of sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_effective_unix_num()

Implementation of this libdce routine would parallel sec_rgy_login_get_effective(). It would consist of a call to roverride_get_by_unix_num() to obtain the name of the account or group if it is overridden. If roverride_get_by_unix_num() indicates this UID or GID has been overridden, the returned name is used in a call to sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_name(). If it has not been overridden, sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num() is called. The signature of sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_effective_unix_num() is identical to sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num(), and is listed in Appendix A.

Addition of Group Override Mechanism to passwd_export

passwd_export currently supports using information in /opt/dcelocal/etc/passwd_override in its generation of /etc/passwd. It will need a several line modification to access roverride_get_group_info(), so that information in /opt/dcelocal/etc/group_override will override the registry in its generation of /etc/group.


There are three documentation tasks associated with this proposal. First, the new public API routine sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_effective_unix_num() would need to be documented. This would be done by cloning the sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_unix_num() documentation and making minor changes. Second, the format of the group_override file would need to be documented. This has been included in Appendix B. Third, the man page for passwd_export would need to be updated to reflect the fact that unless the -n switch is present, both the passwd_override and group_override files will effect the created files.

Note that the four new roverride routines would be given the same documentation treatment as the existing routines in roverride.idl; currently, those are not documented in the DCE, but they may be documented in the future.


Noticeably absent in the above proposal is any additional implementation to support organizations. This is because organizations are not a UNIX concept, and are not required to achieve a clean integration with UNIX.

There are several possible other API routines that could be added. These include sec_rgy_pgo_effective_unix_num_to_id() and sec_rgy_pgo_effective_unix_num_to_name(). It is not proposed to add these additional API routines, since their functionality can be obtained with sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_effective_unix_num().


struct override_group_buffer

typedef unsigned32                sec_group_override_fields_t;
const sec_group_override_fields_t sec_group_override_none
                                                        = 0x0;
const sec_group_override_fields_t sec_group_override_gr_gid
                                                        = 0x1;
const sec_group_override_fields_t sec_group_override_gr_passwd
                                                        = 0x2;
const sec_group_override_fields_t sec_group_override_member
                                                        = 0x4;

typedef struct override_group_member {
    sec_rgy_name_t                  member;
    struct override_group_member    *next;
} override_group_member_t;

typedef struct override_group_buffer {
    sec_rgy_name_t                  gr_name;
    sec_rgy_unix_passwd_buf_t       gr_passwd;
    signed32                        gr_gid;
    struct override_group_member    *members;
    sec_group_override_fields_t     overridden;
    sec_override_key_t              key_fields;
    struct override_group_buffer    *next;
} override_group_buffer_t;

Signature of roverride_get_by_unix_num()

roverride_get_by_unix_num (
    [in]            handle_t                   h,
    [in]            sec_rgy_domain_t           name_domain,
    [in]            signed32                   unix_id,
    [out, string]   char                       *name,
    [out]           error_status_t             *status );

Signature of roverride_get_group_info()

roverride_get_group_info (
    [in]            handle_t                   h,
    [in, string]    char                       *gr_name,
    [in, out]       signed32                   *gr_gid,
    [out]           sec_rgy_unix_passwd_buf_t  gr_passwd,
    [in]            signed32                   max_members,
    [in, out]       sec_rgy_cursor_t           *member_cursor,
    [out, v1_array, length_is(*number_supplied),
                    sec_rgy_member_t           member_list[],
    [out]           signed32                   number_supplied,
    [out]           signed32                   number_members,
    [out]           sec_group_override_fields_t *overridden,
    [out]           error_status_t             *status );

Signature of roverride_check_group_passwd()

roverride_check_group_passwd (
    [in]            handle_t                   h,
    [in, string]    char                       *gr_name,
    [in]            signed32                   *gr_gid,
    [in]            sec_rgy_unix_passwd_buf_t  gr_passwd,
    [out]           error_status_t             *status );

Signature of roverride_is_group_passwd_overridden()

roverride_is_group_passwd_overridden (
    [in]            handle_t                   h,
    [in, string]    char                       *gr_name,
    [out]           signed32                   *gr_gid,
    [out]           sec_rgy_unix_passwd_buf_t  gr_salt,
    [out]           error_status_t             *status );

Signature of sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_effective_unix_num()

[idempotent] void
sec_rgy_pgo_get_by_effective_unix_num (
    [in]            sec_rgy_handle_t           context,
    [in]            sec_rgy_domain_t           name_domain,
    [in]            sec_rgy_name_t             scope,
    [in]            signed32                   unix_id,
    [in]            boolean32                  allow_aliases,
    [in, out]       sec_rgy_cursor_t           *item_cursor,
    [out]           sec_rgy_pgo_item_t         *pgo_item,
    [out]           sec_rgy_name_t             name,
    [out]           boolean32                  overriden,
    [out]           error_status_t             *status );

FORMAT OF /opt/dcelocal/etc/group_override FILE

The information in this section is intended as the man page for the group_override file.


The registry database group override file.




The /opt/dcelocal/etc/group_override administrative file lets you override the UNIX group ID for a group similar to manner in which the passwd_override file permits overriding information in the network registry database.

The group_override file is stored on each machine. Any changes you make to it are in effect for the local machine only, and have no effect on the centralized registry. You may find group_override especially useful overriding the default group definitions supplied with the registry if they do not match your local UNIX system.

The group_override File Format:

The format of the group_override entries is similar to entries in the UNIX group file. The format is:

group_name:\ passwd:\ group_uid:\ members

In the override entry, group_name and group_uid are keyfields. You must enter one to identify the group to which the override applies. The keyfield is used to perform a lookup in the override file. The lookup is performed in order as the entries are specified in an override entry: first by group name, then by group UNIX ID. If you specify more than one keyfield in an override entry, the first keyfield specified is used as the lookup key; subsequent keyfields are used as overrides.

Field Descriptions:


A keyfield that contains the name that identifies the group to which the override applies.


This field specifies the encrypted password. If you specify an override in this field, the password you enter is in effect for this local machine only.

You can also specify OMIT in the passwd field to disallow newgrp's to this group on the local machine. The use of OMIT in conjunction with an option to the passwd_export command also prevents the inclusion of this group in the group file created by passwd_export. (See the section entitled Using OMIT, later in this command reference, for details.)


A UNIX group ID. This filed can function as a keyfield, when no other keyfields are entered, or as a field containing an override, when entered in conjunction with group name. This field specifies the local override of the group ID supplied by the network registry server.


This field specifies a comma-separated list of members of the group. The contents of this field will override information in the registry when passwd_export creates an /etc/group file. Note that to specify a null membership, as opposed to indicating no override is required, use an asterisk (*) for this field.

Leaving Fields Blank:

If you do not want to override an item, leave its field blank, separating each blank field with a colon (:). Note that to override a group with a null membership list, enter an asterisk (*) for the members field.

Using OMIT:

If you enter either the word OMIT or another invalid password string (such as an asterisk or NO GOOD) in the passwd field, users will not be able to issue a newgrp to this group on the local machine. If you specify OMIT and run passwd_export with the -x option, the named group will not appear in the /etc/group file produced by passwd_export.

You should also be aware that, if you have omitted groups from the /etc/group file, information about those groups will not be available to any programs that use the group file. For example, the ls -lg command accesses the group file to obtain further information about a group. If the group is omitted, no group entry will exist and no information will be available. For this reason you should use OMIT to omit groups from the /etc/group file only if your user community is very large and either of the following conditions occur:

  1. The group file is taking up too much space.
  2. Group-ID-to-name mapping is too slow (during ls -lg, for example).


  1. To override the group ID of group kmem to be 3 use the entry:
  2. To override the group password and membership for group system to the single account root, use the entry:


Joe Comuzzi Internet email: Comuzzi@tuxedo.enet.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation Telephone: +1-508-486-7695
550 King Street, LKG2-2/Z7
Littleton, MA 01460