XSD Data File Information ------------------------- Author: The Open Group ArchiMate Exchange Team Start date: 04 Oct 2016 Revision date: 18 May 2017 XSD Version: 3.0 Status: Final Description: The Open Group ArchiMate 3.0 Open Exchange Format Notes and rationale ------------------- This is the XSD for the ArchiMate 3.0 Model Exchange File Format. A number of example models in the exchange file format are available for interoperability testing. For details of how to obtain those files and for further information, see the ArchiMate Model Exchange File Format page at http://www.opengroup.org/xsd/archimate/ This is a container for all of the Diagrams in the model. This is a container for all of the Nodes and Connections in the Diagrams. This is an abstract super-type of Node and Connection. the "viewRef" of an "Concept" is to a view that allows drill-down diagrams. Graphical node type. It can contain child node types. The x (towards the right, associated with width) attribute from the Top,Left (i.e. 0,0) corner of the diagram to the Top, Left corner of the bounding box of the concept. The y (towards the bottom, associated with height) attribute from the Top,Left (i.e. 0,0) corner of the diagram to the Top, Left corner of the bounding box of the concept. The width (associated with x) attribute from the Left side to the right side of the bounding box of a concept. The height (associated with y) attribute from the top side to the bottom side of the bounding box of a concept. An XPath 2.0 expression. Node type to allow a Label in a Artifact. the "label" element holds the info for the Note. conceptRef is a reference to an concept for this particular label, along with the attributeRef which references the particular concept's part which this label represents. conceptRef is a reference to an concept for this particular label, along with the partRef which references the particular concept's part which this label represents. If this attribute is set, then there is no need to add a label tag in the Label parent (since it is contained in the model). the XPATH statement is meant to be interpreted in the context of what the conceptRef points to. Node type to allow a Container in a Artifact. This is a visual grouping container. This is to support Nested Nodes on the Diagram The order of sibling nodes in their parent View or Node container as declared in the model instance dictates the z-order of the nodes. Given nodes A, B, and C as declared in that order, node B is considered to be in front of node A, node C is considered to be in front of node B, and node C is considered to be in front of nodes A and B. Node type to allow an Element in a Artifact. The node's label, documentation and properties may be determined (i.e inherited) from those in the referenced ArchiMate element. Otherwise the node's label, documentation and properties can be provided and will be additional to (or over-ride) those contained in the referenced ArchiMate element. If the 'elementRef' restrictions will only allow references to an existing ArchiMate element. Graphical connection type. If the 'relationshipRef' attribute is present, the connection should reference an existing ArchiMate relationship. If the connection is an ArchiMate relationship type, the connection's label, documentation and properties may be determined (i.e inherited) from those in the referenced ArchiMate relationship. Otherwise the connection's label, documentation and properties can be provided and will be additional to (or over-ride) those contained in the referenced ArchiMate relationship. Line on the diagram. Abstract Type requiring a source and target. Connector for a Relationship. Connector for a Nested Relationship on an element. A Style type for a node and a connection. It is a container for style properties such as color, font. An integer value representing the width (thickness) of the lines of each node in pixels. RGB Color type. The r, g, b attributes range from 0 - 255. The a (alpha) transparency attribute is optional. 0 = full transparency, 100 = opaque. A value describing the style of the font. Style values can be combined and shall be separated by a space. If no style values are declared, a default style is to be assumed. Declaring a style of plain implies that no styling (bold, italic, underline) shall be used by the receiver. Font type. Size is given in points.