XSD Data File Information
Author: The Open Group ArchiMate Exchange Team
Start date: 04 Oct 2016
Revision date: 15 July 2019
XSD Version: 3.1
Status: Preliminary
Description: The Open Group ArchiMate 3.1 Open Exchange Format
Notes and rationale
This is the XSD for the ArchiMate 3.1 Model Exchange File Format.
A number of example models in the exchange file format are available
for interoperability testing. For details of how to obtain those
files and for further information, see the ArchiMate Model Exchange File Format
page at http://www.opengroup.org/xsd/archimate/
A base string type for multi-language strings.
A base string type for multi-language strings that preserves whitespace.
Something that can be referenced in the model.
Documentation of the object.
Any property instance of the object
ObjectType which requires a Name and an ID.
Generic Reference Type.
This is the root model type.
It is a container for the elements, relationships, diagrams and organizations of the model.
The "metadata" element is the optional meta-data for the model.
The "elements" element is optional and is a container for all elements.
The "relationships" element is optional and is a container for all relationships.
The "organizations" element is optional and is a container for the tree nodes of the different
structural organization of model elements and relationships.
Specifies the version of the model.
An instance of the meta-data element contains data structures that declare descriptive information
about a meta-data element's parent only.
One or more different meta-data models may be declared as child extensions of a meta-data element.
Provides a wrapper for multiple meta-data sets.
Any namespace element from any namespace may be included within an "any" element. The
namespace for the imported element must be defined in the instance, and the schema must be imported.
The extension has a definition of "strict" i.e. they must have their own namespace.
This is a container for the Property definitions in the model.
A Property definition type containing its unique identifier, name, and data type.
An enumeration of data types.
A container for all of the Property value instances for an object.
A Property instance type declaring the reference to a Property definition and containing the Property value.
This is an abstract class for Concepts (Elements, Relationships, Composites, and RelationConnectors).
Empty. Available for Extension purposes.
Empty. Available for Extension purposes.
This is a container for the elements of the model.
A base element type that can be extended by concrete ArchiMate types.
Note that ElementType is abstract, so one must have derived types of this type. this is indicated in xml
by having a tag name of "element" and an attribute of xsi:type="BusinessRole" where BusinessRole is
a derived type from ElementType.
This is a container for the relationships of the model.
A base relationship type that can be extended by concrete ArchiMate types.
Note that RelationshipType is abstract, so one must have derived types of this type. this is indicated in xml
by having a tag name of "relationship" and an attribute of xsi:type="AccessRelationship" where AccessRelationship is
a derived type from RelationshipType.
Forces Real Elements to have Names.
An abstract type for RelationshipConnectors. It is treated as an ElementType.
An abstract type for Composites.
This is a container for the Organizations of the model.
An organization element represents a structural node in a particular organization of the model concepts.
An organization element may be a parent or sibling of other organization elements,
each one representing a unique structural node.
An organization element may reference an ArchiMate element, ArchiMate relationship,
or nothing (in which case it is a structural container)
An organization has no meaning unless it has at least child organization element.
Note that Organization must fit into a tree structure (so strictly nested).
identifierRef could refer to anything that has an identifier in the model.
Enumeration of Element types.
This Attribute is only meaningful for Influence RelationshipType. This is optional for the Influence
Enumeration of Influence Strength types. These are suggestions.
Enumeration of Element types.
Enumeration of Relationship Connector types.
Enumeration of Composite types.
Enumeration of Relationship types.