XSD Data File Information ------------------------- Author: The Open Group ArchiMate Exchange Team Start date: 2 May 2013 Revision date: 3 August 2015 XSD Version: 1.0 Status: Final Description: The Open Group ArchiMate Open Exchange Format Notes and rationale ------------------- This is the XSD for the ArchiMate Model Exchange File Format. A number of example models in the exchange file format are available for interoperability testing. For details of how to obtain those files and for further information, see the entry for the ArchiMate Model Exchange File Format Standard in The Open Group publications catalog at http://www.opengroup.org/bookstore/catalog/ . This is the root model element. It is a container for the elements, relationships, diagrams and organisations of the model. The "metadata" element is the optional metadata for the model. The "name" element is the name of the model. The "documentation" element is for the documentation of the model. The "properties" element is optional and is for any property instance of the model. The "elements" element is mandatory and is a container for all elements. The "relationships" element is optional and is a container for any relationships. The "organization" element is optional and is a container for structural organisation of model elements and relationships. The "propertydefs" element is optional and is a container for any property definitions. The "views" element is optional and is a container for any Views. This is a container for the elements of the model. A base element type that can be extended by concrete ArchiMate types. Junction is a special case. It is treated as an element. This is a container for the relationships of the model. A base relationship type that can be extended by concrete ArchiMate types. This is a container for all the Property definition types used globally in the model. A Property definition type containing its unique identifier, name, and data type. A container for all of the Property value instances for an element/relationship. A Property instance type declaring the reference to a Property definition and containing the Property value. An enumeration of data types. This is a container for organizing elements and relationship references in the model using items. An item element represents a structural node in a particular organization. An item element may be a parent or sibling of other Item elements, each one representing a unique structural node. An item element may reference an ArchiMate element, ArchiMate relationship, or nothing (in which case it is a structural container) An organization has no meaning unless it has at least one Item element. An instance of the metadata element contains data structures that declare descriptive information about a metadata element's parent only. One or more different metadata models may be declared as child extensions of a metadata element. This is a container for all of the Views in the model. Must contain at least one View. Container for a View type. Enumeration of Viewpoint types. Graphical node type. It can contain child node types. If the 'elementref' attribute is present, it should reference an existing ArchiMate element. If the node is an ArchiMate element type, the node's label, documentation and properties may be determined (i.e inherited) from those in the referenced ArchiMate element. Otherwise the node's label, documentation and properties can be provided and will be additional to (or over-ride) those contained in the referenced ArchiMate element. Graphical connection type. If the 'relationshipref' attribute is present, the connection should reference an existing ArchiMate relationship. If the connection is an ArchiMate relationship type, the connection's label, documentation and properties may be determined (i.e inherited) from those in the referenced ArchiMate relationship. Otherwise the connection's label, documentation and properties can be provided and will be additional to (or over-ride) those contained in the referenced ArchiMate relationship. A bendpoint type for a connection. A Style type for a node and a connection. It is a container for style properties such as color, font. RGB Color type. The r, g, b attributes range from 0 - 255. The a (alpha) transparency attribute is optional. 0 = full transparency, 100 = opaque. Font type. A base string type for multi-language strings. Any namespaced element from any namespace may be included within an "any" element. The namespace for the imported element must be defined in the instance, and the schema must be imported. The extension has a definition of "strict" i.e. they must have their own namespace.