Minutes of the 20th July 2023 Teleconference Austin-1330 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. 21st July 2023 Attendees: Don Cragun, IEEE PASC OR Andrew Josey, The Open Group Geoff Clare, The Open Group Eric Ackermann, HPI, University of Potsdam Eric Blake, Red Hat, The Open Group OR Mark Ziegast, SHware Systems Dev. Apologies Nick Stoughton, Logitech/USENIX, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 OR (partial) Tom Thompson, IEEE * General news The meetings on July 24, and 27 will be webex meetings. Andrew noted that he has submitted the ISO 9945 project editor status report for the SC22 plenary. He will also submit the ISO/IEC Organizational Representative report to SC22, and then a 1003.1 status report to the PASC SEC. Andrew has sent a position on the organization and style of the document to ISO/IEC who may question why it does not conform fully to their directives. * Current Business Note for issue resolution all items are tagged for Issue 8 unless noted otherwise or disposition is reject or duplicate. Bug 1741: getlocalename_l (ISO/US-003) Accepted as Marked https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=1741 Change: The getlocalename_l() function shall return the locale name for the given locale category of the locale object locobj, or of the global locale if locobj is the special locale object LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE. The category argument specifies the locale category to be queried. If the value is LC_ALL or is not a supported locale category value (see [xref to setlocale()]), getlocalename_l() shall fail. to: If category is not LC_ALL, the getlocalename_l() function shall return the locale name for the given locale category of the locale object locobj, or of the global locale if locobj is the special locale object LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE. If category is LC_ALL, the getlocalename_l() function shall return a string that encodes the locale settings for all locale categories of the locale object locobj, or of the global locale if locobj is the special locale object LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE, in the same form as is returned by setlocale(). The string returned is such that a subsequent call to setlocale(), from the same process, with a pointer to that string as locale and the LC_ALL category shall set the global locale to the same locale for each category as was present in the queried object. If the value of the category argument is neither LC_ALL nor a supported locale category value (see [xref to setlocale()]), getlocalename_l() shall fail. Change APPLICATION USAGE from "None" to: In addition to the caveats regarding validity of the returned string pointer in RETURN VALUE, the content of the string returned when category is LC_ALL is only required to be valid for the life of the process, so is not intended for storage or sharing between processes. As the internal format of the string is implementation-specific, there is nothing preventing a subsequent run of an application from being presented a different format, for example if the implementation is updated. This was the last individual issue filed in the D3 review ballots. Andrew will now prepare the formal responses to be returned to ISO and IEEE. Next Steps ---------- The next call is on: Mon 2023-07-24 (Webex meeting- general bugs/ballot resolution) Thu 2023-07-27 (Webex meeting- general bugs/ballot resolution) The calls are for 90 minutes Calls are anchored on US time. (8am Pacific) Please check the calendar invites for dial in details. Apologies in advance: Nick Stoughton 2023-07-20, 2023-07-24, 2023-07-27 Bugs are at: https://austingroupbugs.net An etherpad is usually up for the meeting, with a URL using the date format as below: https://posix.rhansen.org/p/20xx-mm-dd (For write access this uses The Open Group single sign on, for those individuals with gitlab.opengroup.org accounts. Please contact Andrew if you need to be setup)