Austin Group Minutes of the 8 Feb 2007 Teleconference Austin-337 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. February 9, 2007 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Don Cragun , Sun, PASC OR Geoff Clare, The Open group Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR Apologies Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Action item review --------------------- ACTION 2005-01-01: Don Cragun to present paper on pathname resolution. OPEN ACTION 2006-09-01: Ulrich Drepper to prepare a paper making a recommendation on imaginary type in C99. OPEN ACTION 2006-09-02: Ulrich and Nick to develop a draft PAR and criteria for C++ POSIX binding for discussion. OPEN (in progress) Draft PAR circulated Nov 20 for comment. PMC Criteria still to be developed. Ulrich will send out a note to remind folks about this. ACTION 2006-09-13: Andrew to make a pass through current closed aardvarks against approved std, to move items to SD-5 or interpretations when ready. Closed for D2R, but ongoing . See Austin/325 for the list of specific changes for D2R from SD/5. Andrew submitted more interpretations into the pipe at the end of January 2007. Action AI-2006-06-01: Andrew to work out the full set of changes for recirculation for XSH ERN 132 OPEN, ongoing in progress Draft Status ------------ Andrew finished processing the inbound aardvark The rdvk counts for D2 are: XBD 100 XCU 142 XSH 67 XRAT 13 Next Face to Face meeting ------------------------ The meeting date and location have been announced. The twelfth plenary meeting of the Austin Group is being held in Austin, Texas. The meeting is being hosted by IBM. Registration is open for the meeting. Please register by Feb 9th. Participation can be in person or electronic or teleconference. See the agenda for more information: Aardvark Bug Reports -------------------- We picked up on the current aardvark XBD ERN 72 sys/stat.h Accept Andrew had confirmed that Larry was ok with this change as a future direction. XBD ERN 73 OPEN Leave for the next face to face meeting to discuss the topic of fine grained timestamps in detail XBD ERN 83 TMP_MAX OPEN We will submit a DR against C99 We have completed drafting the DR and Nick will submit it to the ISO C committee XBD ERN 84 sys/stat.h Accept as marked below Replace lines 12734-12735 with: "The header shall define the following symbolic constants for the file types encoded in type mode_t." Replace lines 12744-12768 with: "The header shall define the following symbolic constants for the file permission bits encoded in type mode_t, with the indicated numeric values. These macros shall expand to an expression which has a type that allows them to be used, either singly or ORed together, as the third argument to open() without the need for a (mode_t) cast. Name Numeric Value Description S_IRWXU 0700 Read, write, execute/search by owner. S_IRUSR 0400 Read permission, owner. S_IWUSR 0200 Write permission, owner. S_IXUSR 0100 Execute/search permission, owner. S_IRWXG 070 Read, write, execute/search by group. S_IRGRP 040 Read permission, group. S_IWGRP 020 Write permission, group. S_IXGRP 010 Execute/search permission, group. S_IRWXO 07 Read, write, execute/search by others. S_IROTH 04 Read permission, others. S_IWOTH 02 Write permission, others. S_IXOTH 01 Execute/search permission, others. S_ISUID 04000 Set-user-ID on execution. S_ISGID 02000 Set-group-ID on execution. [XSI] S_ISVTX 01000 On directories, restricted deletion flag. [/XSI]" Append to RATIONALE, page 363 line 12830: "Some earlier versions of this standard did not specify values for the file permission bit macros. The expectation was that some implementors might choose to use a different encoding for these bits than the traditional one, and that new applications would use symbolic permissions instead of numeric. This version of the standard specifies the traditional encoding, in recognition that nearly 20 years after the first publication of this standard numeric permissions are still in widespread use by application writers, and that all conforming implementations still use the traditional encoding." XBD ERN 85 Numerical floating limits Accept XBD ERN 86 timer_create Accept Send down the interpretations track. This is a defect and concerns are being forwarded to the sponsor. XSH ERN 190 tcflow Accept as marked below On XBD Page 77 3.302 Pseudo Terminal line 2470 In the first sentence A facility that provides an interface that is identical to the terminal subsystem Change "terminal subsystem" to "terminal subsystem, except where noted otherwise in this standard" IN XSH Page 1511 line 47114 Change If action is TCIOFF to If action is TCIOFF and fildes refers to a terminal device Append to line 47115: "If fildes is associated with a pseudo-terminal, the STOP character need not be transmitted." Change 47116 from If action is TCION to If action is TCION and fildes refers to a terminal device Append to line 47117: "If fildes is associated with a pseudo-terminal, the START character need not be transmitted." Next Steps ----------- Andrew will update the aardvark reports with the latest inbound defect reports. Next teleconference meeting Feb 15 2007 See An IRC channel will be available for the meeting irc:// #austin irc:// ICAL: XML: