Austin Group Interpretations Status Austin-340 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. February 28, 2007 The open interpretations status is as follows: Austin-121:XCU:ex write force Austin-120:XCU:sort -c can be finalized having completed their final review. Austin-119:XSH:ss time accuracy pthread_getschedparam Geoff proposed the following update to which there has been no dissent: This interp proposes a clarification to the description of pthread_setschedparam(), but the same issue also affects pthread_attr_setschedparam(), sched_setparam() and sched_setscheduler(). Can equivalent fixes for these functions be added to interp 119, or is a separate interp request needed? If they can be added to 119, then the updated Notes to the Editor would be: Add an additional sentence to p1004 (pthread_attr_getschedparam) TSP shaded paragraph, p1076 (pthread_getschedparam) TSP shaded paragraph, p1255 (sched_setparam) at line 39400 within the SS shaded text, and p1258 (sched_setscheduler) at line 39501 within the SS shaded text: It is unspecified whether the sched_ss_repl_period and sched_ss_init_budget values are stored as provided by this call or are rounded to align with the resolution of the clock being used. Austin-117:XCU:m4 maketemp,mkstemp There was no initial consensus. Subsequently Eric had posted some mail: I propose this wording for the mkstemp paragraph in interpretation 117 (the rest of the proposed solution is fine as is): Insert new macro immediately after maketemp mkstemp The first argument shall be taken as a template for creating an empty file, with trailing 'X' characters replaced with characters from the portable file name set. The behavior is unspecified if the first argument does not end in at least six 'X' characters. If a temporary file is successfully created, then the defining text of the macro is the name of the new file; the file is owned by the effective user and group of the process, and the file access permission bits are set such that only the owner can both read and write the file, regardless of the current umask of the process. If a file could not be created, the defining text of the macro shall be the empty string.