Austin Group Minutes of the 28th August 2007 Teleconference Austin-379 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. August 29, 2007 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Don Cragun , Sun, PASC OR Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Geoff Clare, The Open Group Mats Wichmann, Intel Apologies Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR Action item review --------------------- ACTION AI-2005-01-01: Don Cragun to present paper on pathname resolution. OPEN ACTION 2007-02-06: Ulrich to research issue 15 and propose text for XSH intro to explain directory searching, with special respect to the *at() functions. OPEN (Geoff has posted some mail on this, come back to this when Ulrich has the cycles) Ulrich has also now posted some thoughts on this item. It was agreed that we need to close this actions at the September meeting so we can incorporate the changes into D4 Status ------ Meeting registration for the September face to face meeting is now open. So far registered attendees are: Andrew Josey, The Open Group Cathy Fox, The Open Group Geoff Clare, The Open Group Nick Stoughton, USENIX Mark Brown, IBM (tc) Don Cragun Mats Wichmann Ulrich Drepper POSIX C++ binding group status: The PAR and PMC criteria have been submitted to the PASC SEC. The PASC SEC vote is in progress. Aardvark Bug Reports -------------------- XSH ERN 204 regcomp OPEN We need to investigate behaviors Unless a test program is submitted this item will remain open. XSH ERN 217 tcsetattr OPEN XSH ERN 218 poll OPEN XCU ERN 153 update (no change to current resolution) Note Geoff had posted the changes to implement in version 7 in mail seq 10927 and we should hold those on file for merging into the revision. Andrew has added a note to the aardvark report. XCU ERN 163 update s/full/role/; s/non matching/``non-matching''/ Andrew has applied the corrections to the aardvark report. XCU ERN 164 dot Accept XCU ERN 165 mv Accept Send down the interpretations track. The standard is clear, the standard is wrong , concerns are being forwarded to the sponsor. XCU ERN 166 mv Accept as marked below Send down the interpretations track. The standard is ambiguous, no conformance distinctions can be made about different implementations , concerns are being forwarded to the sponsor. At line 25398, insert a new step 2: 2. If the source_file operand and destination path name the same existing file, then the destination path shall not be removed, and one of the following shall occur: a. No change is made to source_file, no error occurs, and no diagnostic is issued. b. No change is made to source_file, a diagnostic is issued to standard identifying the two names, and the exit status is affected. c. If the source_file operand and destination path name distinct directory entries, then the source_file operand is removed, no error occurs, and no diagnostic is issued. The mv utility shall do nothing more with the current source_file, and go on to any remaining source_files. Renumber the existing steps 2-6 into 3-7. At line 25500, add a new paragraph to Application Usage: The specification ensures that 'mv a a' will not alter the contents of file 'a', and allows the implementation to issue an error that a file cannot be moved onto itself. Likewise, when 'a' and 'b' are hard links to the same file, 'mv a b' will not alter 'b', but if a diagnostic is not issued, then it is unspecified whether 'a' is left untouched (as it would be by the rename() function) or unlinked (reducing the link count of 'b'). XCU ERN 57 mv Accept as marked below Send down the interpretations track. The standard is clear, concerns are being forwarded to the sponsor. After XCU page 655 line 25410 append this: If the destination path exists and was created by a previous step it is unspecified whether this will treated as an error or the destination path will be overwritten. Change XCU page 268 line 10474 from this: a. If dest_file exists, the following steps shall be taken: to this: a. The behavior is unspecified if dest_file exists and was written by a previous step. Otherwise, if dest_file exists, the following steps shall be taken: Action: Andrew to send further rdvks down the interpretations track. Next Steps ----------- Andrew will update the aardvark reports with the latest inbound defect reports. The next call is 30th August Note that the time will be at 16:00 UK (15:00 UT) local time Dial-in:+1 877-421-0003 Or Int'l +1-770-615-1374 Passcode: 953276 See An IRC channel will be available for the meeting irc:// #austin irc:// ICAL: XML: