Minutes of the 24 June 2010 Teleconference Austin-486 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. June 28 , 2010 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Don Cragun, PASC OR Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR Geoff Clare, The Open Group Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR Apologies Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat Eric Blake, Red Hat * Old Business We are leaving bugs 247 and 249 open for now as part of the strange filename handling issue. *Bug 0258 strftime needs an %EB specifier Accepted as marked This item was brought forward from a previous call. Mark had completed an action to provide a recommended action (added as a bugnote). It as agreed that an Interpretation is needed. Nick will also let the Standard C1x committee know. Interpretation response: The standard does not speak to this issue, and as such no conformance distinction can be made between alternative implementations based on this. This is being referred to the sponsor. Rationale: The locale specification is believed to be incomplete. Notes to the Editor (not part of this interpretation): Based on the observation that FreeBSD implemented support for this in 1999, but somewhat differently: The specifier %B remains the genitive (with day number) and a new specifier %OB is used for the nominative (no day number), apparently thought as less common. Although the %O modifier already has a use, this does not conflict with %B as %B does not contain "digits". Based on the observation that FreeBSD implemented support for this in 1999, but somewhat differently: The specifier %B remains the genitive (with day number) and a new specifier %OB is used for the nominative (no day number), apparently thought as less common. Although the %O modifier already has a use, this does not conflict with %B as %B does not contain "digits". We suggest the following resolution: Locale Sec LC_TIME p159 after the sentence ending on line 4903 add: For languages having both a genitive (when used with a day number) and a nominative (no day number) case, this operand shall be used to denote the genitive case. Locale Sec LC_TIME p159 after line 4903 insert: alt_mon Define the full month names, corresponding to the %OB conversion specification. The operand shall consist of twelve -separated strings, each surrounded by double-quotes. The first string shall be the full name of the first month of the year (January), the second the full name of the second month, and so on. For languages having both a genitive (when used with a day number) and a nominative (no day number) case, this operand shall be used to denote the nominative case. Locale Sec LC_TIME p161 after line 4979 insert: ALTMON_x The alternative full month names (for example, January), where x is a number from 1 to 12. Locale Sec LC_TIME p163 after line 5109 insert in the table: alt_mon ALTMON_1 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_2 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_3 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_4 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_5 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_6 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_7 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_8 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_9 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_10 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_11 %OB N/A alt_mon ALTMON_12 %OB N/A Locale Sec 7.4.2 Locale Grammar p171 at the end of line line 5437 add: | 'alt_mon' langinfo.h p264 after line 8661 insert: ALTMON_1 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate first month of the year. ALTMON_2 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate second month. ALTMON_3 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate third month. ALTMON_4 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate fourth month. ALTMON_5 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate fifth month. ALTMON_6 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate sixth month. ALTMON_7 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate seventh month. ALTMON_8 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate eighth month. ALTMON_9 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate ninth month. ALTMON_10 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate tenth month. ALTMON_11 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate eleventh month. ALTMON_12 LC_TIME Name of the alternative appropriate twelfth month. strftime p2010 after line 63652 insert: %OB Replaced by the locale's alternative appropriate full month name. strptime p2028 after line 64194 insert: %Ob The locale's appropriate alternative full month name. Either the abbreviated name or the alternative full name may be specified. %OB Equivalent to %Ob. date p2576 after line 82930 insert after "era_d_fmt,": alt_mon, date p2577 after line 82939 insert: %OB The locale's alternative appropriate full month name. *Bug 0261: Unnecessary restrictions on pax stdin and stdout Accepted This was brought forward from the previous meeting. It was agreed that an interpretation is required. Interpretation response The standard states the requirements for pax , and conforming implementations must conform to this. However, concerns have been raised about this which are being referred to the sponsor. Rationale: None. Notes to the Editor (not part of this interpretation): Make the changes as suggested by the submitter. * New Business *Bug 0262: sed with multiple -e options Accepted as marked It was agreed that an interpretation is required. Interpretation response: The standard states the requirements for sed, and conforming implementations must conform to this. However, concerns have been raised about this which are being referred to the sponsor. Rationale: None. Notes to the Editor (not part of this interpretation): Change -e script Add the editing commands specified by the script option-argument to the end of the script of editing commands. The script option-argument shall have the same properties as the script operand, described in the OPERANDS section. -f script_file Add the editing commands in the file script_file to the end of the script. -n [...] Multiple -e and -f options may be specified. All commands shall be added to the script in the order specified, regardless of their origin. to -e script Add the editing commands specified by the script option-argument to the end of the script of editing commands. -f script_file Add the editing commands in the file script_file to the end of the script of editing commands. -n [...] If any -e or -f options are specified, the script of editing commands shall initially be empty. The commands specified by each -e or -f option shall be added to the script in the order specified. When each addition is made, if the previous addition (if any) was from a -e option, a shall be inserted before the new addition. The resulting script shall have the same properties as the script operand, described in the OPERANDS section. *Bug 0263: nm and sorting "alphabetically" Accepted This was accepted as an editorial change. *Bug 0264: sed addr in braces Duplicate of Issue 6 bug 0269 It was agreed that we would go back and review the Issue 6 ERNS and then file separately any for which interpretations were required but not yet raised. This would then allow this bug to be duplicated (to bug 0269). Action: Geoff will review how many Issue 6 ERNs need to be filed into Mantis (for interpretations). Next Steps ---------- The next call will be on July 1 at 16:00 UK time/08:00 Pacific and will continue on aardvark processing, and then if time allows some further discussion on the topic of unusual (non-portable) filenames. http://austingroupbugs.net See the calendar for the list of dialup numbers. An IRC channel will be available for the meeting irc://irc.freestandards.org #austin ICAL: http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/nvctqtstkuni3fab9k3jqtrt4g@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic XML: http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/nvctqtstkuni3fab9k3jqtrt4g@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic