Minutes of the 8th September 2011 Teleconference Austin-537 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. September 2 , 2011 Attendees Andrew Josey, The Open Group Don Cragun, PASC OR Mark Brown, IBM, TOG OR Jim Pugsley, Oracle Geoff Clare, The Open Group Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC OR Apologies Eric Blake, Red Hat Andrew reported he had now submitted TC1 draft 3 to IEEE for mandatory editorial coordination. This is likely to take up to three weeks. He also reported that ballot pool formation was now complete. We had 21 individuals register as follows Academic 2 9.5% General Interest 8 38.1% Government/Military 0 0.0% Producer 4 19.0% User 7 33.3% 21 100.0% As no one group has more than half of the balloting group we are ok to proceed. The next stage would be to update draft 3 with the final change from the draft 3 review, to create an internal draft 3.1 that the editors can use. This would then be applied to Issue 7 to make a version of the standard with the draft TC changes applied. At the moment the precise timeline for doing that is not known, and so we have not decided whether completion of a full draft should be a gating factor to starting the IEEE balloting. * Old Business Bug 281 sort -M Accept as marked http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=281 Don had completed his action to propose some wording. It was agreed that this was something that we should consider moving forward. During September 8, 2011 conference call, it was agreed that Note: 0000953 was the correct course of action, and should be implemented by the editor as and when time and budget is available. * New Business Bug 0000465: is the list of special built-ins exhaustive (is "local" special)? OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=465 Andrew reported that he had sent a note to Dave Korn, and that Dave has responded that he will look at this during the next week and get back to us. Bug 0000490: Missed change. Accept http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=490 This change has been applied in Draft 3.1 of TC1-2008. Bug 487 0000487: Contradictory comparison of access() and faccessat() behaviors Accepted as marked http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=487 This bug is tagged for TC2-2008 Change If faccessat() is passed the special value AT_FDCWD in the fd parameter, the current working directory is used and the behavior shall be identical to a call to access(). to: If faccessat() is passed the special value AT_FDCWD in the fd parameter, the current working directory shall be used and, if flag is zero, the behavior shall be identical to a call to access(). At line 19457 change: The faccessat() function shall be equivalent to the access() function, except in the case where path specifies a relative path. to: The faccessat() function shall be equivalent to the access() function, except that the behavior shall be modified by the value of flag as described below, and except in the case where path specifies a relative path. Bug 0000491: sigaction() ENOTSUP error incorrectly updated Accepted http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=491 This bug is tagged for TC2-2008 Bug 0000489: truncate should affect timestamps even for no size change Accepted http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=489 This bug is tagged for TC2-2008 Bug 0000456: mandate binary mode of fmemopen Accepted as marked http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=456 This item is tagged for TC2-2008 Updated actions, assuming that both 0000396 and 0000461 are incorporated into TC1. Line numbers still reflect Issue 7, but the text now reflects the cumulative effects of both TC1 bugs as of draft 2 (the first attempt only reflected 0000396). At lines 28743-28750 [XSH fmemopen DESCRIPTION], undo the TC1 changes (XSH/TC1/D2/0136), and replace the existing text (in Issue 7, the 6 rows from "r or rb" to "at the first null byte") with: r or rb Open the stream for reading. w or wb Open the stream for writing. a or ab Append; open the stream for writing. r+ or rb+ or r+b Open the stream for update (reading and writing). w+ or wb+ or w+b Open the stream for update (reading and writing). Truncate the buffer contents. a+ or ab+ or a+b Append; open the stream for update (reading and writing). At line 28751, replace TC1 wording (XSH/TC1/D2/0137): Implementations shall accept all mode strings allowed by fopen(), but the use of the character 'b' shall produce implementation-defined results, where the resulting FILE * need not behave the same as if 'b' were omitted. with: If the mode argument includes 'b', then the stream shall be in binary mode; otherwise the stream shall be in text mode. At line 28762, change the TC1 wording (XSH/TC1/D2/0139): ...For modes r and r+ the size shall be set to the value given by the size argument. For modes w and w+ the initial size shall be zero and for modes a and a+ the initial size shall be either the position of the first null byte in the buffer or the value of the size argument if no null byte is found. to: ...If mode starts with 'r' or includes 'b', the size shall be set to the value given by the size argument and shall not change. Otherwise, the stream is in text mode and writable, and the size shall be variable; for modes w and w+ the initial size shall be zero and for modes a and a+ the initial size shall be either the position of the first null byte in the buffer or the value of the size argument if no null byte is found. At line 28775, change TC1 wording (XSH/TC1/D2/0142): When a stream open for writing is flushed or closed, a null byte shall be written at the current position or at the end of the buffer, depending on the size of the contents. If a stream open for update is flushed or closed and the last write has advanced the current buffer size, a null byte shall be written at the end of the buffer if it fits. to: When a stream open for writing in text mode is flushed or closed, a null byte shall be written at the current position or at the end of the buffer, depending on the size of the contents. If a stream open for update in text mode is flushed or closed and the last write has advanced the current buffer size, a null byte shall be written at the end of the buffer if it fits. If a stream is opened in binary mode, no additional null byte shall be written. At line 28819 [APPLICATION USAGE], change "None." to: Unlike fopen( ), where a 'b' in the mode argument is required to have no effect, fmemopen( ) distinguishes between text and binary modes. Text mode guarantees that the underlying memory will always be NUL-terminated after any write operation, and tracks the growth of the largest position written to up to that point; while binary mode only modifies the underlying buffer according to direct writes, while seeking relative to the full buffer size. The combination of append and binary modes is not commonly used, since any attempt to write to such a stream will necessarily fail because the stream does not dynamically grow beyond the initial size. This standard intentionally leaves the behavior of 'e' and 'x' in the mode argument undefined; implementations might silently ignore them so that fmemopen( ) may accept the same mode strings as fopen( ), or may reject them as invalid. At line 28824 [FUTURE DIRECTIONS], change the TC1 wording (XSH/TC1/D2/0143): A future revision of this standard may mandate specific behavior when the mode argument includes 'b'. back to the Issue 7 "None." Bug 0000449: add ;& case statement fallthrough to sh ReOPENED http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=449 This was accepted during the meeting, and then subsequently reopened after the meeting. Bug 0000375: Extend test/[...] conditionals: ==, <, >, -nt, -ot, -ef OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=375 Action: Andrew to contact submitter and ask him to produce a whitepaper expanding the proposal. The paper should pay particular attention to note 670. Bug 0000374: malloc(0) and realloc(p,0) must not change errno on success OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=374 Bug 0000373: make should allow dash in macro names OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=373 Action: (ask) Eric to examine existing practice. Next Steps ---------- The next call is on September 22nd at 08:00 Pacific and will continue processing defect reports. This call will be for the regular 90 minutes. http://austingroupbugs.net See the calendar for the list of dialup numbers. An IRC channel will be available for the meeting irc://irc.freestandards.org #austin ICAL: http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/nvctqtstkuni3fab9k3jqtrt4g@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic XML: http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/nvctqtstkuni3fab9k3jqtrt4g@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic