Minutes of the 10th July 2014 Teleconference Austin-666 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group. 11th July 2014 Attendees: Andrew Josey, The Open Group Martin Rehak, Oracle Geoff Clare, The Open Group Don Cragun, IEE PASC OR Joerg Schilling FOKUS Fraunhofer Richard Hansen, BBN Eric Blake, Red Hat Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 OR Apologies David Clissold, IBM Mark Brown, Canonical * General news Feedback on the 9945 Project Editor report and the Austin Group OR report for ISO was discussed.It was agreed that Andrew will omit the detailed wording on the anticipated major revision date and submit. The two reports are available in the document register as Austin/664 (OR Report) and Austin/665 (PE Report). Progress of the IEEE PASC approval of the draft text of a Project Authorization Request and the accompanying PMC evaluation criteria for TC2 has stalled, while some procedural issues related to SEC membership are resolved. * Outstanding actions +Bug 0000251: Forbid newline, or even bytes 1 through 31 (inclusive), in filenames OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=251 Don has an action to produce a proposal. +Bug 0000561: NUL-termination of sun_path in Unix sockets OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=561 Eric has an action to update the proposal. +Bug 0000573: Please add '+' to the portable filename character set OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=573 Joerg has an action to prepare a proposed change. +Bug 0000592: consistent use of struct timespec OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=592 Jim had provided additional information in bugnote 1627. This was discussed and Jim took an action to provide further information. +Bug 0000598: OH shading and new interfaces OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=598 Eric has an action to propose a new solution with self-contained headers. +Bug 0000517: EBNF support OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=517 Action on Joerg to look at this. +Bug 0000633: SIGEV_THREAD delivery renders many signal interfaces unsafe OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=633 We noted that feedback has settled down on the mailing list, and will discuss next session. +Bug 0000657: Conditions under which fmemopen() write a NUL to the buffer are insufficiently specified OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=657 Eric has an action to propose wording to clarify the behavior for fmemopen(), and also to contact the glibc developers to get their feedback. +Bug 0000658: Undefined/unspecified behavior clauses in description of open have race conditions OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=658 It was noted that there is some overlap with changes in TC1. Eric took an action to update the proposal to resolve the overlaps appropriately. +Bug 0000615: pthread_setcancelstate should be async-signal-safe OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=615 We now have reports on AIX and Apple. Jim to report back on whether pthread_cancelstate() is async-signal-safe on Solaris. Andrew to ask HP whether pthread_cancelstate() is async-signal-safe on HP-UX. +Bug 0000672: Necessary step(s) to synchronize filename operations on disk OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=672 Geoff has a new proposed resolution in note 1618. Decided to solicit input from FS developers. Eric to go to Linux, David to AIX and Jim to Solaris. Jim has completed his action (see bugnote 1691). Andrew should chase HP and Apple for input. +Bug 0000663: Specification of str[n]casecmp is ambiguous reopened http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=663 Action on David to follow up with the IBM developers about the EBCDIC collation sequence. Bug 696 either NAME_MAX shouldn't be optional, or readdir_r() needs clarification http://www.austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=696 Don has an action to propose a resolution. Bug 0000721: Internal storage vs static storage OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=721 This item is still open. Bug 0000375: Extend test/[...] conditionals: ==, <, >, -nt, -ot, -ef OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=375 This is still left open due to discussions pending on the reflector. Bug 0000789: Add set -o pipefail OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=789 * Current Business Bug #853: references to tables broken, says "Batch Services Summary" OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=853 Confirmed as a bug. Andrew investigating to see whether a wider issue than just with awk Bug #850: Standardize MAP_ANON Accepted as Marked http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=850 This item is tagged for Issue 8 On page 37 after line 1195 (XBD 3.15 definition of Angle Brackets), add a new section (and renumber subsequent entries as appropriate): 3.16 Anonymous Memory Object An object that represents memory not associated with any other memory objects. On page 68 after line 1972 (XBD 3.22 definition of Memory Object), add: An anonymous memory object (see Section 3.16 on page 37). On page 372 after line 12515 (XBD description), add: MAP_ANON Synonym for MAP_ANONYMOUS. MAP_ANON shall have the same value as MAP_ANONYMOUS. MAP_ANONYMOUS Map anonymous memory. On page 1322 after line 43724 (XSH mmap() description), add: Anonymous memory objects. On page 1322 line 43730 (XSH mmap() description) change: The mmap() function shall establish a mapping between the address space of the process at an address pa for len bytes to the memory object represented by the file descriptor fildes at offset off for len bytes. to: The mmap() function shall establish a mapping between the address space of the process at an address pa for len bytes to the memory object represented by the file descriptor fildes at offset off for len bytes, or to an anonymous memory object of len bytes. On page 1323 after line 43773 (XSH mmap() description, table about MAP_* symbolic constants), add two new rows: MAP_ANON | Synonym for MAP_ANONYMOUS. MAP_ANONYMOUS | Map anonymous memory. On page 1324 after line 43823 (XSH mmap() description), add a new paragraph: If MAP_ANONYMOUS (or its synonym MAP_ANON) is specified, fildes is -1, and off is 0, then mmap() shall ignore fildes and instead establish a mapping to a new anonymous memory object of size len. The effect of specifying MAP_ANONYMOUS (or MAP_ANON) with other values of fildes or off is unspecified. Anonymous memory objects shall be initialized to all bits zero. On page 1325 lines 43881-43882 change: [ENXIO] MAP_FIXED was specified in flags and the combination of addr, len, and off is invalid for the object specified by fildes. to: [ENXIO] MAP_FIXED was specified in flags and the combination of addr, len, and off is invalid for the specified object. Add before page 1326 line 43887: In addition, if MAP_ANONYMOUS (or MAP_ANON) is not set in flags, the mmap() function shall fail if: and then move the EACCES, EBADF, ENODEV and EOVERFLOW errors, and the first ENXIO error (line 43880), to after this new text. On page 1328 after line 43989 (XSH mmap() rationale), add a new paragraph: Some historical implementations only supported MAP_ANON, some only supported MAP_ANONYMOUS, and some supported both spellings. This standard includes both spellings partly for application compatibility and partly because neither spelling was clearly more popular than the other at the time this feature was considered for standardization. On page 1365 lines 45154-45155 (XSH msync() description) change: [SHM|TYM]The effect of msync() on a shared memory object or a typed memory object is unspecified.[/] to: The effect of msync() on an anonymous memory object, [SHM]shared memory object[/], or [TYM]typed memory object[/] is unspecified. Bug #851: pthread_atfork orphans handlers in unloaded shared libraries OPEN http://www.austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=851 Discussion started on this item, and will resume next time. Next Steps ---------- The next call is on July 17, 2014 (a Thursday) Calls are anchored on US time. (8am Pacific) This call will be for the regular 90 minutes. http://austingroupbugs.net An IRC channel will be available for the meeting irc://irc.freenode.net/austingroupbugs An etherpad is usually up for the meeting, with a URL using the date format as below: http://posix@posix.rhansen.org:9001/p/201x-mm-dd password=2115756#