Minutes of the 20th August 2015 Teleconference Austin-726 Page 1 of 1 Submitted by Geoff Clare, The Open Group. 21st August 2015 Attendees: Don Cragun, IEEE PASC OR Mark Ziegast, SHware Systems Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 OR Joerg Schilling, FOKUS Fraunhofer Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Geoff Clare, The Open Group David Clissold, IBM (for first hour) Roger Faulkner, Oracle, The Open Group OR (for first hour) Martin Rehak, Oracle Margot Hackett Miller, Oracle Apologies: Andrew Josey, The Open Group Eric Blake, Red Hat Richard Hansen, BBN ------------------ * General news Andrew completed his action to post a summary of the Ballot pool outcome. * Outstanding actions ( Please note that this section has been flushed to shorten the minutes - to locate the previous set of outstanding actions, look to the minutes from 26 Feb 2015) Bug 0000887: printf and other functions appear many times in search results OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=887 Andrew is investigating. Bug 0000900: add qsort_r OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=900 The consensus was that its a good idea to add the suggested interface. The usual requirements regarding a sponsor for a new interface apply. Action: Open Group OR , to ask the Base WG if they wish to sponsor the additional qsort interface proposed here. Bug 0000901: reserve _POSIX* shell option namespace for future use OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=901 The forward plan for this bug remains as before: Richard: file a new bug report with a concrete feature that would use the _POSIX* namespace (as motivation for reserving set -o _POSIX*) All: debate the proposed feature. If it's something we want, then revisit bug #901. If not, close bug #901. Bug 0000922: Implementations should be allowed to change/remove implementation-defined environment variables OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=922 This item remains open. Action on Eric: propose wording for Issue 8 to add secure_getenv(), and make it clear that deleting from environment without explicit request is not compliant, but ignoring is fine. For Issue 7 TC 2: Create new bug to add additional conditions on what makes TMPDIR valid, vs. undefined behavior; also add future directions to getenv() to mention secure_getenv() * Current Business Bug #249: Add standard support for $'...' in shell Accepted as Marked http://austingroupbugs.net/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=249 The resolution in bugnote #590 was edited in place to allow for greater flexibility in the number of digits in a \uXXXX and \uXXXXXXXX sequence and other minor tweaks to reflect existing practice. The changes made to the resolution (not the new complete resolution) were: Change: If a \xXX or \XXX escape sequence yields a byte whose value is 0, that byte and any following regular characters and escape sequences up to the terminating unescaped single-quote shall be evaluated and discarded. to: If a \xXX or \XXX escape sequence yields a byte whose value is 0, it is unspecified whether that nul byte is included in the result or if that byte and any following regular characters and escape sequences up to the terminating unescaped single-quote are evaluated and discarded. Change: \uXXXX yields the character specified by ISO/IEC 10646 whose four-digit short universal character name is XXXX (and whose eight-digit short universal character name is 0000XXXX). \UXXXXXXXX yields the character specified by ISO/IEC 10646 whose eight-digit short universal character name is XXXXXXXX. to: \uXXXX yields the character specified by ISO/IEC 10646 where XXXX is two to four hexadecimal digits (with leading zeros supplied for missing digits) whose four-digit short universal character name is XXXX (and whose eight-digit short universal character name is 0000XXXX). \UXXXXXXXX yields the character specified by ISO/IEC 10646 where XXXXXXXX is two to eight hexadecimal digits (with leading zeros supplied for missing digits) whose eight-digit short universal character name is XXXXXXXX. Change: If a universal character name specified by \uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX is less than 00A0 other than 0024 ($), 0040 (@), or 0060('), the results are undefined. to: If a universal character name specified by \uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX is less than 0020 (), the results are undefined. Change: In C, any characters specified after that null byte (including escape sequences) continue to be processed and added to the expansion of the character string literal. In $'...' in the shell, however, this standard requires the null byte and all remaining characters up to the terminating unescaped single-quote be evaluated and discarded. (This was historic practice in bash, but not in ksh93.) This allows ... to: In C, any characters specified after that null byte (including escape sequences) continue to be processed and added to the expansion of the character string literal. In $'...' in the shell this standard allows the equivalent behavior but also allows the null byte and all remaining characters up to the terminating unescaped single-quote be evaluated and discarded. The latter (which was historic practice in bash, but not in ksh93) allows ... Change: 5. The double-quote (") character can be used ... to: 5. The \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX escape sequences must have exactly 4 and 8 hexadecimal digits, respectively, in C. In $'...' in the shell, fewer digits are accepted. If the character following either form is itself a hexadecimal digit, the application shall ensure that the full 4 or 8 character width ( using leading zeros as necessary ) is used to disambiguate the interpretation. 6. The double-quote (") character can be used ... Bug #976: improper use of "line" to describe the ^ and $ operators Accepted as marked http://austingroupbugs.net/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=976 This item is tagged for TC2-2008 Change: A BRE can be limited to matching strings that begin or end a line to: A BRE can be limited to only match at the beginning or end of a string Make the same change in the description of ERE anchoring in subclause 9.4.9 on P191, L6221. Bug #977: Content of y.tab.h insufficiently described. Accepted as marked http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=977 This item is tagged for TC2-2008 On P3415 Line 114993 - 114995 Change: -d Write the header file; by default only the code file is written. The #define statements associate the token codes assigned by yacc with the user-declared token names. This allows source files other than y.tab.c to access the token codes. to: -d Write the header file; by default only the code file is written. See the OUTPUT FILES section. Bug #974: several issues with awk's ARGC/ARGV OPEN http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=974 This was discussed briefly at the end of the call. There was a general feeling that more research into what different implementations of awk do in the cases suggested is needed before this can be resolved. Next Steps ---------- The next call is on September 3, 2015 (a Thursday) Calls are anchored on US time. (8am Pacific) This call will be for the regular 90 minutes. http://austingroupbugs.net An IRC channel will be available for the meeting irc://irc.freenode.net/austingroupbugs An etherpad is usually up for the meeting, with a URL using the date format as below: http://posix@posix.rhansen.org:9001/p/201x-mm-dd password=2115756#