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Austin 2016: Proceedings - Architecture Forum

Architecture Forum Members' Meeting

Thursday, July 21, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Objective of Meeting

The goal of the meeting was to discuss the main topics that matter to the Forum and to follow up on the different activities from the working groups. The meeting also aimed to make important decisions about the TOGAF® Company Review process, specifically about the issue resolution process for the changes received. A course of action was also discussed and defined for the publication path for the different guides that would be supporting the TOGAF standard.


The following topics were covered in the meeting:

  • Welcome, general introduction, and attendees introduction
  • Forum strategy presentation
  • Project Scorecard overview
  • Business reports: certification, publications, membership, TOGAF maintenance
  • The TOGAF Evolution status report was presented and the final decision about the TOGAF Series Guides was defined.
  • The strategy to handle the change requests for the TOGAF volumes was discussed and a consent item and several actions were defined. Those will be the main input for the work plan to define the proposed resolutions.
  • The different leaders delivered their reports from the committees: Certification Standing Committee and Ecosystem Standing Committee.
  • The leaders of the different working activities delivered their reports: progress, approach, deliverables, and matters of the Forum.
  • Forward planning for the Paris meeting was discussed, considering the working sessions needed to continue with the process to address the changes received in Company Review and to solve other issues defined during the session.
  • Approval for the different working activities to continue
  • Open actions and consent items review


  • Detailed meeting minutes and list of consent items and open actions to support the current activities and key decisions about the different working activities, the TOGAF Company Review, guides development, and the rest of the working activities.
  • Guidelines to define a working plan to define the proposed resolutions for the change requests.
  • Key decisions about the impact on the TOGAF Ecosystem due to the release of the new version of the standard. Specific actions for the Ecosystem and Certification Standing Committees.
  • Identification of a current issue to solve in the Forum: improve member participation and engagement, especially for the Company Review process.
  • Key decisions about the related documents that complement the core content of the standard: ADM Method Guide, Leaders Guide.
  • High-level planning for the Paris event members' meetings.

Next Steps

  • Take the proper actions to comply with the defined roadmap for the TOGAF Company Review: planning for the different meetings and activities to define proposed resolutions for the change requests received for both volumes.
  • Continue with the strategy the Forum officers have defined to engage more members in the Company Review process and keep very clear and complete communication with members about the process.
  • Improve the actions to gather more member participation: continue with the delivery of the weekly reports on the current activities and how new and existing members can be engaged and become more active.
  • Continue supporting the different working activities, especially those related to guide development.
  • Follow up on the actions to address the impact of the new version of the standard in the TOGAF Ecosystem.
  • Pursue more use-case story presentations like the one presented in the workshop to deliver more value to members and pursue a better standard and good practice adoption.
  • Take actions to improve member participation and market awareness about the standard usage.
  • Support the current activities in place and ask for collaboration.
  • Follow up on the consent items and open actions.
