
Detecon register 19 as TOGAF 8 Certified

20 January 2009

We are very pleased to announce that
Detecon International GmbH
has registered the following people as TOGAF 8 Certified:

Andreas Riegg - Daimler AG
Kurt Beil - Daimler AG
Marcel Berneaud - Detecon International GmbH
Markus Bertsch - Daimler AG
Tobias Blaesing - Daimler AG
Andre Bouillet - Daimler AG
Jan Burchhardt - Daimler AG
Matin Ebrahimchel - Daimler AG
Reinhard Griesinger - Daimler AG
Hans-Jürgen Groß - Daimler AG
Harald Gurres - Daimler AG
Swen Kölbel - Daimler AG
Edward Mandic - Daimler AG
Ralf Michel - Daimler AG
Johannes Müller-Gerking - Daimler AG
Christoph Riewerts - Daimler AG
Peter Rothlaender - Daimler AG
Matthias Schwitzgebel - Daimler AG
Christian Wege - Daimler AG

 For further information please refer to the register at

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