
Detecon register 15 as TOGAF 8 Certified

14 July 2009

We are very pleased to announce that
Detecon International GmbH
has registered the following people as TOGAF 8 Certified:

Jörg-Michael Altstaedt - T-Systems ES GmbH
Reyk Bederke - T-Systems ES GmbH
Les Folkes - T-Systems UK
Michael Geraghty - Hitachi Data Systems Limited
Thomas Koch - T-Systems ES GmbH
Suresh Kumar - T-Systems UK
Eva-Maria Kupper - T-Systems GEI
Aneta Nowobilska - Detecon International GmbH
Andrew Parker - Hitachi Data Systems Limited
Stephan Scheithauer - T-Systems SI
Jan Schepers - NetApp
Volker Scherer - NetApp
Holger Scholz - T-Systems SI
Maurice Sens - T-Systems NL
Hans van Leperen - T-Systems NL

 For further information please refer to the register at

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