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Paris 2016: Proceedings - Architecture Forum

Architecture Forum Members' Meetings (1/4):
Brainstorming Future Activities

Monday, October 24, 2:00 – 5:30 pm

Objective of Meeting

The main goal of the session was to capture new ideas and topics to improve and support the TOGAF® standard and also to discuss ideas regarding the Architecture Forum strategy and vision.


The meeting started with a presentation of the Architecture Forum strategy document (2009-2015).

After the current strategy review, a discussion started regarding how this vision can be applied to define the Forum strategy for the years to come and to deliver an answer to a basic question: which one will be the vision of the Forum? The possibilities are to be only the TOGAF® Management Forum, or to have a wider view covering EA as a practice following a more proactive approach and covering different activities to address not only the standard but also EA. Several ideas were shared and discussed and high-level ideas for a course of action were defined in order to move forward with this initiative and shape the Forum strategy.

In the second part of the meeting, a proposal was presented by one of the members regarding a new development to have an Agile perspective of the TOGAF® standard, gathering together other management practices. Also, an approach to have clearer guidance regarding how the TOGAF standard functions using a very clear and meaningful set of color conventions was presented. The final outcome of these two additional presentations was that they would be handled as part of the Forum activities and new projects.


  • A set of high-level ideas and points to support and shape the target state for the Forum strategy.
  • Concrete action to be taken by the officers to gather feedback from the Forum regarding the target state for the Forum strategy.
  • An overview of two Forum activities that will be proposed to start this quarter which are: TOGAF and Agile and the usage of a meaningful color schema for the TOGAF standard.

Next Steps

  • To follow up on the actions regarding the Forum strategy and circulate the survey as agreed.
  • To continue with concrete actions to define the Forum strategy based on the inputs from the meeting and the survey, and define a working plan for the strategy to be actionable.
  • To follow up on the two initiatives presented so they can be new working activities in the Forum managed following the proper processes.
