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The Open Group Trusted Technology Provider Forum (OTTF)™ (Tuesday)

Objective of Meeting

Over the past several months the OTTF has been capturing and maintaining a set of possible revisions to the Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard (O-TTPS)™ that was published in April, 2013. The objective of the both the Monday and Tuesday sessions was to review those suggested revisions and provide some draft recommendations on their resolutions.


Tuesday was a continuation of the Monday sessions and it was spent reviewing the change requests, validating the current related wording in the standard, discussing whether the suggested change was appropriate, and whether the draft recommendation should be accepedt, rejeced,t or accepted with modification – and what that modification would be.

OTTF Update

The O-TTPS is an open standard containing organizational guidelines, requirements, and recommendations for integrators, providers, and component suppliers to enhance the security of the global supply chain and the integrity of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products. This standard if properly adhered to will help assure against tainted and counterfeit products throughout the COTS ICT product life cycle encompassing the following phases: design, sourcing, build, fulfillment, distribution, sustainment, and disposal.

The O-TTPS Accreditation Policy and Accreditation Requirements, which were submitted for Company Review earlier this year and just approved by The Open Group Governing Board and The Open Group Executive Management Team, are available now at the links below. There is currently a pilot underway for members only, but any organization can download the standard and the approved accreditation program documents now to begin preparing for conformance, assessment, and accreditation. The public launch date is planned for the Nov-Dec 2013 timeframe, when the program will be available to all component suppliers, providers, and integrators around the globe.

The OTTF Outreach and Harmonization efforts are continually working with governments and other standards organizations to harmonize our work where appropriate and engage global constituents so that “Providers can Build with Integrity and Customers can Buy with Confidence”™.

If you are interested in participating in the OTTF, please contact Mike Hickey at: or Chris Parnell at:


The discussions and draft recommendations were recorded in a spreadsheet as a working draft document for further discussion with the entire Forum.

Next Steps

The suggested recommendations will be brought to the OTTF Framework Work Stream for further review and discussion and, once agreed, will be presented to the OTTF Steering Committee either as revisions for 2.0, corrigenda to 1.0, or interpretations for more immediate resolution and publication.

The O-TTPS Accreditation Program, which was submitted for Company Review earlier this year, was just approved by The Open Group Governing Board and The Open Group Executive Management Team. Any organization can download the standard and the approved accreditation program documents now to begin preparing for conformance, assessment, and accreditation. The public launch date is planned for the Nov-Dec 2013 timeframe, and the program will be available to all component suppliers, providers, and integrators around the globe.


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