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San Francisco 2016: Proceedings - OTTF

The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum (OTTF)

(Tuesday, January 26)

Objective of Meeting

There were two major activities for Tuesday as follows:

  1. Revision to the O-TTPS Accreditation Program: The group was to review, discuss, revise, and agree on draft changes to the O-TTPS Accreditation Program. There are three documents that reflect all of the changes made since the documents were last published on the public accreditation website.  There were a few major components left as TBD, which were to be discussed further in this session, particularly in terms of what types of conformance claims need to be made in the Conformance Statement about if/how processes were verified internally for the Warrant and Represent level.
  2. Draft the ISO PAS Submission Form for the O-TTPS Assessment Procedures, to be utilized once the Assessment Procedures have been put through Company Review, we have secured sponsorship, and approval to proceed for ISO Submission has been granted by The Open Group.


O-TTPS Accreditation Program Changes

The discussions related to the Accreditation/Certification Program were scheduled for all day Tuesday, but actually the Forum only focused on this topic during Tuesday morning.

The changes in the new documents are related to:

  • Versioning terms for accreditation, which were agreed in San Diego, but held off on the Company Review until we could wrap up all of these other changes at once.
  • Name changes from Accreditation to Certification
  • Two-level certification model

The majority of the discussion was on the two-level certification model and what that might look like. The discussion was summarized in more detail for internal distribution to the Forum and will be sent to the Framework Work Stream and the Steering Committee for further discussion and agreement.

Draft ISO PAS Submission Form

The group collectively reviewed and edited the form with specifics related to the submission of the Assessment Procedures. This draft will be passed onto the Sponsor and the Steering Committee for further review prior to getting it approved by the Standards Director.