Minutes of September 2007 Meeting

Minutes of the 13th Plenary Meeting of the Austin Group
Sep 04 - 07, 2007, The Open Group, Reading, England.


Name Affiliation Role
Andrew Josey The Open Group Chair
Nick Stoughton Usenix SC 22 OR, Secretary
Don Cragun Sun Microsystems IEEE OR
Larry Dwyer HP (teleconference, full) The Open Group alternate
Mark Brown IBM (teleconference, full) The Open Group OR
Ulrich Drepper Red Hat
Mats Wichmann Intel
Geoff Clare The Open Group
Cathy Fox The Open Group
Howard Hinnant Apple (teleconference, part)
Herb Sutter Microsoft (teleconference, part)
Lawrence Crowl Google (teleconference, part)
Hans Boehm HP (teleconference, part)

Andrew Josey called the thirteenth meeting (a.k.a. Austin/M14, since this counting includes a teleconference) of the Austin Group to order at 9:33 am Tuesday, September 4th at The Open Group facility, Reading, UK.

Meeting Goals

The goal of this meeting is to review draft 3 comments for the 200x revision, and continue processing inbound defect reports so that they can be addressed in draft 4.

The main part of the meeting will be spent doing issue resolution based on Aardvark comments submitted against Draft 3 and also those outstanding on the 2004 edition of the standard. Attendees are assumed to be familiar with the proposed dispositions for the aardvark prior to the attendance of the meeting - these will not be discussed unless there is some disagreement with the proposal.

  1. Administrivia
  2. Procedures Update

    No updates.

  3. Identification of Organizational Reps

    See attendance list above.

  4. Status Reports
  5. Old business
    Ulrich reported on Action Item 2007-02-06 (Issue 15). Initial response posted in mail sequence 10451. Idea is to add O_SEARCH, but only as a reserved flag for open. No semantics provided at this stage. Some "Future Directions" to be added. ACTION Ulrich to provide detailed set of edits for O_SEARCH proposal. Wednesday update Mark reports that AIX 32 bit has no room for new O_* flags. Possible overload of O_EXEC and O_SEARCH may be possible. ACTION Mark Brown to do further research on O_SEARCH in 32 bit AIX. Ulrich suggests:
    It is unspecified whether directory searches are permitted based on whether
    the file was opened with search permission or on the current permissions of
    the directory underlying the file descriptor.
    If the file descriptor was opened without O_SEARCH the
    function shall check whether directory searches are permitted using the
    current permissions of the directory underlying the file descriptor.
    If the file descripter was opened with O_SEARCH the function shall not
    perform the check.

    Thursday update Ulrich has proposed changes. Considerable wordsmithing on these. New O_SEARCH mode added for open, can be overloaded to O_EXEC. Updates to all *at() functions. Includes updating EBADF erro code. Action now closed.

    Any business brought forward from the teleconference agenda; nothing brought forward from teleconferences. Reviewed recent email discussions: question about strptime and leading whitespace (sequence 10920). We need an aardvark to start an interpretation request. ACTION Mark Brown to talk to Martin Sebor to initiate an aardvark on strptime().

    Eric Blake had an issue with getline/getdelim (sequence 10919). We will accept a late aardvark on this. ACTION Mark Brown to ask Eric Blake to submit an aardvark with proposed wording changes for getdelim() and getline().

    Null pointer v NULL. ACTION Nick to raise null pointer issue as a liaison question with ISO-C.

  6. New business
  7. Consent List:
    Updated with C++ threads position statement (45), and IXANY decision (46).
  8. Issues List
    No changes.
  9. Action Item Review
    1. ACTION AI-2005-01-01: Don Cragun to present paper on pathname resolution.
      CLOSED - see Austin/382.
    2. ACTION 2007-02-06: Ulrich to research issue 15 and propose text for XSH intro to explain directory searching, with special respect to the *at() functions.
      CLOSED - see Austin/383.
    3. ACTION 2007-09-01: Nick to write position statement regarding thread APIs with respect to C, and for our C liaison (Nick) to deliver it. CLOSED
    4. ACTION 2007-09-02: Ulrich to provide detailed set of edits for O_SEARCH proposal. CLOSED
    5. ACTION 2007-09-03: Mark Brown to do further research on O_CLOEXEC in 32 bit AIX. CLOSED
    6. ACTION 2007-09-04: Mark Brown to talk to Martin Sebor to initiate an aardvark on strptime(). CLOSED - Martin has been invited to submit aardvark, non received to date.
    7. ACTION 2007-09-05: Mark Brown to ask Eric Blake to submit an aardvark with proposed wording changes for getdelim() and getline(). CLOSED DONE, aardvark received.
    8. ACTION 2007-09-06: Nick to raise null pointer issue as a liaison question with ISO-C. CLOSED
    9. ACTION 2007-09-07: Ulrich and Nick to write a set of guidelines on how to shutdown a multi-threaded C++ program with global variables prefereably for the Kona mailing (Sep 9).
    10. ACTION 2007-09-08: Nick & Herb Sutter to develop a C++/POSIX liaison update for SC 22.
    11. ACTION 2007-09-09: Mark Brown to review 2004 XSH ERN 147 and make a proposal.
    12. ACTION 2007-09-10: Larry to provide details of how HP/UX behaves w.r.t. POLLHUP, contrasting this with Solaris/Linux behavior.
    13. ACTION 2007-09-11: Mark to verify Mark Harris's assertion that AIX behavior w.r.t. POLLHUP differs from Solaris and Linux.
    14. ACTION 2007-09-12: Andrew to update the roadmap and workplan with the new dates
    15. ACTION 2007-09-13: Don to provide updates to ENAMETOOLONG aardvark (2004 XBD ERN 100) with D3 page and line numbers
    16. ACTION 2007-09-14: Andrew to publish draft interpretations from 2004 aardvarks closed during M/14.
    17. ACTION 2007-09-15: Andrew to update AI-016 with Austin/382 and distribute for comments.
    18. ACTION 2007-09-16: Andrew to update the issues list with the resolution of issue 15 and 16.
  10. Draft & Meeting Schedule

    See work plan update above. face-to-face in February 2008. Propose Open Group offices in San Francisco, USA, Feb 26-29.

  11. AOB
    1. All members of the Austin Group wish to thank The Open Group for hosting this meeting, feeding us well, and generally taking care of our needs so dutifully.

    The meeting adjourned at 4:04pm, Friday, September 7.

    If you have comments or additions relating to the correctness of the Minutes please send them to The Austin Group Chair. If your comments relate to decisions regarding the disposition of the aardvark please refer first to the Aardvark reports, and then if you still have a comment please send it to the main reflectors so that all can see the issue.