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CDE Testing Checklist

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A checklist of what is needed to register a CDE product

This checklist comprises the following parts:

  • CDE : a summary and further notes on the details with regard to the test results submitted;
  • Where to find the CSQs;

CDE Summary of Registration Requirements

A Trademark License Agreement needs to be in place or must accompany the application together with a letter detailing the royalty agreement with The Open Group.

Product Standard registration application forms need to be completed and signed. A covering letter bringing together the contents of the application and any other relevant information such as purchase order number (if the purchase order is not enclosed) is also requested.

In order to keep the amount of paper and processing time to a minimum we are only asking for the legal forms and those pages from the test reports which need signing and/or dating in hard copy.

A summary of what we need is:- (any essential extra detail is provided below under specific Product Standards)

  • In hard copy
    • TMLA + royalty agreement letter (if not already in place)
    • Forms and letters
      1. Covering letter
      2. Purchase order (or PO reference number with address for invoice)
      3. Application forms for the CDE Product Standard and its constituent product standards.
      4. For the VSM4 test suite we need the first pages of xreport output where signatures and dates are present.
      5. For the VSW5 test suite we need the first pages of the vswrptx output where signatures and dates are present.
  • Electronic files uploaded by ftp to your incoming directory in your ftp account or in the case of the Conformance Statements to the online WWW CSQ system.
    • CSQs (these are required to be entered online in the WWW CSQ system at http://www.opengroup.org/csqs/)

      Completed Conformance Statements for:-

      1. Common Desktop Environment
      2. Calendaring & Scheduling
      3. Motif Toolkit
      4. X Window System Application Interface V2
      5. X Window System Display (optional)
    • Test Reports
      1. Test results (creport output and raw journal file) from VSM4
      2. Test results (vswrpt output and raw journal file) from VSW5
      3. For each test suite, we need a list of any FAIL, UNRESOLVED, UNREPORTED or UNINITIATED results set out in table form with their associated granted interpretations (TSD, PIN etc) plain-text is fine.

Conformance Statement Questionnaires

Conformance Statements should be completed using the online system



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