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You are here: Testing > Test suites > LSB-VSTHlite
The latest release of the LSB-VSTHlite test suite for partial coverage of the pthreads aspects of the Linux Standard Base is now available for download from:


This version of the VSTHlite has been setup to autoconfigure on Linux systems. A front end script install.sh is used to auto install, setup and run the test suite. In theory this should allow running of the test suite by those unfamiliar with POSIX.1 and its myriad of options and thus the associated test suite configurables.

The release notes follow below.

If you encounter a problem in the suite, please send in a bug report directly to me at ajosey(:at:)opengroup(dot)org, cc lsb-test(:at:)linuxbase.org, please include the test output together with any suggested fixes. Please include the following subject line in your message

Subject: BUG in LSB-VSTHlite (testcase-name-here)

If possible include the assertion reference number.

Acknowledgements are due to :

Chris Yeoh
Kevin Caunt

                                 The Open Group
                             LSB-VSTHlite Release 1.0
                                 Release Notes

This document provides Release notes for the Verification suite for the
partial POSIX threads coverage for the Linux Standard Base.

1. Release Overview

LSB-VSTHlite 1.0-1  is a beta  release of this test suite for partial
POSIX threads test coverage for the Linux Standard Base.  LSB-VSTHlite 
is built using the VSXgen (the generic VSX test framework).
The test coverage corresponds approximately half of the complete
VSTH test suite from The Open Group.

This test suite has not yet been formally approved by the Linux Standard
Base team and no claims should be made of LSB conformance to this version
of the test suite.  The test assertions being tested are included with
the distribution in the MAN/tset directory.

This release is targeted for testing the LSB 2.x specification release
series and is not for use with LSB 1.3 or earlier.

1.1  Changes since the last release

The following changes have been made since the last

	Use of sigismember for sigset_t comparisons rather than memcmp
	Default Parameter changes for tetexec.cfg

	Corrections to sysconf test case

	The header file tests are omitted from the default scenario since
	they are development environment tests and not part of the
	lsb-runtime test scenario.

	The TET version bundled with this release is updated to TET3.6.

1.2 Status

To install the test suite unwind the test files into
and as root run the install.sh command
	sh ./install.sh

This will then prompt you for installation, accepting all the
defaults should work on most systems.

If you wish to test POSIX rather than LSB then you must select
POSIX96 test mode, and unset the LSB_TEST variable in

2. Release Contents

The release consists of the following files.

README.LSB-VSX2.0	A Readme file
lsb-vsthlite-relnote.txt	Release notes
lts_vsthlite1.0a.tgz    The source code to the suite in gzip'd tar format
README			A generic README file
install.sh		The installation wrapper script
tet_vsxgen_3.01.tgz     The generic TET/VSXgen framework

3. TET

LSB-VSX runs under TET3 (The Test Environment Toolkit test framework).
A suitable version of TET3 is bundled with the release.  The latest
release can also be obtained at:


TET3 must be configured  to build  as  the Lite version .  Do not use
the Distributed version.  For more information on TET , see
http://tetworks.opengroup.org .

4. Documentation

See the README file for instructions to install, configure and execute
the tests.

For more in depth information consult the User's Guide which provides
comprehensive information on the installation, configuration and use
of this test suite. 

5. Support

Support related questions and problem reports should be directed to by
email to lsb-test:linuxbase.org.

6. Size

The size of LSB-VSTHLITE when the  suite is built is approximately 15MB.  The
size of the compressed distribution is roughly 1.5 MB. When running the
complete test suite, journal files will be produced that are typically
less than 1MB in length, so its recommended that at least 20MB of disk
space be allowed for a test campaign.

7. Time

The test suite takes approximately 30 minutes to run depending on the
speed of the platform under test. 

Licensing information.

See the Licence file included in the distribution for licensing
Andrew Josey 
Director of Certification                   
The Open Group


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