Proceedings of the 2024 FACE® and SOSA™ Consortia TIM - MOSA in Practice Paper Presentations:
- Verifying FACE® Conformance for Non-OSS Ada UoCs
- Open-Source Out-of-Band SOSA Chassis Management
- Unlocking the Potential of Large-Scale MOSA Integration
- Integration of FACE® Transport Protocol Modules to Cross Transport Services Domains
- Addressing Acquisition Support Gaps
- A Developer's Précis for the FACE® Software Computing Environment
- Best Practices for Assurance of MOSA Aligned Software Components
- Compatibility with a Cost
- A Harmonization of MOSA OSAs
Proceedings of the 2023 MOSA Industry and Government Summit and Expo:
- Porting the RRADE TSS Solution to ARINC 653
- Deos SafeMC, Multi-core Face Conformant RTOS
- MFMS-1000 Integration Efforts
- Mixed Software Environments using Virtual Machines as a MOSA Modularity
- MOSA and FACE™ Adoption Putting Secure Software into Practices
- Applying MOSA and Functional Standards to Air Combat Training
- Transport Protocol Modules in Theory and Practice Syntax & Semantics Matter to MOSA
- Network Design Impacts on MOSA-Conformance for Integrated Avionics Architectures
- Advanced Teaming Starts with MOSA Demonstrating Reuse and Portability Through FACE™ Application
- Aviation Mission Computing Environment (AMCE) Software Operating Environment (SOE)
- Digital Model Acquisition Incorporating Technological Innovation Improving Engineering Practice
- MBSE-Enabled Automation for SOSA™ Interface Definition and Implementation
- Accelerating Power Supply Integration Sensor Open System Architecture™ (SOSA) paves the way for conformance testing backplanes
- SOSA Small Form Factor Prototyping
- A Static Analysis Technology for Checking FACE™ Conformance for non-OSS Ada UoCs
- Redundancy in the Transport Services Segment (TSS)
- Realizing MOSA At the Pace of the FACE™ Race
- Using FACE™ and UDDL Modelling Features to Represent Message Queue Transports
- MBSE-Driven Cybersecurity The Power Of Data-Centric Threat Modeling in Dassault Systemes Cameo System Modeler™
- Multi-Vendor Model-Based Application Development Using the FACE™ Technical Standard
- Enabling MOSA Principles with the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Standard
- Building ARINC 661 User Applications Aligned to the FACE™ Technical Standard
- Lessons Learned for Developing and Integrating MOSA DO-178 FACE Control Components
- Contracting for MOSA Using an Open Systems Management Plan (OSMP)
Proceedings of the 2022 September U.S. Air Force FACE™ and SOSA™ Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM):
- FACE Overview
- SOSA EO/IR Mission Thread
- Scaling Connections within the FACE™ Transport Services Segment
- Accelerating TRL and Technology Refresh with MOSA
- Transport Implementation of Redundancy Management
- Formal Security Analysis and Open Standards
- Custom Transport Protocol Modules for Data Storage
- Quality of Service (QoS) Considerations When Using FACE TSS for SOSA
- FACE Conformance Verification for Ada Software
- Supporting Legacy & High Speed Protocols with SOSA Technical Standard Using COTS XMC
- Achieving FACE Verification: BALSA ADSB-Out PSSS UoC Case Study
- Open Architecture Through Firmware Containers
- Infrastructure-Centric Integration
- Addressing the Thermal Performance and Portability Challenges of Next Generation VPX
- Deos, a FACE Conformant DO-178C Multi-core RTOS
- Addressing Assured PNT through Open Standards
- BALSA in Docker: An Example FACE TM Computing Environment with Containers
- VITA 90 VNX+: A New Open System Standard for Small Form Factor
- TSS Data Store Adaptation to Commercial Databases
- Evolving Small Form Factor Architecture for SOSA
- Dual Standard Interoperability: Creating an OMS Isolator for BALSA
- Leveraging Open Industry Standards to Reine and Accelerate FACE Deployments
- Adoption of Evolving Network Standards through MOSA
- FACE™ Interoperability Technical Approaches
- Harnessing the Richness of FACE™ Technical Standard
Proceedings of the 2021 September U.S. Army - FACE™ and SOSA™ Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM):
- BG Barrie - Keynote Presentation
- Tucson Embedded Systems, Inc. (TES/TES-SAVi) Welcome Address
- SOSA Consortium Overview
- FACE Technical Working Group Overview
- FACE Business Working Group Overview
- FACE Domain Interoperability Working Group Overview
- FACE Conformance Overview
- RRADE: A Modular TSS Solution
- FACE™ Data Modeling for Software Developers
- Halo Effect of FACE™ Technical Standard and Business Approach
- FACE 3.0 Conformance of Ansys ARINC 661 Cockpit Display System
- Strategies for Mixed Criticality ARINC661
- Common Symbology Approach Using Configurable Core User Applications (UAs)
- Increasing Interoperability for FACE Technical Standard
- Open Systems Management Plan (OSMP) Data Item Description (DID) History, Usage and Path Forward
- Applying Security to FACE™ Transport Services Segment (TSS)
- Data Modeling Patterns
- Addressing the Behavioral Aspects of Integration Beyond Data Modeling
- Porting BALSA to Deos+RTEMS
- Benefits of Using Common Tools to Achieve FACE™ Conformance and DO-178C Compliance
- Achieving Multicore Certification to DO-178C DAL A Using a FACE™ Operating System
- Multiple Transport Implementations
- FACE™ Enablement for FVL Digital Backbone
- FACE Approach Supports FVL: A MOSA implementation of avionics software for prototype FLRAA and FARA Developments
- Automated FACE Model Transformation with Ansys SCADE and RTI Connext DDS
- Synthetic Aperture Radar Pod Integration Processor (SARPIP)
- Making FACE™ Units of Conformance Fully Portable: Coding Guidance for Ada
- Domain Specific Data Models (DSDMs): A Practitioner’s Approach
Proceedings of the 2021 March The Group FACE™ and SOSA™ Technical Interchange Meeting:
Proceedings of the 2020 September The Group FACE™ and SOSA™ Technical Interchange Meeting:
Presentation Recordings
- Welcome - Dr. Franco Gasperoni, CEO and Co-founder, AdaCore
- Opening Remarks - Capt. Margaret Wilson, Program Manager, NAVAIR PMA-209
- FACE Introduction
- SOSA Introduction
- Driving FACE™ & SOSA™ to the Edge
- Multi-Supplier FACE™ TSS Interoperability
- Buyers, Suppliers, and Integrators Oh My...
- Application of FACE™ Data Modeling to Warfare System Design
- IMPACT in Action
- Just Enough Data Model
- Advances in Applying a Model-Based Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) to Hardware and Software Verification and Conformance
- Synergistic FACE™ and AADL Modeling to Support Behavioral Analysis
- Zero Trust Security Approach for MOSA Systems
- Architectural Approaches in Evolution of Emerging Technologies
- Enabling High-Speed Connectivity in Modern Sensor Systems
- SOSA™ Aligned Multi-Role RF High Performance & Embedded Compute (RF HPEC) System
- Polarimetric Imaging Using Open Standards/Interchangeable and Portable Software
- Applying the Transport Services Segment
- Transitioning to the SOSA™/ CMOSS Architecture
- Closing Remarks – Joe Carter, G-10 Tactical Branch Chief, PEO Aviation, U.S. Army
Proceedings of the 2019 September US Air Force-hosted FACE™& SOSA™ Expo and Technical Interchange Meeting:
- SOSA Overview
- An MBE approach to MOSA for SOSA, HOST and FACE Development, V&V, and Integration
- Modular Automated Test Systems for Modular Open Architectures
- Maximizing FACE OS Segment Effectiveness with Virtualized Solutions
- FACE™ Ecosystem Model-based Tools designed for the FACE Technical Standard, Editions 3.0 & 2.1
- Deos/RTEMS FACE™ Safety Base OSS
- Mission Logic Portability Among Frameworks
- FACE Overview
- Comprehensive Architecture Strategy (CAS)
- Establishing Qualification Zones in a Core System
- Use of FACE™ Technical Standards in SUMIT
- How to Compose Safe and Secure Systems by Exploiting the FACE OSS
- How DDS Brings Platform Interoperability to FACE™ Conformant Systems
- Verifying High-Assurance FACE™ Components with Ada and SPARK
- Crew Mission Station Reuse
- Developing Portable and Reusable Applications with SCADE, the FACETM Technical Standard, and ARINC 661
- Logging in a FACE Reference Architecture
- Rapid Modular Software Integration (RMSI)
- DDS for FACE and SOSA System Implementations
- Software Safety and the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Technical Standard