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The Open Group Directory of Products Aligned to the SOSA™ Technical Standards

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The Open Group Products Aligned to the SOSA Technical Standard List

While the SOSA Conformance program is being finalized and as products and certifications are rolled out, we are making available a list of member products that are aligned to the SOSA™ Technical Standard. It is designed to give you a sense of products that are being developed around the SOSA Technical standard.  Please, direct questions about the content of the listings to the vendor/service provider of that listing.


The products listed in the Directory are not to be perceived as SOSA Conformant or Certified and have not been vetted or approved by The Open Group SOSA Consortium. Listings are the sole responsibility of the posting company and are provided as a resource "as is" to anyone using the directory.


The Open Group does not in any way, explicitly or implicitly, warrant or endorse any of the claims, products, services or organizations listed. The Open Group does not accept any liability for the accuracy of the postings, or for actions taken by users of the directory based on the information provided by the participating vendors/service providers. 



If you are a member of The Open Group SOSA Consortium with a product aligned to the SOSA Technical Standard  that you would like to add, please use this form to submit:

Sponsor-Level Members

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U.S. army logo Electronic Warfare and Cyber logo NIWC Joint Tactical Networking Center