Healthcare Forum Members' Meeting
Objective of Meeting
Monday, November 4
The objective of the meeting was to give an overview of Healthcare activities at the event (member meetings, plenary presentation, workshop), and to discuss O-HERA™, FHIM, and FPB (FHIM Profile Builder).
Tuesday, November 5
The objective of the meeting was to:
- Discuss responses to the Healthcare Plenary session
- Prepare for the Workshop by examining NICTIZ’s use of the ArchiMate® language in ZiRA
- Review Oliver Kipf’s Smart Hospital Workshop presentation (with Dr. Padma Roy in absentia)
- Discuss O-HERA as a Reference Architecture and how ZiRA may apply
Wednesday, November 6
This meeting was changed to an open meeting for continuation of discussion of the presentations during the Workshop.
Monday, November 4
Introductions were made and expectations for the meeting were discussed.
The Forum looked at next steps for O-HERA and FHIM/FPB and reviewed the October 30 WEF meeting in The Hague, whcih was sponsored by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport and supported by Intermountain and KP.
Tuesday, November 5
The Forum made some noteworthy O-HERA recommendations:
- It looks like a waterfall model – we need to make its agile nature clearer in the diagram (Beijer)
- We should look at the irst 20 pages of the DPBoK™ Standard for ideas for layering (Betz)
- There is overlap with the IT4IT™ Standard – the IT4IT Forum Chair wants to discuss this with us (per Linda)
There was some discussion of Oliver Kipf’s use of the ArchiMate Language for Smart Hospitals presentation. Use of O-HERA and the ArchiMate language for Philips projects is many, many times larger. O-HERA looks like a “framework” and less like a Reference Architecture. ZiRA, on the other hand, looks like a Reference Architecture. To do a real Hospital Reference Architecture, you should “go talk to 100 hospitals” (P. Beijer).
Monday, November 4
- It was recommended that the Plenary include the FHIM animation from the website (it did)
- Blockchain may be used in part of the security band in O-HERA
- VA is an important target for the FHIM/FPB
There was some consensus on the importance of talking to NICTIZ; parallels include:
- O-HERA and ZiRA (hospital RA)
- FHIM and zibs/HCIM
- FPB and Forge (Simplify-NL), not art-décor
- WEF output will be posted on the website
Tuesday, November 5
- Gain a clearer view into Open Health Connect and opportunities for value delivery
- FHIM value proposition for VA is part of our ongoing work
A functional FPB hosted on is critical in the short term:
- Take it “on the road” to be tested where possible
- Test with zibs, either in the FHIM or in template “matches” to the HCIMs
- Consider joining ISO 215 NICTIZ (Fred Smeele) (this could be a means to add ZiRA to FHIM to make a new “standard”)
Next Steps
Monday, November 4
- The Plenary did include animation in discussion of FHIM/FPB and
- Work with Prithvi Rao to further define use of BC and VA strategy
- Schedule a meeting with IBM/Prithvi and Prospecta/Bo Dagnall to discuss Vista, Cerner, FHIM, and FPB
Gain better understanding of ZiRA:
- History and governance (Note: At subsequent HL7-WGM (11/7-8 in Zumerlin) identified Fran Ploeg at UMCG as key ZiRA architect who has been involved in NICTIZ oversight. Further discussion/collaboration planned.)
- Use of the ArchiMate language
- Scope of application
Gain better understanding of zibs:
- How are they built?
- How are they used to produce FHIR profiles?
- How might they work with the FHIM
How can the FPB be used to produce zib FHIR profiles?
- Crosswalk FHIM and zibs? (Need to do demonstration work to compare manually built zib FHIR profiles and FPB built zib FHIR profiles. Note: At subsequent HL7—NL WGM (11/7-8 in Zumerlin), Michael van der Zel (UMCG) introduced me to Alexander Henket of NICTIZ who is interested in working on an FPB demonstration.)
- Incorporate zibs into FHIM?
Tuesday, November 5
- Work with DXC on OHC
- Work with IBM on FHIM value for VA
- Coordinate with NICTIZ and UMCG
- Collaborate with Simplify, NICTIZ, and HL7 on FPB once hosted
- Focus on Hospital Enterprise Reference Architecture (a new HERA?)