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TOGAF Enterprise Architecture ATC

Welcome to The Open Group and thank you for choosing to deliver a training course about our standard.

Whether you wish to include a first Accredited Training Course or add an Accredited Training Course to your portfolio, the same approach applies; the legal documents that need to be signed and the fees are different though.

The Open Group training course accreditation like any other is built upon 3 components of compliance:

  • Procedures
  • Courseware
  • Trainers

The Accreditation Team will take you through the process step-by-step.

Legal documents

You are about to start using The Open Group trademark and copyrights; the legal documents will help you understand how they can be used.

The first legal document required is the commercial license which can be included to your membership:

Please note that there is a fee associated with a commercial license. If your organization is currently a Member of The Open Group, it may be entitled to a Commercial License at no additional cost, subject to completion and submission of the license application. For further information please contact us.

The legal documents applying to a training Course Accreditation are the Training Course Accreditation Agreement and Trademark License Agreement and the schedules associated.

The Accreditation Team will complete these for you to sign.

Image by Cytonn-Photography

Please stay on the path

Obtaining and maintaining a training course accreditation requires a commitment from your organization to the Training Course Accreditation Policy and Training Course Accreditation Requirements. Please read both documents carefully prior to proceeding.

The fees applying to an accreditation are as follow. Per training course:

Fee for accreditation of a first training course in one language and one delivery method - US$3,250 per annum

Fee to add a course (from the second training course) in one language and one delivery method - US $2,500 per annum

Fee for training materials in one additional language - US$1,800 per annum*

Fee for an additional delivery method - US$1,200 per annum*

*Pro-rated in the first year to synchronize with the anniversary date of accreditation of the course to which it is tied.

Image by Mark Duffel


It is time to start working on your training course accreditation package submission.

Make sure that you have all necessary procedures in place, for your training course to be compliant, by completing the Conformance Document (only required for a first training course accreditation).

Verify that your trainer(s) meet the trainer requirements for the applicable program.

Prepare your courseware and complete the matching course materials checklist to show the compliance. Please note that some program include the materials and prefilled checklist (marked with *); these will be provided upon registration and payment of the fees. The courseware for the remaining programs may be licensed from The Open Group, self developed or purchased from a third party.

ArchiMate® 3 Training Course Materials Checklist
IT4IT™ 3 Training Course Materials*  
Open Agile Architecture™ Course Materials*  
Open FAIR™ 2 Training Course Materials*  
TOGAF® 9 Training Course Materials checklist  
TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Bridge Course Materials Checklist
TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Course Materials checklist
TOGAF® Business Architecture Course Materials checklist  
The DPBoK™ Training Course Materials*

Organizations submitting Training course registrations for Accreditation will also be evaluated based on The Open Group Business Conduct Policy.

For more information on how to license The Open Group courseware, please contact us.

Image by Christine Hume