Leading the development of industry EA standards and reference models
The Open Group Exploration, Mining, Metals & Minerals™ (EMMM) Forum is a global, vendor-neutral environment where members create Enterprise Architecture standards and reference models for the exploration, mining, metals, and minerals industries.
The EMMM Forum functions to realize sustainable business value through collaboration around a common operating model, and to support vendors in their delivery of technical and business solutions.
Joining the EMMM Forum is supplemental to organizations’ membership entitlements and must be arranged separately. The benefits of joining The Open Group EMMM Forum include:
- Collaborate with a network of peers to develop open IT standards, and share knowledge and resources
- Achieve better alignment between business and IT
- Reduce risk and operational costs
- Easier compliance with regulatory and reporting requirements
- Embed key business drivers, such as SHERQ (Safety, Health, Environment, Risk, Quality) into business processes

The Open Group Exploration, Mining, Metals, and Minerals™ Forum is an industry forum operating under the auspices of The Open Group. The Forum is responsible for delivering the applicable models and standards for the exploration and mining industry, focusing on metals and minerals, and thus owns the EM Model.
The EMMM Forum is a collaboration between organizations in the exploration, mining, metals, and minerals industry sectors and the suppliers to these industries. It is specifically identified as anindustry vertical effort, since it does not extend its focus beyond the specific industry.
Exploration & Mining Business Reference Model (diagram)
Exploration & Mining Business Capability Reference Map: Concepts & Definitions

The Open Group events are for business and technology professionals interested in achieving business objectives through technology standards. The Open Group organizes conferences, member meetings, industry verticals, webinars, and podcasts on a wide variety of topics.
Check our events calendar for upcoming events.
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Get Involved and Gain Influence in Defining Open Standards and Certifications
Being a member of The Open Group gives organizations early access to the latest information and developments regarding open standards and best practices, and enables them to participate in The Open Group’s highly influential Forums and Work Groups. We provide a collaborative, vendor-neutral environment where member representatives can:
- Network with a world-class community of peers, experts and industry leaders
- Have early access to information on industry developments
- Gain insight for future decisions from both major customers and suppliers of IT
- Influence outcomes that benefit their organizations
- Grow professionally, and enhance their credibility in the industry
- Receive education in best practices