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The Open Group Semantic Interoperability Work Group

Enabling data integration

The Semantic Interoperability Work Group focuses on new and emerging technology trends converging with each other and leading to new business models and system designs. These trends currently include:

  • Mobility
  • Social networks and social enterprise
  • Big data analytics
  • Cloud computing
  • Internet of Things (networked sensors and controls)

Other technologies may be taken on board by the Work Group as they evolve.

These convergent forces - united by the growing consumerization of technology and the resulting evolution in user behavior - offer the potential to create new business models and system designs. However, they also pose architectural issues and structural considerations that must be addressed for businesses to benefit.

Semantic interoperability is needed to enable integration of independently-developed solutions. This is a crucial aspect of The Semantic Interoperability Work Group, which is part of The Open Group and open to all members.

Currently, semantic interoperability problems are solved on a bilateral basis, and typically require substantial human intervention. The Semantic Interoperability Work Group's vision is that they are best solved on a multi-lateral basis, and with people taken out of the equation. This will reduce development time, and lower cost of ownership of solutions.

The Work Group is developing the Open Data Element Framework (O-DEF), an authoritative common classification framework for business information that provides a standard way of mapping data between systems. It supports automation of data integration, and enables better communication at all levels of the business. For more information please visit our O-DEF web page.

The most recent update to the O-DEF Standard (v3.0) has just been published and can be downloaded from the library HERE!

The Work Group also strives to show how semantics can generally contribute to interoperability within enterprise architecture.

Participants can:

  • Increase their understanding of how semantic technology can be deployed for business benefit
  • Network within a small but dedicated community of experts, and leverage their knowledge and experience
  • Lead the development of open standards for semantic interoperability
  • Contribute to the evolution of the O-DEF
  • Help to determine The Open Group approach to semantic interoperability and to set the program of the Work Group

Contact us for more information

Join us and get involved

Semantic Interoperability Work Group Members Site