Update for 2024 - Color Palettes
The ArchiMate Forum has developed an Alternative color palette that compliments the Classic color palette.
The Open Group ArchiMate Forum provides the open and independent modeling language for Enterprise Architecture, supported by different tool vendors and consulting firms. Just as an architectural drawing for a building architecture describes the various aspects of the construction and use of a building, the ArchiMate Specification, a standard of The Open Group, defines a common language for describing the construction and operation of business processes, organizational structures, information flows, IT systems, and technical infrastructure. This insight helps stakeholders to design, assess, and communicate the consequences of decisions and changes within and between these business domains.
Within any given company, various domain architectures can be found such as organization, business process, application, information, and technical architectures. Each architecture domain has its own concepts for the modeling and visualization of its internal coherence. These specific models and visualizations simplify communication, discussion, and analysis within the domain.
Participation in the ArchiMate Forum enables you to actively support the use, dissemination, and further development of the ArchiMate Specification. The ArchiMate Forum is open to all Member organizations of The Open Group that apply Enterprise Architecture in practice or support its use and development.